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RIP AIDs 2012 |
2002 I wrote up a paper about ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.
The Moffitt cancer centre published a paper that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied externally to where it hurts, clearing all cancers.
Viruses share the same foreign cell type to cancers. Which divide in a viral fashion! Body cells never divide. They bud off DNA intact stem cells.
Amazingly enough we are experiencing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
I was doing a PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University 2000, and was awful and of my PH D work was ended for no reason. I have found out how to do nuclear fusion on earth.
The Moffitt cancer centre applied 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound, externally to clear all cancers and viruses.
My paper was picked up 2012 by guy who was HIV⁺ in New York. And used the Moffitt idea to clear his AIDs. We shared our work freely with the world, and ER eight vanished.
Which was a major problem are all the quasi medical charities. Who have been tour the aids was incurable! Maybe using biochemistry. But the biochemist are making so much money from selling defective AIDs treatments, are saying they wanted was a cure!
The treatments kill the patient within a decade. The medical world reacted to the AIDs cure by declaring a was only a new infective treatment! There no body he knew what.
Around the world the AIDs rate crashed. So medics had eas and care for editing of the statistics, to make either why the aids epidemic was worsening! The AIDs medics, should have noticed some the nobody had AIDs. By their livelihood depended on the continuing epidemic getting worst.
But I have no financial link to AIDs. As funny Bio trust fund to consumer research into nuclear fusion. Which was hitting a brick wall! As the world surgeon or to hear that nuclear fusion happened on earth. Even in your own beating heart!
2 CO₂+2H₂O+dP/dT→(CH₄+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
Your beating heart gives out X rays as it beats. Of issues no chemical source! You breathe out methane and helium gases. Again no chemical source of helium! This is a source of the free radical oxygen which is so dangerous.
You can take your poles with a fast Geiger counter!
So no 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally, will clear all 200 cancers out there. Living 80% of drug company and Dr. Income. Both totally dependent on cancer!
The cancer is stopped carrying 2020. Though they're all there should have stopped 2002! Suppose the registered doctors continued prescribing the defective and criminal cancer drugs for 18 years.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. That says 20,000,000 lives a year on earth! And the drug companies are furious.
As the polish the AIDs cure 2012, the intent on again he Grapevine ensures the cure circulated all around the world. And the virus vanished!
Some the nobody was buying AIDs treatments. So drug companies went on to say a driver to stop you catching AIDs. Only divide as that virus was extinct! It is total medical garbage.
HIV has ceased to circulate the world. Last real 1000 victims were haemophilia acts injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, by their psychopathic doctors.
Who medicated using the defective AIDs treatments, and till they all died within a decade. Each and every Dr. Injecting HIV in to people so the struck off. 10 million UK pounds for every resulting patient death.
The involved drug company is making the contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, also are struck off.
Factor VIII, human plasma derived is used to treat hemorrhage due to hemophilia A. Factor VIII, human plasma derived is available under the following different brand names: Monoclate-P, Hemofil M, Koate DVI, and Antihemophilic Factor (Human).
So AIDs was cured 2012. This is 2023, and the quasi medical charities are still raising money to research this extinct virus. That is criminal medical malpractice. UNAIDs are the worst offenders. There is no AIDs in the world.
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