Saturday, 18 October 2008
The world cools
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Better desalination
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Molecular nuclear fusion
Where we have water or steam in turbulent flow, we see the release of gamma waves as we do nuclear fusion from H2O.
The deep seas does this, as do man’s steam engines. I told Sheffield University this in 2003.
It provides power with no CO2. We can produce a self powering steam cycle that burns no fossil fuels, and uses no fuel rods: So no Co2 or toxic death.
And no Global Warming – but that was only ever phantom science from nuclear power! Who are trying to kill you all.
Friday, 1 August 2008
And so the world cools
According NASA, the hottest year on record was 1948, where there was little CO2 being released. You haven’t heard? That is because nuclear power did not want you to!
In the 80s, the only way to get more nuclear plants, was to convince the world that nuclear fission was ecological! It isn’t.
It pollutes, and it kills! Then you get a Chernobyl, spraying toxic chemicals around half a continent. So the only way to get new plants was to be seen as ‘Green’ and cheap.
Countries making fossil fuels realized that energy was a one horse race, and increased prices. Nuclear power rubbed its hands!
It was still a fatal, polluting industry, but it might now get more plants of death. So they PAID ACADEMICSD TO WRITE ARTICLES ABOUT co2.
But the 0.00037% C O2 in the air follows the climate. So they avoided talking about numbers, and let people infer CO2 was at 40%.
CO2 at 8% is toxic to animals, but green plants too kin CO2 at 40-%, which his why there is only 3.7 parts per million in the air: Only local variations are possible, the global amount of CO2 is fixed by grass at 0.00037%.
In the Jurassic there was 4 ppm C O2 in the air, 60% more life on Earth and sea levels were 65 metes lower. So nuclear power ensured you didn’t hear that!
I read New Scientist, and these data items have been hidden in the magazine for 7 years. They write articles about Global Warming, as there is research money, from nuclear power, up for grabs.
The public has been lied to, but that is what academics do, to get research money.
Plants take in CO2 to grow, and release O2: So we breathe in the waste gas of plants!
Higher CO2 goes along with lower sera levels: Though to be fair, CO2 lags the climate by 4 years. It doesn’t force the climate.
‘The Climate Hoax’ by Channel 4 in the UK said this, and was take not court by the Global Warming lobby – where did they get the money from? Nuclear power of course!
C4 won. The ruling was that the science was not agreed yet, but C4 were right to make the program.
And now the world has been cooling for 3 years. My friend who does the web design for a Global Warming scientist said that global cooling could result from Global Warming.
I will let her figure this out for herself! Global Warming is phantom science from Global Warming.
What do we do then? How about molecular nuclear fusion, turning water into heart and power. We add turbulence to steam, and scientists already know this gives off gamma rays, as it turn water into He and O.
Power with no CO2 or toxic waste. Nuclear power should change over to steam plasma tubes, which turn water into high temperature heat!
And produces no toxic death as a result. All from established science.
Global Warming was death. How about life, and cheap, safe, clean power?
To be strictly correct, we know that an NA plasma gives off radiation as it works. Steam plasmas should be self sustaining, at a given pressure. We need to fire one up and find out what pressure that is!
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Life and CH4
Plans and bacteria take in CO2 and H2O. They convert it into CH4, He and O. On the land, we see He and O emitted for plants. We also see a bit of CH4, but most is used to make carbohydrates.
In the sea, plants and bacteria make CH4, but it ends up as CH5OH – methyl hydrate. If it goes down to a magma chamber, we get CH4, and long chain hydrocarbons. CH4 is basically natural gas.
But on the sea bed, is loads of methyl hydrate. Which is a white solid. When we expose this to lower pressure, we get back our CH4 and H2O.
So there is loads of natural gas on the sea bed, just waiting to be robot mined.
In the UK, the sea bed around the UK has more CH5OH, than we could hope to use!
And as we burn it into CO2, we feed plants and bacteria to do nuclear fusion with it! This is what life is doing! Nuclear fusion from water.
So natural gas is the end product, and recombining it with O2 releases the residual fusion power.
We can do molecular nuclear fusion from steam, and get at the heat and power from water. We release no CO2, and produce no toxic death.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Social Media

