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RIP Diabetes 2013 |
When he gave a diabetic an ultrasound scan, the inflated viral altered cells causing the condition, give off X rays: just as the see with cancers!
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So nuclear fusion in the human body, as the foreign cell types were pressurise an experienced biological molecular nuclear fusion. Surrounding body cells may be damaged by the exploding foreign cell types.
Which just generates a full immune action to clear the foreign cell type throughout the body. So 2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre used 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to clear prostate cancer, plus all viral infections!
Medicine and did their best to ignore this life saving medical science! Though every registered Dr. Has pledged to use best new medical science the day he they were aware minute. Ceasing to utilised the old and now defective medicine.
Yet doctors are still prescribing the defective cancer drugs until 2020. When induce intervention from the New England Medical journal, they finally stopped! Which means there all patients still on the defective cancer drugs, all dead by 2022! Though all should have been totally cured 2002.
And every registered Dr. On earth bought the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, and to verify the Moffitt Paper or be struck off and removed totally from legal medicine. They should have been no cancer drug prescriptions after 2002.
I utilise the far cheaper over as effective 8 W one MHZ unit. Purchased over the Internet for under 10 UK pounds.
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So no registered Dr. Including academic medics, was allowed to research cancer Bio chemistry after 2002. Or they were automatically struck off and ejected from medicine. Embarrassingly enough the academic medics taught the Hippocratic oath, for acting in a way to totally contrary to it!
Arrows utilising my 8 W one MHZ unit, which I had used to clear a breast, lung and colon cancers. Lung cancer making up 80% other cancers out there! All 200 cancers totally cured as home. Without any Dr. Involvement or drugs.
The medical world focused on heart disease. But here other medics verified my ideas that ½ minute of the above high intensity ultrasound (8 W 1 MHz) to the top left to the chest and the kidneys were clear all heart disease.
So coronary heart disease vanished from the world 2013. Subsequent prescription of heart medicine been criminal striking off the Dr. and drug company.
2023 he the drug companies are trying to whip up hearts arhythmia as the new V heart disease! The earliest oh, my spies system, so low blood pressure and fewer strokes.
The standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest totally clearing hearts arhythmia. Including Atrial Fibulation. That use to care for 15% of the economic inputs to Health Services around the world. Cancer being 80%. The last 5% was diabetes.
Which is now grown to an estimated 10% of energy as income. The rest or medicine loses money! The UK government flows handers of billions in Siena chest and every year. This is basically a loss making organisation!
Any Dr. Who has prescribed cancer, infection or heart medicines since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the struck off. But 2013 as warning around my church health group with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound unit.
I applied for ½ minute to the bottom right and my diabetic friend. And totally cured his type two diabetes. Which I freely published on the Internet!
The doctors Hippocratic oath dictated that they had to verified and then use the new medical science. They are no longer allowed to research or prescribe any diabetic medication.
So insulin and metformin both criminal prescriptions since 2013. Striking off the Dr. and drug company! There are 4 minutes in the defective and criminal medicine. Killing the diabetic horribly in 10 years.
One application of HIUS and no diabetes. By February 2023 he doctors have put on medical records that diabetes had vanished from the world.
The drug companies were horrified! The counter with the intention two Div up fatal biochemical treatments. The doctors Hippocratic N prevented any registered Dr. Researching treatment for a cured condition.
One trip to the GP surgery around the world, and they could use a cancer cure the unit to cure all diabetes. Type one taking the full minute of ultrasound. Or if only remitted in three days!
So Diabetes UK he has been talking for three years about asymptomatic diabetes. In other words people walking and were totally normal blood sugar level, and no diabetic symptoms.
As they did not have diabetes! Diabetes UK he wants to get everyone he to get tested for diabetes. But doctors are not allowed to do spurious testing. There type one and type two diabetes has ceased to exist.
Nobody in the world has it! They do not need any diabetic treatment, as they are diabetes free. Diabetes UK uses charitable donations to pay wages. No registered Dr. Could ever research a nonexistent disease.
And nobody needs any diabetic drugs! As the world used iabetes free. People were giving money to Diabetes UK should realise that money is not going towards any useful purpose.
The drug companies are never accept the diabetes does not exist! Though the total cure was published 2013. An eagerly every diabetic should have been cured the same year. It took 10 years - and till February 2023 for diabetes to vanish from the world.
But Diabetes UK is still raising money to direct the diabetics to world is biochemical treatments. Though there are no diabetics in the world.
Global newspapers are well aware of this fact! But do not carry the story as a headline. As the drug company advertising budgets are just too huge.
There was meant to be a noble prize for curing cancer and diabetes. The three medical professors from the Moffitt the family awarded the cancer Nobel 2015. No diabetic Nobel has ever been awarded!
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