Saturday, 29 June 2024

Alzheimer's totally cured 2010

 but never by Bio chemistry!

That year I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side ahead of people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS and schizophrenia.  All got instantly better!

So I've published my work on the Internet!  This will a high intensity ultrasound which the Moffitt cancer centre discovered will clear all cancers and viruses 2002.

And 2012 my personal contact from New York who was HIV⁺ use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side is said to clear his AIDs!  There was no sudden biochemical advance, HIV just cured!

I use or same idea November 2019, to clear my Covid19 totally in 1 minute!  This idea will clear all strains of Covid and the common cold: viral infections which changed too quickly for medical vaccinations ever be illegal unlicensed.

So the total cure to Covid24 when he gets in the 1st of October, 2024.  I have it are staggered as mental health as all mended.  So ensured I have published my work freely on the Internet that evening.

Which had to be red and verified by every registered Dr. On earth.  Using the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit they bought to verify the total cancer cure.  So all Covid cured!

Not some scary incurable disease!  That had been AIDs and so he was totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS 2012.

After the total cure of cancer medicine was desperate for another incurable disease!  They promoted heart disease as incurable: and till 2013 when medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to clear all have problems.

Including heart rhythm problems, they started promoting 2023.  Diabetes was also cured by the same ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, for type two diabetes.

Type one requires the fall minute, or only remitted in three days!  So basically all incurable diseases are now cured.  But not by biochemistry!

My total cure of MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's the schizophrenia means that no registered Dr. Can research defective biochemical treatments for these cured conditions.

Alzheimer's UK exists purely to raise funds for were defective biochemical research into already cured condition!  Medicine does not allow our research into cured diseases.

And all Kevin strains are cured before they never even evolved!  As HIUS targets the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viruses, and viral rump diseases like Alzheimer's... .

Friday, 28 June 2024

Biden the dementing president

Jo Biden is 71 - nurse!

U.S. TV screened the presidential debate between trump and via an hour sunlight.  This morning democratic politicians, were drinking strong coffee and taking heroin! (joke)

Biden were showing all the signs of add dementia.  Which makes trial supporters are ecstatic!  Biden is 71, and will be 76 so the end of the next presidential term.  When he by setting in east and fit in the White House, the world two and from bills by his nurses in a bath chair.

U.S. for six always allows is standing for president to seek reelection for a second term.  The Biden has serious medical issues the makings continued presidency are the largest democracy in the world a really bad idea!

The democrats are pressurise invalid and to step aside!  This in vaccinate UK politics.  Where Nigel Farage from a standing start now has a 17 per cent popularity!  As he UK public really wanted Brexit.

The UK level party was seek reelection to the EU.  Which would take 20 years!  And or be certain of popular measure with the UK public.  They were perceive health issues as her big vote winner.

Primarily promising to increase funding for the NHS.  There are certain 40 have been tossing an additional 10 billion a year each year recently.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published use of 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound externally to any cancer to cure it!

1 minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device applied to where it hurts, was medically confirmed to clear all 200 types of human cancer.  Prescribing the defective cancer treatments year's unethical and illegal medicine.

Prescribing doctors have taken early retirement!  Though they cease to have eligibility brown medical wages since their first cancer drug prescription.  It also struck them of any future medical pension!

High level nurse is share out the doctors Hippocratic oath and as such had to validate HIUS and inform lower down nurses that the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.  At which stage so no lower down nurse could assist or cancer drug delivery.

Or they are also struck off and stripped A medical wage and future pension entitlement!  Hence the drug company is made a large donation to the UK labour party.  In a desperate home to reestablish cancer treatments as a legal medicine.

For the she is still prescribe medication!  And since 2002 all registered doctors have been legally constrained from the prescription or cancer medication.  Each cancer patient so psychopathic Lee medicated to death, he carers a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.

The medicating doctors and nurses struck off without legal argument!

Hence the labour party is about to take the biggest electoral kicking in its history.  The popularity polls for hours on June 24.  This season of July 29!  As the players lower support was crashing!

