Friday, 7 June 2024

Engineers produce cheap petrol

We are talking about carbon neutral Petroleum Oil.  We use the noble prize in chemistry awarded 2018, to Sebatier who demonstrated heat he is carbon dioxide and steam when exposed to spark an burn to produce methane - natural gas.

We are familiar with the pressurise stream of methane at room temperature burning to freeze massive heat, carbon dioxide and steam.

1 CH₄+(3-r)H₂O+O₂+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+r(He+O₃+E²+X-ray)

It is the magic of thermodynamics, but a elevated temperature the combustion of methane and oxygen, to form carbon dioxide and steam reverses!

2 CO₂+(2+r)H₂O+T→CH₄+O₂+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)+2O

So both parts of the methane formation of burning cycle, it sets off physical molecular nuclear fusion -r(...).  Which can be confirmed with any high school physics laboratory, using a Geiger counter to measure the X ray emission are believed Bunsen burner.  There being no chemical source of X rays!

So engineers need to heat steam to above 380° C.  The simplest carbon zero method is to applying a steam plasma cylinder.  The plasma fired up user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.

They use some are generated heat to drive a little steam cycle.  And use carbon zero electricity.  Used to run a car no refrigeration cycle.

That will condense carbon dioxide air to the city air at -28° C.  Making a steam plasma carbon negative heat generation, with no fossil fuel burn, and no hyper toxic radioactive isotopes required all produced.

The world can use the cycle to freeze carbon zero heat!  My friend confirmed that a 30x1.5cm steam produced freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

3 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) the steam plasma have been twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.

So at 400° C we had the dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) to the mad hot steam.  And so spark the gases combine to form methane.  As we do 2.

Massively cheaper than a gas from the gas mains!  Very nearly cost zero.  And member we are formed and methane by sucking carbon dioxide from the air.

So when burnt we only returned the same carbon dioxide to the air!  At low temperature and the gas plus oxygen/air pressurised.  So now the methane combusts releasing heat!

We circulate the carbon dioxide from and to the air, so we do not had any fossil fuels carbon to the environment.  There are no plans are poll used to eat carbon dioxide, to are the carbohydrates of plant biomass.  Carbohydrates!  Which can have no possible climatic effect!

For the last 11.2 thousand years plasma have limited free carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the temperate earth, to just two parts per million.

Above the polar ice in winter photosynthesis shuts down as the sun disappears below the horizon.

Carbon dioxide levels double to four PPM.  Just as the poles experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  -80° C above the Antarctic ice pack!  Then the spring the sun returns, photosynthesis resumes, carbon dioxide walls so just two PPM.

In prehistory photosynthesis was less efficient.  In the Jurassic there was four PPM in the one periods.  There was 85% more active life on earth!  To of a cent more oxygen and sea levels were 60 metres lower.

The Jurassic and three natural ice ages - the carbon dioxide rising to eight parts per million.  When the ice ages lasted 1000 years.  The longest ice age are on mineral record!

At the start of the cretaceous is 10 PPM carbon dioxide in the air, there no photosynthesis evolved, and Turner carbon dioxide into plants and a few animals.  Carbon dioxide rose to one PPM.

And biology experienced the biggest mass extinction in prehistory!  90% of life on earth died, Morley 85% of life that died with the dinosaurs.

The animals regain the oxygen excreted by plants: theri waste gas!  They an eight plant biomass - the carbohydrates of life, and varied out the carbon dioxide required by plant's to stimulate plant growth.

Ever since animals and plants have been in a dynamic balance.  Antil mankind started burning the fossil fuels, some the increasing the matter carbon dioxide in the ecosphere.

Acting as a super animal, increasing plant growth rates!  There as you saw in 2, the plant's greedily gobble up the carbon dioxide.  So within 5 minutes it is as plant biomass!

No possible climatic effect!  So man's industrial revolution has increased plant growth fuels, the man's carbon dioxide is only 0.0002% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals every day.

So lost in the environmental noise of plant growth rates!  Where local droughts and lawyers have a massively significant effect on plant growth.

Our weather is made known stratosphere.  Where man carriers carbon emissions never reach!  They are metabolise five plant's take ground level.  The 2.5 parts for million/m³ carbon dioxide in the stratosphere was ejected there by explosive volcanic eruptions in prehistory.

Where it has zero effect on anything!  A static trace gas up the parts per billion, totally irrelevant to everything.

If we erect a grid of steam plasma cylinder is above the arctic circle, they will add heat light and even lower power X rays the to the local environment.  Like little suns.  Shining 24 hours a day.

Supporting photosynthesis all day!  We can drive a little vacuum units, to turn the C water into fresh water the the only one metre of vacuum.  To irrigate at new fields of green crops.

Making the norm for more agriculturally productive than Texas!  As the photosynthesis continues 24 hours a day.  We farm animals, to turn the waste gas from plants - the oxygen, into the carbon dioxide required to stimulate plant growth.

Helping to feed the growing human population on earth.  We are living at the greatest period of human growth the population increase in recorded history.  At 10 billion we have a major problem!  The global population today as it eight million.  It was at 4.8 in 2000.

We are headed into such a serious problem!  If we don't increase the fluid supplies, the rich and powerful will meet the poor and powerless.  Read 1984 and a Logan's run.

However making petrol from methane just uses the 18th century science, are passing methane through a multi layer face centre cubic metal, such as aluminium!

4 16CH₄+(Al)+P+E→C₁₆H̀₃₄+H₂

We pass the methane gas of an eight layer honeycomb aluminium cancer list.  And petrol oil falls out.  A fewer layer cancer list produces carbon 12 -diesel fuel oil.

Crucially them burnt it only re-releases the carbon dioxide taken from the air three days previously.  To turn into a carbon neutral natural gas.

When we burn the petrol we only return the carbon dioxide to the air.  We do not allowed any carbon dioxide to the air.

We are green plants' are happily taking in all the carbon dioxide they can get, to enter the present limit of just two parts per million: man's burning of fossil fuels has not increase the carbon dioxide level in the air!  So that it is biological rubbish.

It has increased plant goes around the world!  As the industrial revolution kicked off we had just had a little ice age.  Across Europe carbon dioxide rose to four PPM.  Then the ice age ended, and we are back to the present temperate limit of just two PPM.

Man kind has no control over photosynthesis ancer the trace level of carbon dioxide left in the afternoon temperate air.

Remembering above the arctic ice packs in winter, we have four PPM carbon dioxide, and the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

Building a uranium nuclear power plant is a massive carbon source!  Releasing in two years our power plant construction, the equal and carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant over east 25 year design life.

The conventional power station can continue, the nuclear plant must be demolished!  Or we get another Fukushima.

So no fossil fuel petrol burning!  As the engineers petrol and fuel oil, gas just 5% of the cost of crude oil from Opec. 

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