2013 I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right and my diabetic friend. Trying to EC is diabetic discomfort. As we were already knew or at a diabetic pancreas gave off X rays like a hard body cancer.

Is a further diabetes was caused by an inflated viral rump altered cell. I was using a suitably specified ultrasound massage unit, which are three medical professors at the Moffitt have published as a 1 minute cure to all cancers. I have personally confirmed they were with breast, colon and lung cancer.
The Moffitt Paper was published 2002. That every registered Dr. On earth was required to purges an 8 W three MHZ unit and validate the new medical science. They three MHZ unit cost $10,000, and was no more effective than my one MHZ unit.
So every registered Dr. Was required to validate and use the new medical science within five days. Yet 20 years later and doctors family conceded there cancers had died out! In 2000 and cancers kills 20,000,000 people around the world.
I get my PH D supervisor up to date on my work, which is choir possibly most important life saving medicine in human history. No PH D award!
So at 2013 I found the cure to diabetes type two. I have been expecting to EC is diabetic discomfort, but instead found the one session total cure to the condition. I used for mother and stepfather.
And shared freely with the world! But diabetes cells to begin income source for the drug company is and doctors, so they chose to ignore this published medicine. Even though every Dr. Promised to personally validate and use new medical science the next day he.
Diabetes type one and two and five from the world. Type one diabetes requires the full minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the bottom right of the chest. E.g. 8 W 1 MHz.
So for just 10 UK pounds people can clear their own diabetes - the device arrive from China within five days. The drug company is are horrified! That was 5% of medical income.
Curing cancer removed 80% of drug company and Dr. Income, ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clear coronary heart disease. Another 15% of medical income vanished!
½ minute of HIUS each side ahead was firstly validated 2013, to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. No registered Dr. Is allowed to research alternative treatments for already cured conditions. Alzheimer's totally cured in 1 minute. Again for 10 UK pounds.
And the TV tonight the drug company is rapid housing for people with diabetes, to gain touch! According to doctors all diabetes had vanished from the universe by February. Only a decade after the total cure was freely published!
So there no people out there with diabetes. But the drug company is have to track down the diabetics, who are not being cured! Who were still on the defective biochemical treatments.
But no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe diabetic treatments since the cure was freely available! So the TV advert goes out to the ether! There are no diabetics anywhere.
But doctors are respond to money, so choir preferred to prescribe defective biochemistry for cash. Not bothering all be struck off when discovered! Along with assisting nurses and pharmacists.
If there are any diabetics out there, cure yourself! Do not leave a compromise and shorten life.
It transpires that diabetes is caused by an inflated viral structure left behind by infections. Which does not look dangerous to the body! Application of HIUS causes some other diabetic cells to boil and rupture.
Making the foreign cell type look dangerous! And the body were then totally cleared from the body. Diabetes all over! Or it's certainly should be. The cure was published 2013. Familiar to every registered Dr. On earth!