Nigel Farage has re-entered UK politics.  He left after the UK population for the inverted for Brexit.  He now has a 17 per cent popularity rating!

But he also has a job offer from Donald Trump.  In a few days Biden will step side.  The seas you still awake for the democrats elect a new leader.

Joe Biden is vice president is Kamala Harris.  Of whom I know nothing!  And he he Asian us an emergency order to get 100 best race is a good pressing.  And she is likely to become U.S. President!  When Joe Biden is recalled by God, to reorganise the cleaner air to in heaven.

If Donald does become U.S. President again, Nigel Ferage Israel likely to resign from UK politics.  And get a better paid job in the U.S.!  All the people who voted for Reform will feel like such idiots.

Though surely feeble from the labour party have at an angle fully covered.  Sir Kier Starmer must remind people of cancers were totally cured in America 2002.  Using HIUS.  Making cancer treatments illegal medicine!

The European Court of human rights surely have been worse if Kier Starmer that is illegal promotion of the criminal and defective cancer treatments.  The was as chance would happen it, I have four friends in the European Courts.

Politicians promoting illegal medicine immediately disqualify them cells from the UK election process.  Keir Starmer out of control of the labour party.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

New Russian revolution


Putin since a serious health issues and the world should prepare for a new Russian revolution.

Vladimir Putin

© Getty

Vladimir Putin's grip on power in Russia is not as secure as it appears and a Kremlin rebellion is very much on the cards, a leading dissident told the Express.

To all extents and purposes, the Russian President seems to have strengthened his political control over Russia, after being elected unopposed as President for a new six year term in March.

The Kremlin boss has succeeded in stamping out any political dissent in the country, forcing many of his enemies to flee abroad.

At the start of his term Putin was not very popular!  Now we're her at the disastrous invasion in the Ukraine.  Tried to reconstruct the USSR by force.  Which is a led to the destruction of 40% of the Russian army.

But they are on going them a tree home age in the Ukraine, has a at the Ukrainian invasion very unpopular amongst the military.  And history has demonstrated, they use the army and your regime will fall.

And all pronouncements from the Russian president ceased four days ago.  There is something dramatic going on in Russia.  Eight military controlled government, with less emphasis on companis them is imminent.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Dementia all cured 2010

No cancers since 2020

Dementia is caused by a viral altered cell, within the central nervous system!  Which has to be inflated to induce infective structure replication.

Before 2002 cancer is are all caused by a viral altered cell, which divided to the limit by the inflated!  1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound cause such a foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture!

So only 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound applied externally, cures all 200 cancers out there!  Though the drug company is are still paying suppose the registered doctors, to test for cancers until 2024.

For all cancers totally cured since 2002.  All the drug company is biochemical drug patents were useless and valueless!  So they know local borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.

So could either or nurse not to accept cancers were all cured!  Though all the cancer hospitals shut down.  And void 2020 he doctors fought on rich and record that all cancers have ceased to exist throughout the earth.

There 2013 in became apparent that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease.  ½ minute of HIUS clearing all heart rhythm problems.

And firstly found that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared type two diabetes instantly, way back in 2010.  2016 and it became apparent that all diabetes had vanished from world.  No aberration from the drug industry.

As and when there prescription metformin C and defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  With killing the diabetic within a decade!  HIUS totally cured diabetes in 1 minute.

The cancer hostels reopen as mental health units!  But 2010 I had confirm firstly that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally cleared the inflated viral also cell type causing dementia.

I cured MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  The drug industry protested that only the drug industry to cured diseases.  Well apparently not.  This are no answer two mental health problems.

That responds to the standard cancer cure, I applied to the head!  Don't forget the drug industry never cure to cancers.  Or heart disease!  Or diabetes.  Or dementia.

This was plasma biochemistry is a most effective medical science in history!  And all dementia cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.

Medicine has fallen back on elective surgery, as a source of income!  Trying to replace 40% of the economic activity of the planet.  But the surgeons are registered doctors and only economically insolvent they cancer surgery.

Just one cancer surgery since 2020 and the surgical team struck off without legal argument.  Then globally prohibited from surgical activity!

