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Monkeypox is caught in Africa |
Every year citizens and UK free and so 50,000,000 cases of Covid flu. Tragically 5000 deaths result! But since 2002 nobody need die from the flu!
1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound clears all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. The inflated cells boil and rupture under HIUS.
So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections: a viral strain and type immaterial! I used it to clear my own Covid19 November 2019.
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That flu strain only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020. After that date no Covid 19 existed in the universe.
But the drug companies are urging us suppose the registered doctors gave Covid19 vaccination is for an generate 2021: already within the year of Covid20 - the regular flu is given a new number every 1st of October. So now we're on the year of Covid21. Soon to be Covid22.
The vaccinations deliberately kill one healthy person in 200. 3.5 billion vaccinations given around the world, 17 million people killed deliberately.
And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. An the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only 1/4 way through drug testing. Never a legal drug.
So any Dr. ever giving any Covid vaccination, the struck off the same day! As a vaccination could never be medically licensed before being obsolete.
So energy as doctors gave 2.5 million Covid19 vaccinations. And smiled as 45,000 healthy UK residents died as a direct result. The most psychopathic medical murder in UK history!
Every Covid vaccinating Dr. Struck off - even if there patients lived. Each surviving fission gets a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds. The next of key and of the vaccinated to death get a payout of 10,000,000 UK pounds. And the Dr. gets to 25 year jail term in high security prison.
Hence all doctors who took early retirement 2018, as a family conceded there all cancers are cured using HIUS 2002, them back into medical practice on the prospect of a financially lucrative mass vaccination.
Tragically the vaccination was obsolete and unlicensed, but hellishly fatal! Each Dr. Struck off yet again! There must return or wages back to the Moffitt Paper 2002, when there first gave a defective cancer vaccination.
They get no pension, but stand criminal trial for first degree medical murder of every patient deliberately vaccinated to death. Using an unlicensed medication!
In horror the drug companies say they were really meaning hepatitis! As a cure for hepatitis A and B, but not C to E.
But hepatitis is also cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to just below the rib cage. This also clears HPV. When applied to a man's genitals.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) - NHShttps://www.nhs.uk › conditions › human-papilloma-vir...
HPV is the name of a very common group of viruses. They do not cause any problems in most people, but some types can cause genital warts or cancer.
For the conceding that Covid19 has not existed for three years, there the trail for another viral infection! And settles on monkeypox - a viral infection identified 1958.
Which will be totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest. The first vaccination was giving cowpox to people, which caused a minor infection. As it was not adapted to the human hoast.
In the same way Mike epochs will not kill people! They will kill them 40 years' protection they use the now extinct smallpox. And every registered Dr. has the validated 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit.
Which clears all cancers in 1 minute or less. I applied to the chest it will clear all viral infections including monkeypox. In their notes is so medics are proclaim there have been 20 monkeypox cases in the UK recently.
There is no human to human transmission on monkeypox. It transpires to be people via a rodent bite in Africa. So he is almost trivial to clear! And will cause the human deaths.
Whereas the monkeypox vaccination would take two years to develop, and kill one in 200 people: but medicine strictly prohibits alternative treatments or cures, to already cured diseases.
And HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections. As well as all 200 types of human cancer! The reducing the application time they can also clear all animal and pet cancers.
There is are likewise constrained from medicating for already cured diseases! And or animal cancers are cured. Using the medically published cure to human cancers.
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