Thursday, 6 June 2024

clearing up fracking water

We burn some of the fracking oil, to produce free electricity!  We could link a 30x1.5cm steam plasma two commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator.

And get out 65 kW of carbon 0 3 phase mains AC current.

Thermoelectric Coolers — Peltier coolers for powercycling, HiTemp, medical, analytical, imaging & optoelectronics

We take the water ancer high pressure steam injection into the oil containing rocks.  Which contains enough hydrocarbons, to causing intermittent earthquakes!  As the carbon residue ignites, producing a massive explosion!

We apply 1 W of vacuum to the dirty water, and suck out pure fresh water!  We circle the hydrocarbons back into the frecking dirty steam, I can actually extract the hydrocarbons as fuels!

For the water has been transformed into pure fresh water!  Ready to be heated and ejected a steam into the oil containing shales.

So we have cleaned up the frecking dirty water!  And circulate the pure water back our steam.  Even increasing the hydrocarbons we extract from the dirty fracking steam.

And of course eliminate the earthquakes!

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