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AIDs renamed 1986 |
In Africa medics were identifying the answer come slim disease. This did not sound dangerous! So medics renamed it 1986 as AIDs. It went on to kill five million people around the world.
But in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers and viruses. As well as bacterial infections. So from 2002 the prescription of fungal antibiotics for infectious diseases, became defective and criminal medical malpractice.
Every registered medic on earth had to acquire an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, from the Moffitt to validate the Medical Paper. I was studying nuclear fusion at Sheffield University and use an 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound unit.
This cause the pressurise structure of cancers and viruses to boil and rupture in 1 minute. ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. As personally validated by every registered medic on earth 20 years ago.
I was reviewing the videos are new to you about AIDs - eight have vanished as I a pointed out there ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clear all viral infections.
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My personal contact in America was HIV⁺, but validated 2012 that 1 minute of HIUS to the chest to clear the most pernicious viral infection in history. A one session total cure, involving no Dr. or drugs!
The third video on YouTube was by Dr. Fauce of the NI H. Date stamped 1984. The viral disease did exist then.
But slim disease did not appear until 1982, in a small village on Lake Victoria, just north of the border between Tanzania and Uganda.30 Oct 1985
So the African same disease did exist! But eight did not. The name had not being Collins then. The disease was called 'slim'by the world.
This is so important, as the Dr. Fauce became medical professor Fauce, and then managing director of Astra Zeneca. Yet he had every tear on YouTube, concerning A virus which is not then in existence!
All viruses are cured by ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound, either side the chest. As medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002. So every registered Dr. On earth personally verified the 100 per cent cancer and viral cure 2002.
1 minute of HIUS externally over where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers. So the prescription or cancer drugs became criminal and defective medicine 20 years ago air. Killing the cancer patient needlessly in two agonising and expensive years.
How can Dr Fauce talk about a disease, that was not RE branded for another two years. He did not talk about African Slim disease - as nobody was interested.
And the the five billion advertising budget, gave the world are concerned about AIDs two years later.
Then 2002 all viral and bacterial infections would cured. Just as my personal contact cleared his AIDs using e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, 2012. We shared our work freely with the world, and there disease vanished.
The medical world is still obsessed about AIDs - which only exist in some very secure laboratoreis in academia.
The idea for four years ago air was they could vaccinate for AIDs. No they can't. Medicine specifically prohibits vaccinating for an already extinct virus or bacteria. And remember AIDs vanish from the world 20 years ago.
There is no live to deal with. There has been no need for AIDs driven prescriptions since 2012. Oh even doctors finally stopped prescribing the defective and fatal medicine, 2018.
They are legally required to return or all medical fees from 2012. Again and he is deleted from the doctors' medical register. And stand criminal trial for horrendous medical malpractice.
And the drug companies are not been allowed to make and sell AIDs treatments since 2012. And no doubt after Zeneca Air has bought the drug company making the defective medicines. Prof Fauce strikes again.
It would appear that he has a functioning time machine. Or somebody has been illegal the editing blog cells on the Internet.
So the cure to AIDs was personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth, to years before Freddie mercury died from AIDs. So he is Dr. Prescribing one and U is defective and pointless medicines!
AIDs was cured 2002. Their families who have lost a family members to HIV AIDs he to see damages of 10 million. Each involved Dr. Struck off, this eing the 25 year jail term for each deliberate medical murder.
The involved drug company is are so obviously struck off!
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