Friday 21 October 2022

Return of the steam train

Carbon 0 steam power

If you're building a modern steam train, you would use a steam plasma tubes in place of a boiler room.  Drive a steam turbine, and use ½ MW of carbon zero power, to drive Electric Motors on every carrage.

But we have hundreds of historic steam railways.  Where they want to keep their present rolling stock.

We just replace the boiler room with a stack of steam plasmas.  Where a draw in pressure cold air, heat it over the plasma tubes, and pass it through the steam boiler as today!  In place of hot boiler room gases.

And it uses such a fantastically small amount of regular water!  10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of water a year.  When not reading the engine, we synchronise the AC current the national grid, and sell our excess current.

Generating an annual income of four million UK pounds a year.  For each steam engine!  That is a massive income to the historic steam lines.

Burning diesel generators 45 kilowatts/m of burners.  A steam plasma 30x1.5cm is size, they've rates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  So we turn steam engines carbon zero!

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E² totally carbon zero hot gases.  Without any boiler room.  And no radioactive substances involved or produced.

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