Any Dr. Prescribing cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off and no longer allowed to prescribe surgery!  So or surgery is globally prohibited!

Muslim wine

The problem is to remove ethanol alcohol from wine.  Wine is a mixture of organic compounds in solution.  Boiling the wine damages these compounds!  Impacting on the flavor of the wine.

My Internet search reveals that half full boils off at 1.0002 atmospheres, the wine and copounds should viral at a higher pressure!  1.2 atmospheres!  Pure water boils at one atmosphere.

So if we install a vacuum pump of 1.003 atmospheres we should be our to suck off the alcohol.  Playing against a metal surface, he condenses to form pure alcohol!  The most excellent Volcker on the planet.

Leaving just the wine behind, now stripped of the troublesome ethanol!  Sold in bottles of green tops, Muslims can happily drink of this wine and never get drunk.

The designated driver in a group of friends, who happily drink cancer are all free wine without worrying about a breathalyser!  As they are calling is stripped of its alcohol but not flavor.

The most excellent 0% alcohol wine on the planet!  We can happily a warm point at 20° C, without impacting its flavor!  Then 0.8 atmospheres vacuum will boil off the alcohol!

struck off doctors cannot prescribe surgery

No medicine legal

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, on High Intensity UltraSound clearing cancers and viruses.  Prescribing cancer treatments became defective and intentionally fatal medicine 

Every registered Dr. On earth had to purges an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound massage device and validate the new medical science.  Or they were automatically struck off removing them cells instantly from legal medical practice

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The drug company is also are voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath, so were prohibited from manufacture and sale or cancer drugs.  Or they are also are struck off and remove from the biochemical drug register.

All the other biochemical drug patents void and worthless!  There drugs outside legal medical prescription.

Doctors and drug company is lost 80% other income!  So 2024 and the struck off doctors are looking at elective surgery as the income source!  But elective surgery is potentially fatal, and surgery should be researched the critical use!

Legally struck off doctors cannot prescribe drugs or surgery.  As a cure prescribe the drugs used in surgery!  There medical practice totally criminal and illegal. 

They cannot sell for vent the income with surgery, as they can no longer prescribe surgery.

For last two years I have been on about their HIUS also clearing the spherical bacterial structure causing arthritis.  Which has a foreign inflated cell structure!  As the bacterial rump devides by tricking the the B cells of the immune system into thinking they are beneficial bacterial structure.

Once they start causing damage to a cartilage, the immune system will start clearing an asset detrimental bacterial structures.

So the struck off doctors can not prescribe any surgery since the ceased to V registered doctors.  And although medical practice was illegal and an insured!

Monday, 24 June 2024

Covid just flu

Covid=flu - so totally cures

Causing human disease since 1934!  Ka 30 people across the globe.  Not a new dangerous pathogen!  Given a new variant strain number every 1st of October.

This farmers to the standard cancer and viral cure published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

The important thing is that the virus has to divide in a single cell way!  Which is foray into multi cellular body.  One application of High Intensity UltraSound to the chest causes inflated cell structures to boil and rupture.

I was busy researching HIUS curing all 200 types of body cancer 2019.  So I have eyes the 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit at hand.  And by each side the chest for ½ minute.  A clears my seasonal flu, just as he cleared the viral and bacterial infections for my friends.

Not realizing that was the care of it 19 the drug companies are kicking at such a fuss about!  Vaccination medicine does not tackle Covid.  As it takes two years to licence so the care of it vaccination were produced, by obsolete within six months!  Then counterproductive.

Increasing the patient death rate and the f when it will be a already cured using lu severity.  Today he we're on Covid23 since October 1, 2023.  Will be on Covid24 the 1st of October, 2024.

A few more should already have the 8 W 1 MHz device at hand - apply to the chest for ½ minute it clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Just as it cleared my Covid19 November 2019.  That vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy innocent people with vaccinate.

HIUS kills nobody!  There is no new care of it strain around.  That way into her October 1, 2024.  Annie is already cured using HIUS.

