Saturday 26 August 2023

Insulin should be a controlled drug

insulin - deliberste medical killing

2013 I have personally validated that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right of the chest cleared at the inflated viral altered cells causing type two diabetes.

My American diabetic friends validated by a fall minute was required to clear type two diabetes.  So from 2013 all prescriptions of diabetic medication were defective and potentially fatal medicine.

Causing diabetes I have diabetic complications within a decade.  For every 2023 and the doctors family conceded there all diabetes had vanished from the world!  And century straight in from prescribing diabetic medication.

Insane was out of patent control and nurses can happily prescribe it!  There without an active diabetes so cleared and the world there is no possible medical value and in prescrib in a potentially fatal drug.

Nurses prescrib do to people at random and cause the individuals are dying from hypoglycemia coma.  Which is why it is vital insulin is now a controlled drug!  There is utterly no value in its prescription.

And nurses should be, strained by the nightingale pledge from prescribing it.  Each deliberate diabetic medicine induced death, warrants a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

And nurse struck off from all medical activity for life!  She receives a 25 year jail term for each patient deliberately injected with the useless but fatal insulin 

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