Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Worst budget in a generation

Labour lies and taxes.  Nothing new

As he get elected Keir's spurious promised no tax rises, the first UK budget in 15 years was her biggest tax raising budget over.  Keir Starmer is in expensive private hospitals today, having emergency surgery on his nose in it started swelling.

The show it more concerned about the faeces about 2. on its head by all is and we farmers.  Who have no shortage of faeces for the task.  The problem he is restrained them by using agriculture equipment to drop 1 ton of shipped on his head at one time.

Spread they shoot out guys.  That way you get more news coverage for free.  So Rachel Reeves has an is the biggest tax raid on the UK public.

Top Stores Tell Rachel Reeves Her Budget Will Cause 'Inevitable' Job Losses And Higher Prices

Ironically the Labour government proclaimed and it would be the biggest jail grid in government in history.  Instead the first budget, though these job destroyers in UK political history.

Keir Starmer was not a popular party leader.  Will he still V labour party leader at Christmas?  Almost certainly.  Liver will have started the move to remove him.  But that will take at least into the summer.

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