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biochemistry useless |
Happened almost accidentally. I was back at Sheffield University doing a PH D work into nuclear fusion: and other nephew and of on the professors who had to validate year of cold fusion at Columbia University.
Professor Z postulated, no stated definitively, that the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam did nuclear fusion. A process name 2008 hours molecular nuclear fusion, by the late Professor Bernard Argent. Who was responsible my return to Sheffield, after a near fatal car accident.
I have suffered 30% brain damage. And the doctors were staggered were still alive two weeks later! I learned to walk and talk again. I had four accent speech therapists. And will be and was due to MS Hitler, my physiotherapist (not her real name. My joke).
During my time at Sheffield I raid the physiotherapist paper, on high power ultrasound being used to correct tissue and organ damage. I did use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device was the required high frequency sound.
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I obviously use it to fix my own head injury! 1 minute a day. Thus professor Z that we are full brain damage, but where Sheffield I have got four brain repair. This idea can also be used to fix a stroke damage.
Wait one month after the traumatic injury, before you begin fixing the brain, or any other organ.
I postulated that higher power ultrasound might be useful way to restrict cancer growth rates. Then my PH D was yanked from under my feet! And I went off writing songs and sing on stage. Voice fully repaired!
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published a document high intensity ultrasound, clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
The foreign cell types will require a non native inflated cell structure, to get infective structure replication. Body cells never replicate! They bud off DNA intact stem cells.
So this method is clear all 200 types of cancer out there. But the drug company is doing everything in their power to distract registered doctors from knew this best published medicine, such as they have pledged to use.
30 use best published medicine struck off the Dr. and drug company. But the main income stream of medicine was prescriptions! Curing cancer removed 80% of the income of drug companies and doctors.
The cancer induce such an agonising expensive an horrific two year death, even doctors started using HIUS to clear cancers. Manufacture and sale of cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine 2002. Striking off Astra Zeneca, and or other drug company is producing cancer drugs.
And all 200 global drug company is continued with cancer drugs! There is no legal argument. The drug company is struck off losing all other biochemical drug patents.
Ceasing to have any share price, he can no longer borrow from the banks to leave reached on the share price, to make payroll. All drug company is bankrupt 2002! The banks are lending money against nothing.
I wrote up the viral cure idea about AIDs 2008. Published the Moffitt idea on the Internet and eing went off with other work. As none of my gay friends had HIV.
I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head of my gay friends, who vanished! That's a saw one, he was living with a woman.
2012 an American contact who was HIV⁺ tried applying HIUS for ½ minute each side use chest. The standard medically published cure to all viral and bacterial infections. Which makes the prescription of fungal antibiotics defective medical malpractice: with antibiotics prescription our main income stream of medicine. Just happens to be defective medicine!
He bought his own 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, and his next GP appointment was fully discharged. He no longer had a HIV AIDs. The great incurable viral infection had been cured. And don't the drug company is hate it! They were still financially inducing registered doctors to prescribe the defective AIDs treatments until 2018.
Which from a coincided with me covering my E mails to the New England Medical journal. Or it may have been contacting the British Medical journal.
Almost overnight the prescription of AIDs treatments stopped. And medicine stopped talking about AIDs. Never conceding the virus have been cured.
And so was meant to be a noble prize for curing AIDs. Sheffield University did not even give me the PH D for my work on biological molecular nuclear fusion.
So today ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections at one session. Doctors and drug companies are livid! It is best medicine now a published freely on the Internet.
Which had to be read and confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth. They and drug company is proclaimed there was a noble prize on offer, they meant only if or drug company free use of biochemical cure to AIDs.
The published cure was a physical cure, from which doctors and drug company is and no income. So gave absolutely no publicity to!
This has allowed corrupt doctors to still medicate haemophilia acts who caught HIV via a hypodermic injection of contaminated factor eight blood clotting factor. Dr. Induced HIV.
Each response for Dr. Obviously struck off and remove from medicine. But doctors are not allowed to medicate people for cured diseases. Are registered doctors have fallen verified HIUS device as hand.
Bought to verify the Moffitt Paper on the cure of all cancers. 2002. Since when there prescription of cancer drugs has been defective and fatal medicine. Striking off the Dr. and drug company - totally removed from medicine for ever.
The cure to AIDs has just happened. Without any drug company publicity! Allying unscrupulous medics still to medicate the HIV patients to an needless death. Killing for profit!
All AIDs cured using medicine published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre. No AIDs treatments the legal since 2012, there my contact in New York he cured his HIV and we shared our work freely on the Internet.
And a every registered Dr. On earth was legally compelled had to verify our work. And then use the new medical science to clear all HIV from the earth.
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