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Life on Earth is mostly carbon based |
Photosynthesis evolved in the cretaceous. When there was 10 parts per million carbon dioxide in the air, so there was obviously some predecessor to photosynthesis. The early earth had so now a common position to Mars - which is 98% carbon dioxide.
In the Jurassic photosynthesis was less evolved. And left four parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air. Sea levels were 60 metres lower, there was 85% more life on earth.
A generally warm period of prehistory, with three natural ice ages. One lasting a record breaking 1000 years. The longest ice age on mineral record.
The Jurassic was brought to an end, by a meteor striking near Mexico. They actually be on to figure out the exact location!
There was basically a nuclear winter event. And all the green plants' had died out! And photosynthesis and stopped. As the annals died. Lack of food and association. Just a little life so wide around the equator.
Modern photosynthesis day they use two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air. Your tour this on a biology degree at university. In high school biology your taught the fans taking carbon dioxide, build plant biomass and excrete oxygen.
Animals breathe in the oxygen and combine with eton plant biomass, to get at the energy. So plant's metabolise carbon dioxide around the temperate earth down to two PPM.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cā(H₂O)ā+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray) O₂+O→O₃
So plants do what the late poet as Professor Bernard Argent named molecular nuclear fusion. As he thought my title of nuclear fusion was imprecise. Though that was my PH D study area.
So today in the light plans converts infrared light into carbohydrates, or doing molecular nuclear fusion. The wrote in favour light and even X rays! There being no chemical source of visible light or X rays.
A high school students are taught in a biology classes, plant's eat carbon dioxide to build plant biomass. At university we learn down to the present limit of two PPM.
And there is still in years talking about carbon emissions affecting the climate. These individuals are serious biological idiot. Plans converts extra carbon dioxide and for biomass within 5 minutes.
The there are static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air. And any rational scientist will agree that a static trace gas affects nothing. 'climate change' was only nuclear cover as the global weather static cooling from 1995. Making global warming life of the wrong.
But nuclear power continued apace scientists to talk or the new science fiction of manmade climate change. Totally failing to engage with biology and the carbon cycle.
Plant's eat carbon dioxide down to the present limit of two PPM. Bowling plant biomass and excreting oxygen. Foced eat the biomass and breathe in the oxygen, and breathe out the carbon dioxide - which is plant food.
And during the daylight hours plant's eat carbon dioxide, leaving just a static two PPM carbon dioxide in the temperate air.
Above the polar ice In winter there is no photosynthesis on land or in the seas. The snow covering the land, the CIA's blocking off the CRT from the atmospheric carbon dioxide.
So we have four PPM carbon dioxide - the Jurassic global without the dance halls. A temperature of -80° C above the Antarctic ice mass. By 16° C above the north pole, as the
deep sea currents transfer heat from the equator towards the poles naturally.
So man kind has no control over biology is carbon cycle. That went on before man had or Eva he evolved. All carry on, so man kind has left for a better home.
A static two PPM carbon dioxide. Carbon emissions are converted five plant's into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes during the daylight hours. At night plants take some the oxygen gas excreted during the day, backing into oxidise fats.
And get at the residual nuclear fusion energy. So a plasma at night to the animal half of the carbon cycle. That during the day there is carbon dioxide to just two parts per million.
Carbon emissions increased plant life on earth. Which will lead to a increase in all life - as plants and animals are in a dynamic balancimg act. We are static two PPM carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.
Any santis unaware of basic high school biology so shut the hell up about the climate. Nature fixes carbon dioxide at a static preindustrial two parts per million. All that doubles in the arctic winters.
Well experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth! So twice the carbon dioxide, was 80° C. Which is why my PH D supervisor from Sheffield University, professor Z at first 13 ever publish any work on carbon dioxide and the climate.
Though my abortive PH D umder him 2000, a window of cancer in 5000 UK pounds. The first of Maria from Sheffield to salford quays. The professor, no considering the climate change and global warming would nuclear science fiction.
So the global afternoon air around the temperate earth has the Prix industrial two parts per million carbon dioxide in. The climate controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.
So cooling from 1995 until 2023. Even the Martian climate! With 98% carbon dioxide in. Ironically the science fiction of rubbish coal, cured by the paid stooges to nuclear power, and totally failed to engage with biology is carbon cycle.
A static two PPM in the afternoon terrestrial air. Me what nuclear power bills its uranium nuclear power plants using a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to make all the cement required for their reinforced concrete.
So a building a nuclear power plant is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions. Very much not carbon zero. There again plans take Ian the carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.
So the air travel today use in a fossil fuel burn to produce heat. He the only in my its power, so far is as hot air producing the earth for last. Firstly air over a steam plasma cylinder, was never grid so carbon zero heating effect. A one metrex1.5 CM steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of heat.
Converts to a fossil fuel burn and there are just 45 kW/m of fossil fuel burn. So we drive an air crash at hypersonic speeds, totally carbon neutral! Then he the regular water into heat light and lower power X rays.
So spitting out the pressurised air as high a temperature. So driving the aircraft at hypersonic speed, totally carbon zero. With no or every Asian fuel burn. The steam plasma concerning regular juice Stillwater, to produce a massive carbon zero heat.
So we make a carbon zero aircreft though cancer was no fossil fuels. And Bahrain has the X and engineers, who should validate that a 30x1. Steam plasma at one atmosphere, releases a constant 1 MW our carbon zero heat.
Producing a hypersonic aircraft and firm is no fossil fuels. Professor Z at Sheffield University was distraught, as I wrote my first paper on carbon zero heat production 2001.
He should not have worried, as 2024 biological idiots are still talking about carbon emissions affecting the weather. Green plants on steam and have other ideas. Sucking Ian the carbon dioxide, to freeze a oxygen and carbohydrates.
Carbon dioxide stimulating life on earth. No possible climate effect. Carbon dioxide is at a Prix industrial two parts per million. If we don't understand high school biology, shut the **** up about the climate. You are a biological idiot.