Wednesday, 26 June 2024

New Russian revolution


Putin since a serious health issues and the world should prepare for a new Russian revolution.

Vladimir Putin

© Getty

Vladimir Putin's grip on power in Russia is not as secure as it appears and a Kremlin rebellion is very much on the cards, a leading dissident told the Express.

To all extents and purposes, the Russian President seems to have strengthened his political control over Russia, after being elected unopposed as President for a new six year term in March.

The Kremlin boss has succeeded in stamping out any political dissent in the country, forcing many of his enemies to flee abroad.

At the start of his term Putin was not very popular!  Now we're her at the disastrous invasion in the Ukraine.  Tried to reconstruct the USSR by force.  Which is a led to the destruction of 40% of the Russian army.

But they are on going them a tree home age in the Ukraine, has a at the Ukrainian invasion very unpopular amongst the military.  And history has demonstrated, they use the army and your regime will fall.

And all pronouncements from the Russian president ceased four days ago.  There is something dramatic going on in Russia.  Eight military controlled government, with less emphasis on companis them is imminent.

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