Giving the obsolete an unlicensed counterproductive Covid10 vaccination from January 2021, given to 3.5 billion global citizens, killed 17 million!  Biochemistry cannot tackle Covid.  Really doesn't matter!

Every nursing office in the world has an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, clear all Covid in 1 minute!  Without Dr. or drugs interaction!  So the seasonal flu already cured without drugs.

Just as all 200 cancers totally cured 2002: there doctors are still insist on prescribing the defective an intentionally defective cancer treatments until 2020.  When doctors protest to all cancers had vanished from the earth without their interaction.

So we live in a cancer free world!  Somebody tell labour.  There is still focused on cancer treatments - obsolete and intentionally fatal but useless!

Whooping cough cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.  And the drug industry was incredulous!
infections cured 1 minute

So only a simple physical cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  A type of viral or bacterial infection irrelevant.  Like cancer so had a foreign inflated cell structure.  And that is what HIUS targets.

How long is a person with a whooping cough contagious?

A person with whooping cough can pass it to others as soon as they get cold-like symptoms. They can also pass it up to 3 weeks after they start coughing. If the infected person takes an appropriate antibiotic, they will not spread the germ after 5 full days of treatment.

Every registered Dr. Bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  Total clearance of all cancers in 1 minute - I applied externally to the affected organ.

½ minute each side the chest clears the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  It cured AIDs my friend in New York in 1 minute.  2012!  And he was so obviously clear all viral and bacterial outbreaks.  Like whooping cough!

I firstly validated November 2019 care of it strains.  Care of it just being the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  So ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally cleared Covid19.

Care of it has a new strain number declared every 1st of October.  Right now we're on Covid34, becomming Covid24 1st of October, 2024.

Whooping cough is caused by a bacterial infection, so exposed in the lungs!  As infections tend to spread through the lungs.  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally clearing whooping cough.

Setting up the immune danger signal, to prevent subsequent whooping cough infections for 40 years.  Then a one session of 8 W ultrasound clearing the new whooping cough strain, with another 40 years of protection from that infection!

Doctors already has the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  Verified to clear all cancers in 1 minute 2002.  Doctors are those are far from the prescription of the defective cancer treatments from 2002.

Mysteriously talk until 2020 for all cancers to vanish from the earth.  Since when the drug companies have been desperately inducing suppose the registered doctors, to totglobal patients for a cancer strain which is not cured.

All foreign cell types are cured!  They cancer by definition years of foreign dividing cell type.  He those doctors are not allowed to apply he spurious cancer deaths from 2020.

Those return or medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients for spurious cancer tests since.  Prescription of cancer treatments since 2002 was defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company earth.  A financial fine of 10 million UK pounds applies for every medicated cancer death since 2002: them by definition all cancers were cures!

So medics have the validated 8 W three MHZ unit at hand.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all infections including whooping cough.  They have the 8 W ultrasound unit, as though legally a medically constrained to validate the total cancer cure.

If there being an outbreak a black death today, ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest would are totally cured it.  Without quarantine a patient death!

So the whooping cough cure was medically published by world leading cancer hospital chain, the Moffitt, in 2002.  There will be no outbreak of whooping cough!  As it is now a totally cured in 1 minute in any health centre in the world.

Or using your own 8 W one MHZ unit.  Curing all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024

Anti-depressants kill

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side ahead clears all mental health problems.  Including all dementia and even depression!  A one session total cure.  No registered Dr. even allowed to research the defective biochemical treatments to depression.

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It was in the newspapers today that teenagers being prescribed antidepressants, had or six times increased risk of suicide!  Choir possibly the worst medicine in recorded history!

Depression is caused by an inflated viral fragment, left behind by a fall viral infection - might viral rumps!  Which must have a foreign inflated cell structure, to replicate and cause depression!

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear such foreign inflated cell types.  Regular body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells, so never have an inflated cell structure!

Which is used by he infective bacteria all viral infections, to causing infective structure replication.  So ½ minute of HIUS each server person's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Antidepressants just the increase patients each side rates!  The operative 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, can be purchased for under five UK pounds.

And will clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  And as it transpires totally clearing all mental health problems including depression.

