Monday, 7 July 2008

Nuclear fusion

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason

Animals all day produce gamma wave radiation as blood flows around their bodies. This is why you breathe out He, though you don’t breathe any in.
Plants in the sun produce He and CH4 from CO2 and water. They also produce gamma waves.
So do steam, IC and jet engines, from steam in turbulent flow.
In every case we are seeing molecular nuclear fusion: Where nature uses fluid turbulent to converts steam or high pressure water into He and O.
The deep sea is where most of it goes on! Life on Earth would not be possible without sea heat.
So here is how to make power with no He or toxic death. The latter comes from nuclear power, which use bomb technology to get at power.
Only occasionally killing half a continent! We still can’t eat Scottish lamb because of Chernobyl!
The only reason to do nuclear fission, is to make bombs, particularly if you don’t mind dying yourself, soon.

By ‘JonThm’ on Jonathan Thomason

Molecular nuclear fusion
It all comes down to turbulence. On the sun, the turbulence of H gas, gives us atomic nuclear fusion.
In the deep, the turbulent flow of high pressure water gives us molecular nuclear fusion: And by deep, I mean all water over ten feet deep!
In steam we get molecular nuclear fusion, if we have the gas in turbulent flow. So burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion: Which his why it works so well.
We produce He3, and C14: The former is lost to space, and decays in 0.04 seconds. The seas produce so much of it.
Plants and animals do so much of it! In phoblasts and mitochondria. Really all life on Earth does molecular nuclear fusion.
It is non toxic! Though deep peat marshes make loads of C14, so the carbon dates we get for stuff is millennia wrong.

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