Medicine specifically prohibits doctors researching already cured diseases, looking for alternative treatments. 2002 and the Moffitt High Intensity UltraSound was medically validated using an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to clear all cancers and viruses out there.
And a every registered Dr. On earth, including all academic medics, acquired an 8 W three MHZ unit. I applied for ½ minute each side of her patient's chest, this would clear all viral and bacterial infections. Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases of age.
And HIUS was medically validated to clear all cancers 2000. Which will work for any cancer had evolved in the future - forced to share the same foreign inflated cell nature, to induce viral type cell replication.

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But obviously there will be no new cancers! Which only forms after a lengthy viral infection. But all viral infections cured in 1 minute today!
The biochemical industry gaze back in admiration are when biochemical cancer treatments were perceived to be the best cancer medicine: killing the cancer patient horribly in two expensive years.
High us clearing all cancers in 1 minute of external HIUS. Relegating biochemical cancer treatments to the trash 1,000,000,000 are defective medicine. An outside legal medical research!
2024 the drug company is half a nurse 600 Americans died from new cancers last year: just not possible! 1 minute of HIUS externally clearing all cancers as have ever or will ever exist.
And the GP has the validated 8 W three MHZ unit at hand in the nursing office. So all cancers totally cured! The drug industry used to new strains of an infection, requiring a new drug application.
But HIUS clearing all cancers and ½ minute each side of the chest, all viral and bacterial infections. Helium 1 minute, without drug use.
It would appear the academic medics have defied the Hippocratic oath, and continued researching cancer Bio chemistry, in the how many will be useful again and the future.
Still as defective as it was in 2002. And no registered Dr. or academic medic allowed to research cancer Bio chemistry for 22 years. There have been no new cancers emerging!
Any new cancer strain cleared automatically by the standard 1 minute of external HIUS. They each Dr. or drug company who is research cancer Bio chemistry since 2002, the struck off without legal argument. Remove from legal medicine for ever.
The 200 world biochemical drug companies, there is have continued an ethically and the biochemical cancer research, structural all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed.
There drugs freely copy of wall by the compatible drug manufacturers. There first for drug company is can no longer rays money from the banks every month to make payroll. There share price set to zero, the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.
Standard medical or prohibits biochemical cancer research, since cancer Bio chemistry became intentionally defective and fatal medicine. At the turn of my master's degree in to metallurgy, there was talk about whether I'll get involved in researching titanium joint replacements.
Life and marriage got in the way!
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