By JonThm on YouTube.com Jonathan Thomason
I devised this idea in 2003, and want to get back to Sheffield University to check the fine details. I tell the world how to do nuclear fusion, and Sheffield reward me by leaving me free to sing on stage!
The idea comes from the 50s. We raise a boiler to steam pressure, but then we loop back 10% of the steam, so we are left with 90% free. It is heated by molecular nuclear fusion – which turns water into heat.
As the bubbles of steam collapse as they pass through the liquid water, it is partially changed into He and O. As we do nuclear fusion, we release a lot of heat, and a few low power gamma rays.
The latter are blocked by the surrounding liquid water, so we don’t see the emission of much radiation – about the same you get from, a water fall, as it does molecular nuclear fusion.
So we can use this steam to generate personal power: To heat and power a house! We do need power electronics to convert the Washington DC into mains AC.
How is in the books! The equipment to do this is on the generators for personal use today.
So we generate power, from water: No CO2 or toxic death – of nuclear power.
So no utility bills: We buy a bottle of distilled water every ten years. We produce no Global Warming gases – though that was only ever phantom science from nuclear power!
We are headed into the next ice age.
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