Saturday, 22 June 2024

stop the joint replacements

Arthgritis CURED 2002 - no surgery

I wrote this idea at first four years ago, and a every registered Dr. Is required to validate and then use best new medical science.  So they should have been no joint replacements in last four years!

The mass of the invasive surgical intervention will result in patient death!  10 million UK pounds for every patient death, and the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term for each death.  Their first joint replacements season struck off from medicine for ever!

Arthritis is caused by a small spherical inflated bacterial structure, left behind from full bacterial infection.  This is like throwing a ball bearings into a joint!

What their frequent papers on using High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers, it will also clear viral and bacterial structures.  Every registered GP are already has an 8 W 3 MHz device, used to validate the 1 minute total cure of all cancers.

½ minute to arthritic joints, causes the spherical structures to boil and rupture!  Clearing that foreign distinct cell type totally from the body.  Clearing the arthritis totally!

No need for invasive joint replacements: with potentially fatal results.  And the GP has the validated HIUS unit at hand every health centre in the world.

So the total non surgical cure for arthritis!

Thursday, 20 June 2024

2002 and medics totally cured cancer

RIP cancers 2002

That year three medical professors from the world's leading Moffitt cancer centre.  Published 100 patient double blind trial into High Intensity UltraSound clearing cancers and viruses in one session.

I have firstly validated by 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally clears all cancers in one external application.  Every registered Dr. Bought an 8 W three MHZ unit from the Moffitt, to confirm the total cancer cure - which works for all 200 types of cancer.

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1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So 8 W ultrasound causes inflated cancer cell to boil and rupture, and free use microbubbles of helium and oxygen gases.  Registered medics confirmed he works for all 200 types of human cancer.

Drug companies went into overdrive, there is no biochemical cancer treatments were defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Which no registered Dr. Could ethically and legally prescribed.

Or same day strike themselves and the drug company off their medical registers.  An registered doctors are not permitted to research defective medicines - as cancer treatments became 2002.

But for the next 18 years psychopathic individuals who used to be doctors, continue to illegally prescribed the defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments.

Around the world this resulted in the needless deaths of 200 million individuals.  A total undisputed legal fine of 2000 trillion.  Our planet only worth 138 trillion!

Striking off every biochemical prescribing Dr. Without legal argument.  Not surprisingly doctors and drug company is are arguing still!  They are void 2020 all cancers had vanished from the world totally, as registered doctors part on medical records.

At which stage so no Dr. Is allowed to prescribe cancer treatments.  As there are no cancers!  An without them open cancer treatments doctors, drug companies and Health Services have lost 80% other income.  Which in corporate history means bankruptcy!

2024 and the labour leader Sir Kier Starmer also increased funding to the NHS: which is now losing massive money!  And obviously can't medicate cancer patients anymore.

Since 2002 the NHS has medicated 97,000 cancer patients to an needless, agonising and totally preventable death.  The legal fine 970 billion!  And the NHS only has 40,000 G P's.

So that is void two patients each!  There happily seven G P's were refused to prescribe the defective and fatal cancer treatments.  All registered doctors for the legally required to personally validate the Moffitt Paper 2002.

And there were constrained from the prescription of cancer treatments!  As the condition is now a totally cured.

Before giving the NHS extra funding, keir starmer should ensure that every cancer treatment prescribing Dr. and assisting nurse, totally remove from medicine for ever!  It is wrong to financially reward pathogenic individuals for mass murder.

And the cancer treatment doctors are the most prolific mass murdering bastards who have ever lived.  And as such Sir Kiwe Starmer is legally constrained from publicising their activities.

Which seem to include the most horrendous mass murdering him in history!  And it is so wrong to finance the reward psychopathic murderous.

No party political leader in the UK has ever and endorsed mass murder of the innocents.  Until Sir Kier.  His election campaign is being underwritten by the self serving murderous drug companies.

Covid/flu totally cured

All Covid/flu cured 2002!

Influenza is caused by the standard virus.  But like the virus causing the common cold, it changes genome very rapidly!  So medical vaccinations can't keep up.  Curing the regular flu is such a massive health improvement for the world.

