Friday, 1 August 2008

And so the world cools

By JonThm on Jonathan Thomason
According NASA, the hottest year on record was 1948, where there was little CO2 being released. You haven’t heard? That is because nuclear power did not want you to!
In the 80s, the only way to get more nuclear plants, was to convince the world that nuclear fission was ecological! It isn’t.
It pollutes, and it kills! Then you get a Chernobyl, spraying toxic chemicals around half a continent. So the only way to get new plants was to be seen as ‘Green’ and cheap.
Countries making fossil fuels realized that energy was a one horse race, and increased prices. Nuclear power rubbed its hands!
It was still a fatal, polluting industry, but it might now get more plants of death. So they PAID ACADEMICSD TO WRITE ARTICLES ABOUT co2.
But the 0.00037% C O2 in the air follows the climate. So they avoided talking about numbers, and let people infer CO2 was at 40%.
CO2 at 8% is toxic to animals, but green plants too kin CO2 at 40-%, which his why there is only 3.7 parts per million in the air: Only local variations are possible, the global amount of CO2 is fixed by grass at 0.00037%.
In the Jurassic there was 4 ppm C O2 in the air, 60% more life on Earth and sea levels were 65 metes lower. So nuclear power ensured you didn’t hear that!
I read New Scientist, and these data items have been hidden in the magazine for 7 years. They write articles about Global Warming, as there is research money, from nuclear power, up for grabs.
The public has been lied to, but that is what academics do, to get research money.
Plants take in CO2 to grow, and release O2: So we breathe in the waste gas of plants!
Higher CO2 goes along with lower sera levels: Though to be fair, CO2 lags the climate by 4 years. It doesn’t force the climate.
‘The Climate Hoax’ by Channel 4 in the UK said this, and was take not court by the Global Warming lobby – where did they get the money from? Nuclear power of course!
C4 won. The ruling was that the science was not agreed yet, but C4 were right to make the program.
And now the world has been cooling for 3 years. My friend who does the web design for a Global Warming scientist said that global cooling could result from Global Warming.
I will let her figure this out for herself! Global Warming is phantom science from Global Warming.
What do we do then? How about molecular nuclear fusion, turning water into heart and power. We add turbulence to steam, and scientists already know this gives off gamma rays, as it turn water into He and O.
Power with no CO2 or toxic waste. Nuclear power should change over to steam plasma tubes, which turn water into high temperature heat!
And produces no toxic death as a result. All from established science.
Global Warming was death. How about life, and cheap, safe, clean power?
To be strictly correct, we know that an NA plasma gives off radiation as it works. Steam plasmas should be self sustaining, at a given pressure. We need to fire one up and find out what pressure that is!

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