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RIP diabetes 2010 |

Dual Channel TENS Machine Pain Relief Treatment Machine Full Body Acupuncture Massager Muscle Stimulator with 24 Modes. There are cheaper 8W units ut there.
The drug companies have rushed around desperately trying to delete although medical papers. But every registered Dr. On earth half a show the aware off and validate best new medical science on the day of publication.
So they're all bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit. And verify the total 200 types of cancer cure. The HIUS causes the overinflated cell types to experience cell content boiling and fragment, as the ultrasound induces biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray which explains why ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, causes is emission of X rays from cancer and viral cells. Of which there is no biochemical source!
We are doing nuclear fusion. Hence the idea faltering the expertise of physics and engineering. Beyond edditting by the self serving drug companies.
Every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire the 8 W three MHZ unit, and verify the total cancer cure: medics had discovered it cures all forms of human cancers.
I wrote the idea up about AIDs 2008. And got on with a song writing and singing on stage. 2012 Brett from New York got in touch and forties own 8 W one MHZ unit.
And fiound that HIUS was a one session total cure to HIV - the most pernicious viral infection in history. ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest clearing all viral infections.
I use the idea person in November 2019 to clear my seasonal flu. Before medicine gave it his medical name of Covid19, to make it sound dangerous and new! The regular seasonal flu have been causing human death since 1934, and 3.5 per cent of infected people.
Below the 5% to be declared a medical pandemic! So the World Health Organisation was abusing its medical position. By declaring the seasonal flu hour dangerous pandemic.
As I have personally experienced ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all Covid flu strains. And this year we're on Covid24. Medics have found the obsolete vaccinations are medically ineffective and even counter productive.
Worsening the flu intensity and death rates. My mother still talks horrified about Covid - I she insisted on letting the GP gave her the obsolete and counter productive care of it19 vaccination. Which no even Astra Zeneca has ceased making and selling the Covid19 vaccination.
Not before it every time the most fatal drug in human history. 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, the medically accepted death rate for even unlicensed vaccination is one in 200. So 17 million vaccination deaths. The biggest medical homicide in history!
Not reported in one newspaper or magazine. As the drug company advertising budgets there has fault of media comment. Covid18 only became Covid19 the 1st of October 2019.
That standard medical or prohibits a vaccination for a cured infection. Annie every registered Dr. On earth had to be aware of my work curing Covid. So any vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal argument.
Totally remove from legal medical practice. There prescriptions then invalid and he illegal. Just as a every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the Moffitt Paper on the 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clearing all 200 types or cancer.
The drug companies have rushed around after a decade got the Moffitt to delete the paper or on HIUS curing cancers. By which time he have been validaye by every registered Dr. On earth. Who was prohibited from prescribing biochemical cancer treatments.
They had to apply 1 minute of the ultrasound from the 8 W three MHZ unit. 2010 in my church health group I firstly validated that ½ minute of HIUS totally cleared type two diabetes for ever: as a fine intense seconds only cause a three day remission in diabetes.
My American diabetic friends reported the idea and the way for type one diabetes, after three days as immune system got busy clearing the foreign inflated viral altered cell type from the pancreas.
2016 I firstly validated that 1 minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clear type one diabetes instantly in my local church health group. Which is not a peer reviewed double blind trial.
Get the idea was picked up by the national institute of health, he duly published the required period double blind trial. The drug company is are for ever editting documents, to maintain that HIUS is a cancer treatment. Whereas in actual fact is a one session total cancer cure. Clearing all cancers so ever or will ever exist.
AI Overview
High-intensity ultrasound (HIUS) is a non-invasive cancer treatment that uses sound waves to generate heat, which can damage and kill cancer cells:
As the development of HIUS as a one session total cancer cure, then do biochemical cancer treatments defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
2 H₂O+P+HIUS→2(E²+L+X-ray) so transforming them and us to clear miniscule volume other pressurise cancer cell contents, in Chernobyl 1 MW of carbon zero heat. The light and X rays are not important here.
The cancer cell is blown apart. Which is actually a high school physics and biology! Totally within the remit of 6th form high school experimentation. To which there is no legal argument.
