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CO2 just static |
The carbon cycle is biology. It supports the vast bulk of life on earth. Fans taking carbon dioxide from the air, to build the carbohydrates of life. Excreting helium and oxygen gases. So photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+TU→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray)
The free radical oxygen positive oxygen molecules, to form ozone. There rises to the ozone layer - where a box naked solar radiation. Without which the surface of the earth will be a sterile surface. Multi cellular life requires an ozone layer.
The answer to carbon zero heat, is to use a high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma without the carbon. The r(...) In 1 is a steam plasma.
So plants in light years so the radiation in the ultraviolet, and the fluid turbulence in the plant photo blast, to fix carbon dioxide to form the carbohydrates of life.
At the same time producing helium and oxygen gas - there being no chemical source of helium. And every physicist on earth realise is we are doing nuclear fusion.
We emit a faint blue light and X rays - again no chemical source. And we release massive heat, which, states for the energy is taken Ian to build the carbohydrates (Cₘ...).
If you burn fossil fuels, you release additional carbon dioxide. Which is hungrily gobbled up by local surrounding crops, and converted into active plant biomass within 5 minutes.
The carbon dioxide level in the stratosphere is incredibly low.
The CO2 concentration in the mid- stratosphere was lower by about 4–8 ppmv than that of the upper troposphere, with an average of 5.9 ppmv.
That is just to 5.9 parts per 1,000,000, per m³. This is to is so small. And it is not changed since industrial revolution. It is very nearly nonexistent! There is no affect on the transmission of ultraviolet light through a highly atmosphere.
The carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels, is converted into active plant biomass on the ground within 5 minutes. So rare that temperate earth we are the carbon dioxide level of two PPM. Which also has not changed in the present epoch!
Above the polar ice In winter there is no photosynthesis to gobble up the carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM, over the South Pole. So twice the carbon dioxide, causes temperatures on earth.
Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas! It reacts to the wax and wane of photosynthesis.
So in the little ice age of the 18th century, we had or snow covered Europe. A Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the European Air, and temperatures down to -20° C. Burley lsh is arrey intermittent. Carbon dioxide rising in the cold.
In the Jurassic one fre as photosynthesis was less evolved. It left four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. There was 85% more life on earth, term percent more oxygen in the air. And sea levels were 60 metres lower, at side the three natural ice ages.
And sea levels will have are fallen more, had twice the carbon dioxide level, and -20° C across Europe.
Whoever made up man made global warming was a serious biological idiot! It turns out to the physicists in the pay of nuclear power. Totally ignorant of the carbon cycle. The major life support system on earth.
The climate has 28 year periods of warming and cooling. Caused by longer term observations which cause ice ages. So the world has been cooling naturally since 1995. 8. all the climate change pundits pass over rapidly!
After all man made climate change designed by global warming! A cooling world today. An oxymoron.
If we fire up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, we get out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) practically confirmed by my American friend. A plasma burns regular water into just heat light and lower power X rays. Carbon zero heat.
I have been blocking about this science for four years. I have yet to hear from of climate change pundits about the development of carbon zero heat.
We drive a commercially sourced steam turbine, and Ater ½ MW of carbon zero electricity. Where the carbon to biology! 99.4446% of the daily carbon dioxide is breathed out by animals. Man's carbon emissions are lost in the environmental noise!
And all the carbon emissions end up as active plant life within 5 minutes. Had come on climate change people! Addresses basic biological point.
Green plants around the temperate earth land and seas, this just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Mankind's carbon emissions just increased plant growth. No possible weather effect.
Carbon dioxide is a static trace gas. And all the santis the earning a living from writing academic papers on manmade climate change, torquay the highest level of biological rubbish.
Carbon dioxide becomes plant biomass within 5 minutes. That's why carbon emissions are nuclear estimates! He can never be measured. As they are converted into plant biomass so rapidly.
The the in just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate there. Carbon dioxide levels rising above the polar ice every year, or during a natural ice age. That is a real killer for manmade global warming.
The ice ages or cause five predictable solar emission cycles. And carbon dioxide levels rise in a natural ice age. Bought an effort made you think it warmed anything? The carbon dioxide levels are the twice as high above the arctic ice In winter. Air temperature -80° C.
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