It is all about giving the people a voice! Instead of consuming the BBC news about the
This is called blogging, and producing digital video was developed by Apple: They still do the best kit to put your own output out there.
I learned to ‘blog’ via Graeme at the Ordsall Community CafĂ©: And I produce goodish output. But it is on the Windows/Microsoft platform, which is not as good.
I still produce good output, and I actually ended up doing a Microsoft blog about the social media centre. But they exist to teach you to do professional output.
The Windows blogs are laborious to produce, and though I do good blogs, usually they look a bit more amateur.
This last week I produced a semi professional blog – on the BBC news service. The Social Media Centre is there to teach media people, maybe to go on and work with the BBC when they come to the Quays.
This last week I also produced a video on Langworthy, which is what blogging is about! To document your own community.
The SMC has Teresa and Mick there to teach you how to blog: As we don’t just do it out of the box, we have to learn. They have Apple and Windows machines there for us to play with. It is there to help Joe Public produce a video blog on where he lives.
Digital video is not trivial to learn, and without the likes of Mick, I would be off singing on stage – which his far easier, and I am good at!
The big problem with video on YOUTUBE, is actually the audio bit! I have learned how to use CDs to import music to my videos.
With copyright problems, only a sample of the middle of a track is possible. On the BBC video, I was lucky that Google included the news theme tune. So it looks like a real video.
This is a problem with all bloggers out there! I am careful to only include a sample, so it is a free advert for the musicians: You like the tune, go buy the CD!
The video bit is easier, as we can use camcorder footage. But Graeme wants me to learn how to use a Minidisc recorder! Your learning is never done.
This is where the social Media Centre comes into its own! The hardware is very useful, but without the tutors, it is just stuff with a plug and red button on!
I am thinking of buying some Apple kit, but really without Mick, why not just use the money in the pub! There are too few users come to the SMC, as blogging is a skill. But once learned, you can bend the minds of the world.
I am trying to tell the world what a great place
Yes, I sing and am creative, and luckily also do IT: But without the likes of Mick, my time would be better used throwing pots on a potter’s wheel!
I do not think that the local area knows what a resource they have open to them! The centre operates a day time, and a night time drop in. So people without jobs, or those busy during the day can use the resource.
Me, I travel a lot! But when I am in the
Computer people like to invent new formats, as they have too little to do in the coffee break, and it keeps bloggers on their toes, trying to wade through the black shifting sands of computer formats.
So here we get back to Mick, who knows about all this stuff. Graeme had the easier job, as Windows bloggers have not revelled in new formats.
My big concern today is getting to grips with the new video camera: But really, this is just like the stuff Mick tries to teach me.
OK, I learn quickly, but he is very good at fielding the same idiotic questions from all these people.
And Mick is good at making interesting videos! He cuts away to side shots I would just have cut out: Children getting certificate – the minutia of social videos that makes them interesting, but you really have to know your way around the editing software to put in your output.
OK, so I think my stuff is good, with what Graeme has taught me.
I KNOW that my videos will be brilliant with the stuff Mick is teaching me. He will show me how to bend people’s mind better than I can dream of today.
Contact us to find out more.
Phone: 0161 7433537
Email: or
Website: http://socialmediacentre.
Fusion boil!

Boiling water gives off radiation as it boils! New scientist even said NASA said this was due to the turbulence of boiling causing hydrogen from the water molecules, doing nuclear fusion.
From my degree, I know that boiling water gives off gamma rays: Even from a kettle heated electrically.
So a kettle does nuclear fusion! This is so important to know, as it needs researching! Nuclear fusion from regular water, at 100 C.
Replace the cooling tower

My idea from 2001 was devised to reduce fuel burn by a factor of 8! This is so worth doing even today!
If we produce a double helical heat pump to take the heat out of the spent steam, we can recover 85% of its heat!
Now 20 C comes from boiling nuclear fusion in the boiler room – though this happens today. But now we do not throw that heat away! We need to take it out of the steam to condense it, but we can then return the bulk of it in the boiler room.
We can split the steam, so half goes towards super heating the steam. As we want hot steam at ar0ound 800 C.
I am so interested in steam plasma tubes! They should give out heat by doing molecular nuclear fusion on water. The heavier atoms should fission away, ending up as heat.
Once started, they should glow with no external current! This would take a week at most to sort out! And it would totally replace the burning of fossil fuels to get at heat.
So we could drive a small steam cycle to drive a car. Thus stopping the burning of petrol and diesel.
If we have trouble with this, we can do electrolysis on water, to form H and O gases. When we burn these we do nuclear fusion. Atomic nuclear fusion, so we get so much heat!
We need to filter out the H and O gases from the condensed steam, so we can vent these gases! Which are so harmless.
In the Jurassic we has so much deep MNF going on we had 10% more O2 in the air, and sea levels were 65+ meters lower.
At this time the cO2 got tied up as methyl hydrate on the sea beds of the world! This CH4 went on to form the fossil fuels.
Carnot did his work at the same time as Stevenson, but the ideas have never been put together.
MNF will change the world: Green crops in the light do it – power from water. This is how nature makes CH4: Where did you think it all came from?
Monday, 28 July 2008
Reducing fuel burn

