cancer diabetes drugs kill |
In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in Florida air published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses are will ever exist. It also clears all bacterial infections. Which share the same pressurise cell structure to induce infective structure replication, which happens in a single cell fashion the cancer and viruses.
The multi cellular body cells are more flaccid, and never replicate. They bud off DNA intact stem cells, get bigger and then shut down at the end of their working lives. A process medics term cessation.
So 2002 cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine: warranting A2 year agonising decline to Bio chemically assisted death for cancer patients. HIUS cured all 200 types or cancer in 1 minute.
The drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath. So are prohibited from the manufacture and sale are defective medicine. Yet all drug companies continued the manufacture and sale or cancer drugs after the cancer cure was medically published.
Every registered Dr. bought an 8 W 3 MHZ unit for $10,000 from the Moffitt, to verify the new medicine. I use an equally affectivel 8 W 1 MHZ unit, they can be purchased for under five UK pounds.
Which will clear all cancer and viruses ½ minute of ultrasound to each side of the chest, no Dr. or hospital involvement required. And utterly no drugs.
The doctors continue prescribing now or defective and criminal cancer drugs and till 2018: when the talk early retirement! The matter of fact each and every one was struck off. Their return to medical practice illegal!
Yet in 2018 the Wuhan laboratory in China, modified Covid18 in to V party logical Corona virus. Which killed five million Chinese people within Wuhan Province.
And till I reminded the Chinese president, to apply the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Unless 44,000 cases on earth were all cured! The World Health Organisation hastily withdrew the pandemic alert! Conceding it is only ever being a little controlled and cured epidemic.
It was declared globally extinct by February 2020. The regular flu from 1st of October, 2019, was Covid19. So both were distinct viruses. The Covid freely circulated the whole world as normal.
The retired doctors would would back into medical practice. And the prospect of a global vaccination for Corona virus. Which suddenly died out! The refocused on Covid19, rking is a type of Corona virus. They were separate viruses so the Covid this is for a very short time.
I cured my own Covid19 November 2019, using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. An we know it was Covid19, as it was the regular human influence or the June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020. Five standard internationally agreed medical naming convention, Covid19.
The drug companies are desperate to apply a vaccination to Covid. Even though medicine specifically prohibited work or application of a vaccination to influence or all the common cold.
As those viral family is changed too quickly! The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and medically useless, only six months into a two year drug testing regime. The world was then on Covid20.
Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, irrespective of people surviving the Covid19 vaccination. Licensed vaccinations kill one person in 200. The Covid vaccination was never even licensed! It never even entered human drug trials.
So went financially motivated former doctors gave the Covid19 from January 2021, we were already within the year of Covid20.
India cures 77,000 cases of Covid20 - the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. So all through the year of Covid21 the drug company is were trying to get rid of their stocks of the Covid19 vaccination: which is medically useless, but tragically fatal to one in 200 people.
People intentionally vaccinated to death warrants a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The Dr. and drug company struck off and partly excluded from medicine.
But the returning doctors were already struck off! But they continues prescription of or now defective cancer drugs. Which killed patients horribly in two years!
When they had already had to validate that HIUS clear all cancers - favour to validate the published medicine struck off the Dr. anyway. Ejected them from legal medicine.
1st of October, 2022, we are now within the year of Covid22. Which like all viruses is cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
The idea cleared the AIDs for a personal contact in New York 2012: we freely shared our work with the world, and free HIV vanished.
The only people who have HIV now, were injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent. So a HIV transmission via a hypodermic! This was illegal and defective medicine big time.
Every one there is suppose the registered doctors, has the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, require it to cure all HIV AIDs. Without any drugs! The best medicine.
The prescription of eights treatments kills the unfortunate patients horribly in a decade. So the haemophiliacs are being intentionally medicated to death. From the virus totally cured 20 years ago.
And the cure familiar to every Dr. On earth! He is prohibited from the prescription of cancer drugs or AIDs treatments. They are not allowed to prescribe cancer or infection medication of any type. No chemo or radio therapy. And no cancer surgery.
All cancers are cured 20 years ago. Even giving robotic surgery for cancer, is criminal medical malpractice. Striking off all the medical team. Doctors and nurses. Has any involved drug company.
All Covid is cured in 1 minute. Which is why medics have suddenly lost interesting Covid. The medical name for the regular seasonal influenza. Killing of patients since 1934.
Totally cures by the Moffitt Medical Paper 2002. No Covid vaccination ever legal! For cheekily not Nome as all viral and bacterial infections are cured.
So 80% of the doctors within the energy is have retired again. As 80% of Dr. Income has vanished. As has the mass four with the income for drug companies. The Covid vaccination has turned out to be the largest defective and criminal medicine in history.
3.5 billion vaccinations given, at least 17 million healthy an innocent global citizens vaccinated to death deliberately. The most horrendous medical murder in history!
Doctors subsidise the Health Service big time. They just had too much money! So opaque are the electricity bill for the health centre. Without really noticing! Now or they are retired there is absolutely no way they can pick up feels for the orld health centre.
The are more concerned with payout of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every cancer patient they deliberately medicated needlessly to death. Each Covid vaccination death warrants a same legal fine of 10 million.
20,000 UK pounds to the surviving vaccination victims: who are obviously had gained no advantage from the Covid19 vaccination, where were already within the year of Covid20,21 and now a 22.
Doctors pride themselves on their medical ethics. It was personally validated that HIUS cleared all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections 2002. Idea continued to prescribe the defective and far too fatal infection medication, watching their patients die needlessly!
Even reading at the patent eulogy. Omitting to mention that the Dr. had caused the needless patient death! This is the saddest episodes in medical history.
And no 90% of NHS Hospital trusts are in debt. And they have no doctors! To bellow out of the financial strait they are in.
They share not legal fine of 10 million UK pounds for every needless cancer patient, or Covid vaccination death. And they just don't have the money!
That was in salford royal today, in the diabetic border. Which did not have any nurses, doctors or patients: as I have been blocking since 2013, there ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clears type two diabetes instantly.
Type one diabetes requires the full minute. Which had to personally validated by every registered Dr. on earth! Who is then constrained from the prescription of metformin or insulin.
Those that are prescribed insane medication share the fate of the cancer doctors. Struck off and forever ejected from medicine. To face criminal prosecution for every diabetic death they contributed towards.
The GMC would never advocate the prescription of diabetic medication, after the diabetes cure was published 2013. Even the registered doctors within the GMC, will consider metformin was criminal medicine.
Which is why Bristol squires sold the metformin patent. As soon to vanish from you earth! The American drug company is are massively unhappy, that all the type one diabetic patients have got better. And doctors can no longer medicate them!
The drug company is cream that they have better diabetic treatments. Irrelevant. As doctors are not permitted to medicate the well. And diabetes no longer exists!
Burn out somewhere around the world and fortune diabetic is still being medicated to death by their psychopathic struck off Dr.. The drug company is making the diabetic drugs, are also struck off.
Nurses and nursing assistants are voting today on industrial action within the NHS. For higher wages! A nursing strike is going to cost lives: but there again the doctors' strike went ahead, in direct contravention to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Every striking doctors should have received a P45 in the next best. There were not real doctors! And now NHS trusts are facing financial insolvency. Probably not a good time to go on strike!
As they are not be NHS for them to return to. There is not a plastic Chance in hell are being assistants to medical murder getting higher wages.