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all Covid21 CURED - no vaccination legal |
The viral families that cause flu and the common cold change too quickly for medical vaccinations to keep up. Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza.
Causing human death since 1934, we've Covid34. Though flu strain Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020. So the Hippocratic oath specifically prohibits any work into a Covid vaccination - or it's application!
So any Dr. Involved in the Covid19 vaccination programme, struck a off the first day they began work on a vaccination. It were taken six months to produce the vaccination.
Money then enters a two year drug licensing program. And it shows that a new Covid strain the 1st of October - so 1 October, 2020 we're on Covid20.
So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. Never a legal human drug! Tragically killing one in 200 people we vaccinate. 2.5 million UK citizens vaccinated needlessly, 45,000 of them with fatal results!
The biggest deliberate medical homicide in history. Around the world 3.5 billion vaccinations given, 17 million global healthy an innocent citizens killed.
And the vaccination was medically inert against of a Covid strains. So Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - affecting 77,000 people. They use the standard published physical cure to all cancers and viruses.
1 minute of high intensity ultrasound externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 types of human cancer. AstraZeneca innocent lost 90% of its income! An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, produces the affective curative ultrasound.
The ultrasound massage is are seldom medical licence for home unsupervised use. Curing all cancers!
And the same unit applied for ½ minute each side the chest will clear the pressurise viral or bacterial infected cells, causing all viral and bacterial illnesses. The drug company is screen we make no money!
We will vaccinate the whole the human population every six months. Totally medically illegal and useless! Any fully tested, a vaccination is 18 months out of medical usefulness.
I cleared my own Covid20 - they usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Every registered Dr. Has the effective unit - found to clear all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
But doctors also make no money out of HIUS, so the smiling have applied the useless an unlicensed obsolete Covid19 vaccination. Which Americans have found is absolutely no affect on Covid20...
1st of October 2021, and we were on the year of Covid21. Which obviously is unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Calling it a Covid booster is farcical. Is absolutely no proven medically affect on any later Covid strains.
Still deliberately killing one in 200 of those we vaccinate. The least ethical medical intervention ever. Just one Covid vaccination striking off the Dr. and drug company. And remember on the 1st of October, 2022, will automatically be on Covid22.
And the Covid19 vaccination will be three years obsolete! Tragically killing one in 200 of those vaccinated for absolutely no medical reason. Paying the drug company and Dr. Money. To C1 in 200 of the vaccinated die!
45,000 UK residents killed by the smiling Dr.. Who was suddenly taken early retirement again! They took early retirement as the British Council stopped drug roles is being paid to doctors. Who are paid a salary in the UK.
Suddenly medicine made no money! It was found that 1 minute of HIUS externally clears all cancers at home. No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal.
½ minute to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys, totally clearing coronary heart disease. This idea was medically published by doctors 2012. For every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the medical science. As all personally validated the cancer cure.
So the prescription of cancer drugs had to stop. As the doctors could now a totally clear heart disease in 1½ minute. In a single outpatient appointment.
2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the pancreas, clear type two diabetes: including for my mother and stepfather. Who thought they dieted so the diabetes away - which would have taken three months.
I cured there diabetes in ½ minute. Without any drug use. No Dr. or nurse intervention even legal. Higher up nurses take the Hippocratic oath. Are required to inform the lower down nurses the best medicine they should apply.
So 2002 and the heart nurses were under the legal imperative to inform nurses only to assist with the application of HIUS to clear all cancers. And Corona virus was a modified form of Covid18 but never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.
And till Chinese doctors applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest of Corona patients. And they all got better.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so this is a one session total cure to all the pressurise structures common to cancer, plus viral and bacterial infections.
I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019. And freely published my work on the Internet - which had to personally validate and then use by every registered Dr. On earth. Who was prohibited from prescribing biochemical measures.
So Corona virus never made the UK. And Covid19 was the regular human flu strain all around the world. Obviously not a development of the extinct virus from Wuhan Province China.
So doctors could cure all Covid from 2002: Asian doctors Keeo Covid3 2003. Declare the world's first pandemic of the 21st century. Before it was mysteriously cured within three weeks!
The usual ½ minute of HIUS to the chest totally cleared all Corona virus. So not a problem! Hence the World Health Organisation withdrew its pandemic alert in embarrassment.
Will drug company is would not allow the pandemic alert to be withdrawn! And carried on irregardless. Even though the viral strain was extinct. They had no relationship with her next year's Covid19 - that happened all over the world!
Totally irresponsible to quarantines. By every registered Dr. on earth owned the HIUS unit, to clear all cancers and infections in 1 minute. The drug company is really a hating that! A total one session disease cure. No Dr. or drugs involved.
The units can be purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds. And more Keeo all viral and bacterial infections. Irregardless of strain of type! It even cured AIDs for my personal contact in New York 2012. Since when there disease as mysteriously and totally died out!
Prescription of AIDs treatments since 2002 has been criminal and defective medicine. Striking off the Dr. and drug company. The doctors' medical practice been criminal and an unlicensed since 2002.
The pathological individuals must repay all the medical fees charged for their illegal an unlicensed medical practice over last 20 years. Every prescriptions are invalid and illegal. Luckily Dr. Signed the Hippocratic oath, which makes all the subsequent prescriptions illegal.
Unfortunately they just ignore it! So doctors may income source invalid for 20 years. And doctors ceased receiving a wage of pension from 2002. Or wages of pension patents since must be repaid the health provider.
So the NHS doctors who have taken early retirement again, would not entitled to wager of pension since 2002. They must repay all money to the NHS. And then get no pension for life!
Having to stand criminal trial for mortal counts of first degree medical murder of their patients. Every drug prescriptions invalid and illegal! There medical practice criminal. So the super ethical professionals, had she turned out to be the biggest mass murdering bastards in history.
So all Covid strains cured. By the physical application of ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest - as medically published and verified 2002. Since then all infection medicine has been criminal medical malpractice.
And remember the Covid biochemistry has intentionally executed one in 200 healthy and innocent people. And as Americans have found, totally medically useless!
1 minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections, as well as lung cancer and asthma.
Measure the doctors lost 80% of the income 20 years ago. And the globally prohibited ever since from practicing medicine - as they were struck off.
Ask your GP if he is ever given one Covid vaccination. When he replies 'Well yes'. Ask him how many Covid vaccinations resulted in the patient death. On your way out of the doctor's surgery!
To go and register with a real Dr.. Not have paid medical killer for money.
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