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason
This is not my idea. It belongs to Prof Zimmerman (w)
You take the spent steam from a steam turbine, and pass it down a double helix. It emerges at the base as hot liquid water.
Up the other helix, you pass low pressure gas – this is how your fridge works. When you pressurize the gas, you return 8%% of the heat to the boiler room above the boiling point of water.
In a fridge this is how your fridge creates cold from warm air in the kitchen! Here we reverse the cycle, to condense the steam, and return the bulk of the heat to the boiler.
So we reduce fossil fuels burn by a factor of 8! Though we do use 4% of the generated power to circulate the gas. We have no cooling tower – no massive stack of steam taking heat from the plant.
So we reduce fossil fuels burn by a factor of 8. And so we reduce the Global Warming gases massively, as power generation accounts for 40% of CO2 output today.
We can use this cycle to replace the throwing away of waste heat from processes!
This was devised at Sheffield University in 2001. Why has the world not heard about it? Why did I not get my PhD?
Friday, 25 July 2008
Power the home

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason
I devised this idea in 2003, and want to get back to Sheffield University to check the fine details. I tell the world how to do nuclear fusion, and Sheffield reward me by leaving me free to sing on stage!
The idea comes from the 50s. We raise a boiler to steam pressure, but then we loop back 10% of the steam, so we are left with 90% free. It is heated by molecular nuclear fusion – which turns water into heat.
As the bubbles of steam collapse as they pass through the liquid water, it is partially changed into He and O. As we do nuclear fusion, we release a lot of heat, and a few low power gamma rays.
The latter are blocked by the surrounding liquid water, so we don’t see the emission of much radiation – about the same you get from, a water fall, as it does molecular nuclear fusion.
So we can use this steam to generate personal power: To heat and power a house! We do need power electronics to convert the Washington DC into mains AC.
How is in the books! The equipment to do this is on the generators for personal use today.
So we generate power, from water: No CO2 or toxic death – of nuclear power.
So no utility bills: We buy a bottle of distilled water every ten years. We produce no Global Warming gases – though that was only ever phantom science from nuclear power!
We are headed into the next ice age.
Molecular nuclear fusion

Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays, M50 3XQ
All across the Earth, nature is turning water into He, O, gamma waves and heat! It is doing molecular nuclear fusion from water. It also does a little from ammonia and hydrocarbons that I know of!
Turbulence is the main catalyst: In the deep, with breaking waves, water falls and animal blood systems.
Plants in the light use biological catalysts to get in on the act! So photosynthesis is light induced biological, molecular nuclear fusion.
You breathe out He, as your blood system does molecular nuclear fusion.
This is important to know, as it is power with no CO2 or toxic death: The latter is caused by present nuclear power, which we should not do! It is so fatal to life.
Boiling water does molecular nuclear fusion, so all man’s machines that produce steam in turbulent flow do molecular nuclear fusion.
One way which really interests me, is as steam plasma: As it will turn water into high temperature heat.
Nuclear fusion
Jonathan Thomason 117 Merchant’s Quay, Salford Quays, M50 3XQ
In 2001 Dr Zimmerman told me that steam being passed through a helix gave good heat flow. If he had used a department Giga counter (Engineering materials have them at hand) he would have seen we did nuclear fusion from steam!
In 2003 I coined the term ‘molecular nuclear fusion’ to denote nuclear fusion where the H is in molecular form (I have a metallurgy background). The department of engineering materials is just so right for work on molecular nuclear fusion!
We see it from ammonia, hydrocarbons, but mostly in the deep from high pressure water.
Will talked to me about the importance of turbulence. He was so right! On the sun we have a boiling mass of H gas, and we do atomic nuclear fusion.
NASA showed that on Earth, a boiling mass of liquid water did molecular nuclear fusion, at the point of boiling. This means that all water boilers in the world do molecular nuclear fusion.
Which I had been taught, without reason. Loads of chemical reactions release radiation as they do molecular nuclear fusion. Some even produce light, as well as gamma rays!
So here is the answer to Global Warming – which was my PhD title. We get high pressure water, or steam in turbulent flow, and we get nuclear fusion, from water.
Power with no CO2. And none of the toxic death of present nuclear power, which uses uranium to do nuclear fission – which is lethal bomb technology.
Green plants and your own beating heart do molecular nuclear fusion. So safe, clean and cheap.
We really need to pin down molecular nuclear fusion at Sheffield University: First of all looking at steam plasmas!
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Steam plasma
We do fusion
On the sun we have boiling plasma of hydrogen gas. It does nuclear fusion. On the Earth, when we have a turbulent Mass of steam, we do molecular nuclear fusion.
In fluorescent tubes, we have Na gas. When the tube if burnt in, this converts to He and H. When we have these gases in a plasma, we turn them into light, and give out heat.
So we put these ideas together. We have a steam plasma tube. And it will convert water into heat, with no applied current.
Over its life, it will form all the elopements between O and He. These will fission away, so we should not get a carbon buildup, but consume the water.
Why am I not in a lab working on this? Ask I learned all this stuff on my first degree in 1982, then my PhD with him in 2001.
He talked to me about the turbulent heat flow, as we pass steam up a double helix: Guess what, steam being passed up a helix does nuclear fusion!
When we burn fossil fuels, we get steam in turbulent flow, in the flame. So the flame gives out gamma rays, as it forms He and O.
So burning fossil fuels does molecular nuclear fusion. But there are loads of ways to do molecular nuclear fusion, which involve burning nothing. And this produces no toxic death.
Like present nuclear power. Plants in the sun, animal blood systems all day, water falls, breaking waves, moist air in the light, steam, IC and jet engines all do it.
So we do molecular nuclear fusion, but had not realized. And it is basically free. It does not need oil or gas. And best of all, it does not cause the toxic death nuclear fission does.
All power plants today use a steam cycle to generate power: Because this cycle does molecular nuclear fusion. We can do stuff to keep the cycle going, with no fuel burn, and no fission tubes.
Basically, we use steam plasma tubes, which burn water to form heat. And top up with water, as we burn the steam.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Monday, 7 July 2008
Nuclear fusion

