From JonThm9@aol.com
My idea from 2001 was devised to reduce fuel burn by a factor of 8! This is so worth doing even today!
If we produce a double helical heat pump to take the heat out of the spent steam, we can recover 85% of its heat!
Now 20 C comes from boiling nuclear fusion in the boiler room – though this happens today. But now we do not throw that heat away! We need to take it out of the steam to condense it, but we can then return the bulk of it in the boiler room.
We can split the steam, so half goes towards super heating the steam. As we want hot steam at ar0ound 800 C.
I am so interested in steam plasma tubes! They should give out heat by doing molecular nuclear fusion on water. The heavier atoms should fission away, ending up as heat.
Once started, they should glow with no external current! This would take a week at most to sort out! And it would totally replace the burning of fossil fuels to get at heat.
So we could drive a small steam cycle to drive a car. Thus stopping the burning of petrol and diesel.
If we have trouble with this, we can do electrolysis on water, to form H and O gases. When we burn these we do nuclear fusion. Atomic nuclear fusion, so we get so much heat!
We need to filter out the H and O gases from the condensed steam, so we can vent these gases! Which are so harmless.
In the Jurassic we has so much deep MNF going on we had 10% more O2 in the air, and sea levels were 65+ meters lower.
At this time the cO2 got tied up as methyl hydrate on the sea beds of the world! This CH4 went on to form the fossil fuels.
Carnot did his work at the same time as Stevenson, but the ideas have never been put together.
MNF will change the world: Green crops in the light do it – power from water. This is how nature makes CH4: Where did you think it all came from?
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