Monday 8 May 2023

Stopping the next little ice age

2x the COs, Europe -20 C

Volcanic origin for Little Ice Age

BBC › news › science-environment-...

30 Jan 2012 — The Little Ice Age was caused by the cooling effect of massive volcanic eruptions, and sustained by changes in Arctic ice cover, scientists ...

We have been taken in by the summer's fiction popularised by uranium nuclear power.  The carbon dioxide is the only thing that infects the weather!  That he is tantamount biological rubbish.

Plants around the temperate earth land and seas, taking carbon dioxide by every afternoon to just two parts per million.  The static level since 1880 - before mankind's industrial revolution.

Uranium nuclear chooses to ignore it and use carbon emissions.  Cause for fossil fuel burn on limestone and to eickle cement for their reinforced concrete required for a nuclear power plant.  Releasing two years the carbon equivalent of the carbon emissions from a commercially fired power station, for 25 years.

After 25 years we should demolish the nuclear plant.  Or we get another Fukushima!  Caused by running a nuclear power plant beyond its 25 year design life.  Engineers over design nothing!  All plant was is eyeing to brake on its 25ᵗʰ birthday.  And it did!

But the most destructive events on earth are caused by volcanic eruptions.  Including tsunamis - caused by eruptions under the seas.

The tinker no around dormant volcanoes, and use ground sonar to locate the driving steam pockets.  The volcanic eruption is caused by the explosive release of high pressure water, as the sun reduction in pressure causes it to boil!

Why the champagne coal can ensure bottle!  A really massive explosion.  Recent volcanic eruptions have been linked the center release cause by dropping a nuclear bomb.

Where we locate the magma chamber filled a superheated water, topped with a high pressure steam, we drill down to the top of the magma chamber.

We sell the vent the pressure through a steam turbine and generate free carbon zero electricity.  We convert into high voltage AC current, and transported to the nearest major city.

As basically free electricity!  As he vent the pressure slowly, the chance of a volcanic eruption recedes.  So we get carbon zero power, and stop the most destructive life events on earth.

We are utilising the waste heat of the earth's interior, to generate electrical power for mankind.  And staffing the massive economic cost of all volcanic eruption.

And now we have no ejection of dust into the atmosphere.  Causing a localised winter!  By the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, caused a localised winter in the Ukraine.

And he 18th century the snow covered Europe intermittently.  Carbon dioxide levels rose to four PPM.  Air average air temperature -20° C.  Every arctic winter we have no photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide rises to four PPM - like in the little ice age.  Just as the air temperature drops to -80° C below the Antarctic ice sheet.  Carbon dioxide rises in the cold! 

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