All Covid/flu cured 2002! |
Influenza is caused by the standard virus. But like the virus causing the common cold, it changes genome very rapidly! So medical vaccinations can't keep up. Curing the regular flu is such a massive health improvement for the world.
To confuse matters with medics started talking about the flu as Covid 2019. That year we were on Covid19. There was automatically renamed as ovid20 four year from the 1st of October, 2019.
The cure cancers 2002 using 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound, e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, was total and absolute! It was medically published 53 medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital chain - the Moffitt.
Other medics are for numbly reluctant to stop prescribing the no defective cancer treatments. Which gave a cancer patient a 2 year decline to an expensive biochemical death! But made up 80% of the income for drug company is and doctors.
Each cancer drug prescribing Dr. and drug company struck off without argument! On their first defective prescription and 2002. No registered Dr. Allowed to research the no defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments.
So for 18 years so suppose the ethical doctors, knowingly prescribed the defective cancer treatments in chemo or radio therapy, smiley watching as her patient's died!
There is pleasure the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine, will be there last day as a registered Dr.. Fighting to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.
Air force for ever practicing doctors, who did not enforce the doctors Hippocratic oath. Taken voluntarily of light high up nurses and drug companies. Who were required to validate and then use HIUS to clear all cancers.
Void 2020 all cancers had vanished from the world according to doctors. After 18 years of continued prescription of the defective and fatal medicine.
2024 and the labour leader in the UK, Sir Kier Starmer or see the energy is more money. Presumably so they can go on prescribing more defective and fatal cancer drugs! But remember every registered Dr. and nurse, the struck off the first day they prescribed cancer treatments since the Moffitt Paper 2002.
This is the standard medical law! But I am an just repeating. As it came up during my master's degree in to engineering, dealing with health and safety.
So cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine 2002. They can never be researched or developed! As medicine prohibits research into defective medicine,
Strikes off the Dr. and drug company day one! The inevitable consequence of the doctors freely taken Hippocratic oath. Which is the European Court of human rights has reminded me, is above legal contention! Absolute law.
Every prescription of the defective cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper, the struck off the involved doctors, nurses and drug companies. Without legal argument!
I wrote up the Moffitt Paper about AIDs 2008. As I did not have a gay friend with AIDs. And yes I did ask them if they had a friend with HIV.
My paper sat on the Internet for four years, and Tony was picked up and red by my American friend who was HIV⁺. Who was employed an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device, ½ minute each side of his chest.
B standard viral cure! Or cancer being cured by external application of HIUS for 1 minute. Now all viral and bacterial infections totally cured by ½ minute each side of the chest.
And yes my AIDs totally better in 1 minute. Fully discharged from all medical attention as his next GP a appointment. We shared our work with the world, and AIDs vanished in two weeks.
The medical world lost a $648.00 million business a year. Which is around the valuer are the care of it vaccination market 2019.
But medicine has specifically precluded work or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold since 1934. As a vaccination takes six months to freeze even today, and then into a two year drug licensing regime. A legal requirement before he it become legal human medicine.
That in the had two year period we would have two distinct influenza strains. Given a new number designation every 1st of October!
And as 103 professors from the Moffitt has reminded me, obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the next flu strain.
Making the flu more severe - as experience by my mother: who would insist on allying the Dr. To give her the obsolete an unlicensed care of it 19 vaccination repeatedly. Mothers will not be told!
So the Covid19 vaccination was unlicensed and illegal here medicine, they are financially motivated doctors started applying it from January 2021. Already within the year of Covid20.
And medics have found practically the obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the new infection strain. Making the flu worse, increasing the patient death rate from 3.5% - below the 5% whil infection to be classified as a pandemic.
So care of it was just the seasonal flu that's circulates the world tracking winter. Not a pandemic! The national locked down was inflicted by self serving medics and the general population, were in contravention of human rights walls around the world.
And remember just ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest clears all viral infections including every common cold and Covid strain.
You rare that right! The cure or published by world leading cancer hospital chain, clears all 200 types or cancer and all subsequent strains of viral and bacterial infections. Including the common cold!
And the my practical experience November 2019, ½ minute from my 8 W ultrasound device, I cleared my own Covid19. The world picture of and use this idea, and Covid vanished!
By applying ultrasound ½ minute each side the chest, we set off nuclear fusion within the pressurise foreign viral or bacterial cell. Which can only replicate if pressurised! Regular body cells bud off DNA he monitored stem cells.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray the foreign inflated infected cell boils and ruptures. Inducing a full immune action to clear that dangerous unwanted cell type from the body.
Then there 2012 it eradicated AIDs from the world. There was no suddenly effective biochemical treatment! Which would have been developed to contain or not cure HIV. So continuing the medical income from the treatment!
I was interested in curing disease. And the Moffitt published the use of HIUS to clear all foreign cell types. Including cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
The labour leader, Sir Kier Starmer also give more money to the NHS. He should first insured by every cancer drug prescribing medic struck off along with assisting nurses and pharmacists.
And then all Health Services around the world far from cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper 2002. It every Dr. has the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, in every nursing office in every health centre in the world.
That will clear all infections and cancers. Basically for free! There no drug application. Cancer an infection drugs have been intentionally fatal an defective medicine since 2002.
So Sir Kier starmer ones to reward the NHS for are applying defective cancer treatments to the UK population. Resulting in the expensive, agonising biochemical death of 97,000 cancer patients since 2002.
45,000 of which was the labour voters! Executed Bio chemically for the good profits of the psychopathic doctors and drug companies. Sir Kier acting as an unpaid stooge to of a psychopathic murderous corporations in economic history.
You should not reward struck off doctors for the biggest medical killing spree in history. Purge the NHS of defective doctors and nurses. All the Dr. wages and pensions are such a massive economic expense.
That will burn to the NHS to do real life saving medicine! There for the life of me, I cannot think of any useful medicine they could actually do.
Advocating defective and fatal medicine, is inconsistent with being a party leader in the 2024 general election. Sir Kier is so dismissed as a party leader, facing criminal trial for the murder of that 97,000 cancer patients.
A total legal fine of 970 billion. The amount of money that the labour party now owns the UK government, is a matter for the lawyers. Sir Kier totally remove from legal politics for life.
Facing a multi life custodial jail sentence. Or if he led to the death of one serving or retired member of the armed services, burn off taken to the death penalty to be executed.