AIDs 1986-2012 RIP |
2002 and three medical professors from the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre, published use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers and viruses in one session. They wanted $10,000 for the device.
As personally validated that an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, was just as effective and costing 25 UK pounds. The Moffitt reacted by sacking of three medical professors, so they could revert to the prescription of the now defective cancer drugs.
Inducing a two year Bio chemically assisted death in cancer patients. While HIUS would clear all 200 types or cancer in 1 minute. With no side effects.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest will clear the inflated cell types common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. The medics had discovered a biological molecular nuclear fusion.
Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
And I wrote up this idea about AIDs, but he was not for four years until I heard from somebody who was HIV⁺ in New York. He was interested in this non invasive drug free E total cure to AIDs.
He does his own device, they cure is her and HIV/AIDs. Every registered Dr. On earth have bought an 8 W three MHZ unit from the Moffitt, and validate immediate indeed clear all cancers.
Making the prescription of cancer drugs since 2002 criminal and fatal medical malpractice. Killing the cancer faced a greater expense in just two years. While HIUS would clear all 200 types of cancer.
Its means of action is common to all cancers. Which require A foreign inflated cell nature, to induce body cells to divide and replicate. Regular body cells are more flaccid an burn off DNA intact stem cells.
So 2012 I had my friend personally validate HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest cleared AIDs. It also cleared Corona virus in Wuhan Province China from December 2019.
Corona was declared globally extinct by the World Health Organisation for every 2020. Care of it is the regular seasonal flu. Killing 3.5% of infected patients. So care of it was the seasonal flu. Not a pandemic!
The pandemic alert was issued specifically for Corona in Wuhan, but withdrawn as a virus became extinct February 2020. Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine. Which was erected amazingly quickly!
Almost as if the medics knew what was coming. The last real pandemic every the black death in 15th century Russia. ½ minute of HIUS each side are Russians chest would have cured them.
The ultrasound does not developed until the 17th century. So today it will clear all viral and bacterial outbreaks. Stopping pandemics in their tracks!
And from 2012 the cure to AIDs was accessible to every Dr. and nurse on the planet: every health centre has the validated ultrasound unit.
But many is kept prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments until 2018. Any Dr. Applying defective medicine struck off. Without legal argument! 10 million UK pounds for every medicated patient death.
Or drug company is away trying to research new improved treatments for AIDs. Not remotely possible! As a virus no longer exists in the U.S.. And the doctors Hippocratic oath prevents them resetting treatments for cured diseases.
For months ago medics around the world used ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage to clear type two diabetes. The full minute for type one. Being diabetes no longer exists according to doctors.
The drug company surface any be able to walk around use a camera on their mobile phone. Taking a blood sample is via a finger prick, is fool proof medicine. Hacking into a mobile phone cancer out all sorts of spurious results!
Doctors are not allowed to apply medicine is too well individuals. Specifically giving additional insulin would have fatal results on healthy people. And metformin has been recalled.
Hence the drug company is also anxious to develop new diabetic treatments. But no registered Dr. Is allowed to research and treatment for a cured condition. And diabetes type one in two is cured.
Drug companies are this quaint habbit are not publicising inconvenient truths. So doctors they have declared diabetes extinct all over the world. Drug company is are never going to listen to that!
But well people can not be prescribed diabetic treatments. Which can have fatal results! They say country to the Hippocratic oath. Senior nurses also take this oath.
And are required to inform lower down nurses what is best medicine they should use. They are not allowed to use defective medicine. So we were normal blood sugar level, cannot be given diabetic medication.
It should be an open and shut medical case. Drug company is do not listen to any body. They just do what makes them money!
So AIDs and diabetes has vanished from the immunological world. Enjoy!