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US recalls Metformin! |
2001 and I proposed the use of high power ultrasound, to restrict cancer growth. From my PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University. The ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the pressurise cells characterising all the diseases of age.
Cancer and viruses share the inflated cell structure. As to the viral altered cells causing diabetes and dementia. 2013 I validated that ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound each side ahead totally cleared MS, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.
High Intensity UltraSound was published as a one session cure to all cancers and viruses by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002. As it was medically published 53 medical professors, at a world leading cancer hospital chain, that science has the personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth, or they were struck off and remove from medicine!
There prescriptions invalid and there medical practice criminal. In 2013 I validated in my church health group, ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas totally cleared type one diabetes.
Health Services clear Eccles all prescriptions. And the publication of HIUS as a 1 minute cure to all types of human cancer, they cancer drugs defective and criminal medicine.
Striking off the prescribing Dr., Plus assisting pharmacist and nurses. Including also the biochemical drug company - who are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath. The nurses and pharmacists are constrained by the nightingale pledge, not assist or cancer drug delivery since 2002.
All the nurses and pharmacists struck off without legal challenge. I freely published my work on type two diabetes on the Internet. And more my girlfriend's confirmed that type two diabetes remitted only after three days.
So I had given the world the one session total cure to diabetes. 2016 I confirmed the fall minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest instantly clear type one diabetes.
Which made the prescription of insulin 12013 criminal and defective medical malpractice. Metformin was published in the 1930s, but only adopted later.
It wasn't until 1995 that the FDA approved it for use in the US. It has since become the most widely prescribed medication for people with diabetes who cannot control their blood sugar through diet and exercise alone.29 Sept 2021
More serious side effects are rare. They include severe allergic reactions and a condition called lactic acidosis, a buildup of lactic acid in the bloodstream. The risk for this is higher among people with significant kidney disease, so doctors tend to avoid prescribing metformin for them.29 Sept 2021
The side effects included diabetic patients going on to develop cancer. Dr. Induced cancer! The doctors struck off without argument. 25 years for each patient death. A legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
2023 he the FDA had second thoughts. And issued a recall are metformin. After Zeneca Air had fought Bristol Squires for their vaccination experience. Going on to freeze and unethical a medically illegal vaccination to Covid19. Obsolete before we were already on the year of Covid20. The Covid number is increased every year 1st of October.
Medics have found the obsolete vaccinations actually increase of patient death rate from the new viral or bacterial strain. So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.
Which is why medicine has always prohibited a vaccination to Covid, since Covid34 star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934.
So at 2013 and a every registered Dr. Should have used their 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to cure or diabetes. The device that will clear all cancers in 1 minute.
I utilised the equally effective, but less expensive 8 W one MHZ unit.
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So all diabetes cured without medicine 2013. Best diabetic medicine! No Dr. Was allowed to prescribe diabetic medication after 2013. Am a are validated the 1 minute total cure or diabetes, utilising no drugs.
High up nurses take the doctors full Hippocratic oath. And are trusted to inform lower down nurses about what use best medicine. So no pharmacist or nurse should have held a diabetic medication after 2013.
The diabetic drivers killed the diabetic patient within a decade. HIUS cured all diabetes in 1 minute or less!
2023 B sda he issued the recorder on metformin. Which meant that UK doctors have knowingly applied defective medicine for a decade. Resulting in diabetic patients dying from diabetes.
Off from the serious side effects including cancers! Each patient death warranting the same 10,000,000 UK pound fine the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. As are most serious psychopathic medical murderers in history.
All of this should have carried newspaper headlines! The total diabetic cure or in 2013. Familiar to every registered Dr., Plus a healthy rises in all newspapers and magazines.
Just so crucial for human life! It would have prevented the medical killing of all those diabetic patients. Who could have been given A normal and healthy life. Obviously no death from diabetic drug induced cancers.
So any GP prescribing metformin, was committing intentionally fatal medicine. Smiling as they prescribed the drugs which killed the patients needlessly! That is the biggest UK Medical scandal in history. Not one newspaper headline!
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