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GW = nuclear fiction for the stupid |
This idea uses high school physics! We need a cheap source of electricity - a little 20 kW solar panel, backed up by the mains for the night!
We immerse a weighted down snorkel at the highest point in a river or town, where a river or stream enters the conurbation.
We drive a little vacuum pump, and just one Whatt of vacuum, will cause river or even see water to boil. With an transports this water to a holding tank or reservoir.
We then see the tank fill with water. As earliest drops and Melbourne it and four as water droplets into the tank or reservoir.
At this juncture a company will distribute the water to water users. In the way that municipal Boroughs use to sell the water to their local residents. Gravity will dispense the water!
At the sea, as the water will boil off into fresh water vapour - the called brine sinking back into the seas. Carrying the salts with it.
And there will never be a shortage of seawater! Which we have transformed into fuel water vapour. The water will be ideal for drinking or irrigation. Though it will lack flavor - even Perrier water has a little salt in it. For flavor.
Dry country is in the Middle East or Asia, then use this idea as a fantastically cheap way of decelerating seawater. Just 1 W of vacuum will remove the salts and contaminants.
Professor Argent would be proud to this idea - he was a world leading scientists into heavy metal contamination.
In dry countries like those in Africa, it will convert river or stream water, or even see water into pure water. The be all contaminants behind!
It is a sort of idea that Water Aid nead. It will transform can terminate it well water, into the purest water on the planet. For the cost of one little vacuum pump. No remote well drilling of pumps required!
It will end global thirst at a stroke. It will transform Eythiopia back into the lush green area it was murders the Roman empire.
Any global droughts and famines. The sort of life changing idea, professor Z got frustrated that I was not generating! I was working on the weather. As his behest!
It will suck carbon dioxide as the air. So reducing crop yields in Europe! As carbon dioxide gas is the shortest supply life enhancing and chemical on earth.
Since 1880 global photosynthesis on land and in the seas, has capped carbon dioxide just two parts per million. Local carbon emissions boost crop yields locally. Leaving carbon dioxide at the a static temperate level in the afternoon air, of two parts per million.
As any academic will confirm, they static trace gas affects nothing! Manmade global warming was science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power: who apparently chest be ignorant about biology is carbon cycle - the major life support system on earth.
There has a world cooled from 1995, they gave us the equally spurious and totally meaningless manmade climate change. Carbon dioxide being a static trace gas! Affecting nothing.
The weather is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. So all the planets in the solar system have been cooling since 1995. Including MARs with 98% carbon dioxide in the air.
Average Martian Air temperature -170° F. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas! But next year the solar emission cycles will start increasing, and all the nuclear funded scientists will dust off their efforts summer's fiction on manmade global warming.
Just remember, the carbon dioxide is a heavy static trace gas. That never even makes it to the stratosphere - weather global weather is created.
Carbon dioxide rises every year in the arctic winter, or during a natural ice age: cause five predictable solar emission reductions.
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