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burn water not fossil fuels |
Nuclear power is so not carbon zero! It uses a lot of concrete to build a power plant, releasing in two years of plant construction, the carbon emissions from a commercial power station in 25 years.
And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished. Every minute during daylight hours, photosynthesis on the temperate land and sea, converts that day's carbon dioxide into plant biomass.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Lir→(CₘHₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lb)
Lir is infrared light - 70-80MHz light
Lb faint blue light! Of which there is no chemical source - photosynthesis is it biological molecular nuclear fusion. Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, with X rays and visible flu light. Plus massive energy!
So the level of carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the temperate earth, is determined exclusively by their efficiency of photosynthesis. Man's huge carbon emissions represent the 0.004% are the carbon dioxide breathed out by animals. Which within 5 minutes is converted into plant biomass.
Never making it to the stratosphere. No possible climatic effect!, And by the late Professor Bernard Argent. An emeritus professor of metallurgy at Sheffield University. And are obviously my old professor!
Who tragically died 2015, as the university medics medicated his cancer. So he died within two years! One external application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, would have cleared all 200 types of human cancer. But he preferred to trust the medics! With fatal consequences.
So if we have a 1mx2cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, we get a constant 8.6 megawatts of carbon zero heat.
2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)
My PH D supervisor at Sheffield would never try out a steam plasma! It was left to my contact in the U.S.. He was on benefits!
He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma at an been pressure, release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. The xray emissions and light were not recorded!
So at 24 of my im x1cm steam plasma is at four atmospheres, would run 100 MW power station. Or through a steam plasma would have taken 30-120 W of external current to maintain the 1 MW of heat generation.
And here we drive a steam turbine. We replace the oil or gas burners, by steam plasma cylinder is immersed in a water boiler. They will require 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year to maintain the plasma pressure. They can add water the Lir a hypodermic needle in the plasma.
So conventional power goes totally carbon zero. We do not even need to use all out concrete, to construct a concrete constructed engineering plant that must be replaced every 25 years.
So we get paid to be free conventional power. We burn no over priced oil or gas. I use the water is so miniscule, we will struggle to measure it in reality! The number of quoted had to be back calculated.
And a all day in daylight hours, photosynthesis six carbon dioxide air to the air. Down to the current level of two parts per million.
In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less efficient: the limit is it is sinking the free radical oxygen gas produced by the nuclear fusion.
It left 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. The climate is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles. After 28 year periods of calling warming. So the Jurassic was he'd only one age, with three natural ice ages.
In the one periods there was a four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. In the I says carbon dioxide levels double - like they do over the arctic today. So there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air.
There was 85% more life on land. Resulting the sea levels were 60 metres lower. Just like everything ready to for global warming - totally ****ing wrong!
So I see carbon dioxide, 85% more life on land. Sea levels 60 metres lower. There were still in the three natural ice ages.
So today we can replace all cancer all burning, with a steam plasma glass cylinders. Which professors of physics will delight in explaining to us! I actually had to work it out.
Burning oil and gas only releases heat, there was a fire up a steam plasma - that releases visible light or X rays and heat.
So manmade climate change, it transpires to be global warming in a cooling world! And historically coal pits have been a fantastically dangerous and charging area. Will be is biology loves. The natural climate started cooling 1995. So will next warm 2023.
I could almost hear our most financially corrupt academics, dusting off their academic papers from 30 years ago ago, explaining the inevitability of global warming.
Just before the climate had cooled naturally for 20 years! The carbon dioxide is sucked out the air by natural plant life. So little ice age of the 18th century, saw temperate carbon dioxide levels back in had a Jurassic four PPM.
As photosynthesis continued in the seas, but not over the land: Europe was at -20° C.
So due to where physics papers on the heat generation of plasma, we can now use steam plasma cylinders, to replace all burning of oil and gas.
A totally non nuclear carbon zero heat system. Simples.
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