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Diabetes extinct 2013 |
Last week there doctors went on record, to recall that at one and type two diabetes had vanished from the earth. Yet to the Sunday is recording the no five million type two diabetics in the UK.
The last the press release was from the drug companies! Who make money from selling diabetic drugs. Which can be prescribed by doctors! Who can anymore prescribe any diabetic medication.
The viral structure causing diabetes gives off X rays in ultrasound scans. Just like cancers! And like cancers one session of high intensity ultrasound totally clears the troublesome inflated cell type.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray take a vow of biological molecular nuclear fusion. The turbulent flow of steam was proposed by Dr. Z as a way he to do nuclear fusion from water molecules! Which professor argent cold molecular nuclear fusion.
Uranium nuclear power falle the Dr. a chair of chemical and process engineering, and he lost interest in safe clean nontoxic nuclear fusion!
I utilised an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit 2013, to totally clear type two diabetes for my friend at church, my mother and stepfather.
Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager The ultrasound caused the foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture! That inducing an immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.
So the total ½ minute cure to all type two diabetes! And a every registered Dr. On earth has owned an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, since 2002 and is proven to clear all 200 types of human cancer.
So ½ minute cure to type two diabete! My American diabetic contacts reported that type one diabetes talk the full minute. From the ultrasound massage device costing under 10 UK pounds.
No Dr. or drugs interaction required! And a every registered Dr. On earth has to use HIUS to clear above cancers and diabetes. Are they are struck off! So any diabetic going into any health centre in the UK, walking out ½ minute later totally cured diabetes!
Which is why metformin prescriptions have tanked. As EC and and metformin or both defective diabetic medication! Killing the diabetic a voidable he in a decade.
High us clearing cancer and diabetes in 1 minute. The drug companies are furious! Who cares.

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