And every registered Dr. On earth was required 2002 to validate this life saving medicine. The 1 minute total cure of all cancers.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest, was medically confirmed to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Without any Dr. Intervention or drugs. Farmers can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and happily and safely cure all infections.
There being no patient intolerance to ultrasound. Rending the prescription of fungal antibiotics are defective and potentially fatal medicine. And he will cure all viral infections - as I found practically was the case with AIDs.
A total one session cure to most pernicious viral infection in human history. My thanks go to the no professor Z at Sheffield University, for rays work with me on nuclear fusion. Which he is now at strenuously ashamed off!
Ever since uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering. And he lost all interest in clean and safe, three nuclear fusion on the turnover interaction of water molecules.
In salford I confirmed that 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cured all viral and bacterial infections 2010. Totally clearing a 30 different viral and bacterial infections. With no Dr. or drugs intervention.
I also cures breast, lung and colon cancer. The previously incurable spooky cancers, cured by 1 minute of external HIUS. The patents owned by physics, and till they expired ever half a century ago.
So a total cure to all infections and cancers at home using my 8 W 1 MHz device. 2010 I verified that ½ minute of HIUS totally cleared type two diabetes at my church health group.
We waited to see if the infection world restablished itself. That my diabetic friend confirmed he was gone for all time. My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.
We got any some emission with 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas. The drug company is are horrified! They have lost all cancers 2002. And 2013 medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease.
I had not known about secondary coronary heart disease. Which would have remitted within three days of the application of HIUS to the top left to the chest. So the drug company is lost heart disease. 2023 the same idea will clear heart rhythm problems.
Which would have led to a reduced blood pressure, and had decreased struck rest. This idea does clear all heart problem!
The cancer cure high cost drug company is and doctors 80% of the income. Cure heart disease have removed 15%. And curing diabetes had remove lost 5% of profit making medicine.
The rest or medicine loses money! Musi death can either ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. With no fungal antibiotic or Dr. Involvement.
And am amazed that professor Z did not seek to take any credit with the biggest medical advance ever. That is what academics are for ever doing: taking credit for the students development of their ideas.
The drug company is are for cheekily frantic to research better diabetic treatments. Though as diabetes cease to exist much 2023 according to doctors, there are now no diabetics to experiment on: and there so doctors have maintained a small number of a medically treated diabetics, to experiment on.
By every registered Dr. Promises on medical graduation, to be aware of, validated and then use new medical science. So all doctors had to cure all diabetes. And drug company is are only allow registered doctors to do drug research.
Insane or metformin application as treatments to diabetes, no defective an intentionally fatal within a decade medicine. HIUS giving a one session total diabetic cure.
Weather physics patents expire to have 1/2 century ago. People can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and cleared and diabetes in home in half or full minute. They will obviously send me no money.
I did the work for the enhancement of human life. My repayment is waiting for me in heaven. Not on earth! But much 2023 doctors fought on written record all diabetes has ceased globally,
As the air over the self serving drug company is have chased around deleting all medical papers on the diabetic cure. As if in some magic way allows drug company is and doctors to research the now extinct diabetes.
Which is totally outside medical research! Prohibited globally by the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Diabetes UK exists and the dedicated the aim of developing diabetic treatments. So a massively concerned and type two diabetes was suddenly and utterly cured, using the standard cancer cure - HIUS. Which they do not research at all.
I will be interested to see if the new U.S. President trump, promotes the fantastic cure to cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia using HIUS.
Mental health problems are caused by a slow growing inflated viral structure - like cancers caused by a fast growing viral structure. Which has to have a foreign inflated cell nature in order to grow.
So 2010 and starvation my church health group in salford, that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared all mental health problems: curing MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.
The drug company is diabets and wait to think of another form dementia or requiring a cure. But I common cure them all.
Even mental health impairments the result of a foreign inflated viral structure in the brain. Totally cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head. Drug company is are furious, as a have mental health counselors he and as the headline the placement of all cancers, heart disease and diabetes cured.
A drug free for every cure! Drug companies have never acknowledged that all diabetes is cured. As it is lost 5% of their medical profits. But now the world is diabetes free. Even Asia totally cured all diabetes. Diabetes is such a problem in Asia.
Which leaves the American drug companies with their house is full of insulin or metformin. Which must be autoclaved, as those are potentially useless for fatal medicines.
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