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flu cured by ultrasound - vaccination illegal |
Since 1934 any research work for a Covid vaccination, has been medically prohibited. As it would take two years to licence any vaccination. But the regular flu virus has a new version - given a new number every 1st of October. To reflect the four genetic changes in the previous year.
So Covid19 came in 1st of October, 2019. It went three versions A...D, it was replaced automatically we've Covid20 1st of October, 2020. This is the natural variation the Covid flu line. Hence no Covid vaccination could be researchd since 1934.
When Covid34 started causing the regular human flu - their Spanish flu. But in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to cancer, plus viral and bacterial infections: regular body cells are more flaccid - as they never divide and replicate.
And a every registered Dr. On earth is taught on the first year medical degree, that a Covid vaccination is not legal! Just as any vaccination to the common cold is also a medically prohibited. The viral family changes too rapidly! Medicine cannot keep up.
But ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. And has done since 2002!
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So since 2002 no registered Dr. On earth has been allowed to prescribe cancer or infection medication. No infection vaccination has been legal since 2002. As vaccinations kill one in 200. HIUS cures all infections in 1 minute with no patient death.
Why burn has suppose the registered doctors continue the illegal prescription of Covid vaccinations. Money! They are desperate for income since HIUS cleared all 200 types of cancer out there.
Mind you suppose the registered doctors are still prescribing the defective and criminal cancer drugs. And drug company is are prohibited from the manufacture of cancer or infection medication.
But all they did was back at the National Medical regulators we've paid companis men, he never enforce the Hippocratic oath! So no Covid vaccination could ever be illegal.
Vaccinating doctors as far as one in 200 other patients have died as a direct result! These are most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history.
And ater doctors are no concerned the Covid has a new strain. Is has a new strain automatically every 1st of October! We are now on Covid21, which will become Covid22 and the 1st of October, 2022.
Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 last year, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. And the doctors are knew that the Covid19 vaccination was never an legal licensed human drug.
Is addressed a flu strain that no longer existed in the universe! It has absolutely no medical value. Just when money into the profits the doctors and drug companies.
The American medics have noticed that the Covid19 vaccination has no affect on the new Covid strains. So as the drug company is to stop supplying the useless medication.
The medics have responded by saying that we're on Covid19 variant or sub variant. Which automatically to the sda every registered Dr. On earth, that the Covid19 vaccination for no use.
For the are not on a variant! By internationally agreed medical naming convention the Covid is given a new number designation every 1st of October. And there is not a chance in hell that the Covid19 vaccination, would impact on Covid20.
So we are seeing a 3.5% death rate from Covid 21 - exactly the unmedicated death rate. I had Covid19, but as reading up on the medical idea of HIUS. So I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side of my chest.
I cured my Covid! And freely published my work on the Internet. Also experience of my New York contact he cleared AIDs using ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
The most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history, totally cured in 1 minute. Using a five UK pound ultrasound massage device. Which will clear all viral and bacterial infections there no Dr. or drugs intervention.
Then use it and did not care about what name for giving the new Covid variant - which medicine has already named as Covid21. Annie is two generations away from Covid19, which became extinct in the universe 31st of September, 2020.
No possibility of a Covid19 vaccination being useful. But still killing one patient in 200!
So the Covid vaccination programme has intentionally executed 45,000 UK residents. Which so medics have no declared he is a Covid death rate! No it is a Covid vaccination death rate.
Ironically enough every registered Dr. has the validated HIUS unit to clear all cancers in 1 minute.. ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
The drug companies are desperate for our of biochemical treatment. Though all diseases are cured by the physical method of ultrasound application to the chest.
Antibiotic tolerance is irrelevant! It will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
And any Dr. who has given just one Covid vaccination, struck off. Losing Dr. Registration and Health Insurance. Making there prescriptions invalid and illegal. E.g. Covid vaccination course the Dr. 20,000 UK pounds.
Every patient death warranting a standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. And the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. And struck off doctors are not entitled to any wages of pension.
So the doctors must repay all the wages they have received from the first prescribed cancer drugs are Covid vaccination. The drug company shares in the fine.
So Astra Zeneca has been instrumental in the vaccination 3.5 billion the global citizens. Resulting in 17 million innocent and healthy fuels deaths around the world.
The biggest deliberate and a voidable medical murder in history. All personally overseen by professor Fauci - responsible for those 17 million human deaths. The most serious murderer in history. Hitler killed 60,000,000 in five years. Professor Fauci 17,000,000 in six months.
He my process that Hitler was a mass murdering gas boards. There he was meant to be a health giver, he just particularly kill 0.5% of people given a Covid vaccination. The greatest betrayal of Medical Trust imaginable.
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