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason
Animals all day produce gamma wave radiation as blood flows around their bodies. This is why you breathe out He, though you don’t breathe any in.
Plants in the sun produce He and CH4 from CO2 and water. They also produce gamma waves.
So do steam, IC and jet engines, from steam in turbulent flow.
In every case we are seeing molecular nuclear fusion: Where nature uses fluid turbulent to converts steam or high pressure water into He and O.
The deep sea is where most of it goes on! Life on Earth would not be possible without sea heat.
So here is how to make power with no He or toxic death. The latter comes from nuclear power, which use bomb technology to get at power.
Only occasionally killing half a continent! We still can’t eat Scottish lamb because of Chernobyl!
The only reason to do nuclear fission, is to make bombs, particularly if you don’t mind dying yourself, soon.
By ‘JonThm’ on Jonathan Thomason
Molecular nuclear fusion
It all comes down to turbulence. On the sun, the turbulence of H gas, gives us atomic nuclear fusion.
In the deep, the turbulent flow of high pressure water gives us molecular nuclear fusion: And by deep, I mean all water over ten feet deep!
In steam we get molecular nuclear fusion, if we have the gas in turbulent flow. So burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion: Which his why it works so well.
We produce He3, and C14: The former is lost to space, and decays in 0.04 seconds. The seas produce so much of it.
Plants and animals do so much of it! In phoblasts and mitochondria. Really all life on Earth does molecular nuclear fusion.
It is non toxic! Though deep peat marshes make loads of C14, so the carbon dates we get for stuff is millennia wrong.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Salford Now & Then

Salford is changing so fast: It was a depressed area next to Manchester, but it now has Salford Quays and the Lowry, and is moving into its own!
We are Salford City Reporters, and we make Internet videos about the area. We thought it would be fun to look at new areas in the city, and get pictures of what used to be there!
Maybe people at the Trafford Centre would like us to do a piece on them! We want your input here! Send us your photos, and show us where we should be filming.
Get me on
Saturday, 10 May 2008
CO2 is life!
Nuclear power have made up stories, to get more nuclear power, and death on Earth. Lets have more CO2, and more life on Earth.
There is only 0.00037% CO2 in the air, which has no effect on anything!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Friday, 11 April 2008
Deep Sea Nuclear Fusion
By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason
Sheffield do fusion!
On the sun’s corona, a hydrogen plasma does atomic nuclear fusion, and generates 10 million C: The 10 million C does not cause the nuclear fusion, the gas turbulence does that.
On the earth it was found that boiling water gave off radiation, at only slightly elevated temperatures. About 100 C.
In the deep, turbulence in high pressure water does molecular nuclear fusion at 3 C! This is the most important heat source of Earth.
Turbulence in moist air also does molecular nuclear fusion. As light and turbulence turn water into He and O.
Breaking waves and water falls also do molecular nuclear fusion, which his why we get ozone around! Where ever we get ozone, we are doing nuclear fusion.
On the sun we have high temperatures and pressures. They have been tried on Earth, and do not give nuclear fusion. It is turbulence which catalyses it.
So on earth, water is the fusion fluid; it gives us nuclear fusion all through nature.
Grants use biological catalysts to do molecular nuclear fusion in the sun. This is why we get ozone in the countryside.
Burning fossil fuels does molecular nuclear fusion. But there are loads of ways to do molecular nuclear fusion which use no burning.
The way I am intrigued about is as a steam plasma, which should do nuclear fusion at around 800 C. This is so useful, And will replace the burning of fossil fuels.
We should never do nuclear fission, which uses uranium to kill! They use a steam cycle – which does molecular nuclear fusion!
So we should replace a fission tube with a steam plasma tube, or an H and O flame – it also does nuclear fusion.