To confuse matters with medics started talking about the flu as Covid 2019.  That year we were on Covid19.  There was automatically renamed as ovid20 four year from the 1st of October, 2019.

The cure cancers 2002 using 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound, e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, was total and absolute!  It was medically published 53 medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital chain - the Moffitt.

Other medics are for numbly reluctant to stop prescribing the no defective cancer treatments.  Which gave a cancer patient a 2 year decline to an expensive biochemical death!  But made up 80% of the income for drug company is and doctors.

Each cancer drug prescribing Dr. and drug company struck off without argument!  On their first defective prescription and 2002.  No registered Dr. Allowed to research the no defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments.

So for 18 years so suppose the ethical doctors, knowingly prescribed the defective cancer treatments in chemo or radio therapy, smiley watching as her patient's died!

There is pleasure the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine, will be there last day as a registered Dr..  Fighting to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.

Air force for ever practicing doctors, who did not enforce the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Taken voluntarily of light high up nurses and drug companies.  Who were required to validate and then use HIUS to clear all cancers.

Void 2020 all cancers had vanished from the world according to doctors.  After 18 years of continued prescription of the defective and fatal medicine.

2024 and the labour leader in the UK, Sir Kier Starmer or see the energy is more money.  Presumably so they can go on prescribing more defective and fatal cancer drugs!  But remember every registered Dr. and nurse, the struck off the first day they prescribed cancer treatments since the Moffitt Paper 2002.

This is the standard medical law!  But I am an just repeating.  As it came up during my master's degree in to engineering, dealing with health and safety.

So cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine 2002.  They can never be researched or developed!  As medicine prohibits research into defective medicine,

Strikes off the Dr. and drug company day one!  The inevitable consequence of the doctors freely taken Hippocratic oath.  Which is the European Court of human rights has reminded me, is above legal contention!  Absolute law.

Every prescription of the defective cancer drugs since the Moffitt Paper, the struck off the involved doctors, nurses and drug companies.  Without legal argument!

I wrote up the Moffitt Paper about AIDs 2008.  As I did not have a gay friend with AIDs.  And yes I did ask them if they had a friend with HIV.

My paper sat on the Internet for four years, and Tony was picked up and red by my American friend who was HIV⁺.  Who was employed an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound device, ½ minute each side of his chest.

B standard viral cure!  Or cancer being cured by external application of HIUS for 1 minute.  Now all viral and bacterial infections totally cured by ½ minute each side of the chest.

And yes my AIDs totally better in 1 minute.  Fully discharged from all medical attention as his next GP a appointment.  We shared our work with the world, and AIDs vanished in two weeks.

The medical world lost a $648.00 million business a year.  Which is around the valuer are the care of it vaccination market 2019.

But medicine has specifically precluded work or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold since 1934.  As a vaccination takes six months to freeze even today, and then into a two year drug licensing regime.  A legal requirement before he it become legal human medicine.

That in the had two year period we would have two distinct influenza strains.  Given a new number designation every 1st of October!

And as 103 professors from the Moffitt has reminded me, obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the next flu strain.

Making the flu more severe - as experience by my mother: who would insist on allying the Dr. To give her the obsolete an unlicensed care of it 19 vaccination repeatedly.  Mothers will not be told!

So the Covid19 vaccination was unlicensed and illegal here medicine, they are financially motivated doctors started applying it from January 2021.  Already within the year of Covid20.

And medics have found practically the obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the new infection strain.  Making the flu worse, increasing the patient death rate from 3.5% - below the 5% whil infection to be classified as a pandemic.

So care of it was just the seasonal flu that's circulates the world tracking winter.  Not a pandemic!  The national locked down was inflicted by self serving medics and the general population, were in contravention of human rights walls around the world.

And remember just ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest clears all viral infections including every common cold and Covid strain.

You rare that right!  The cure or published by world leading cancer hospital chain, clears all 200 types or cancer and all subsequent strains of viral and bacterial infections.  Including the common cold!

And the my practical experience November 2019, ½ minute from my 8 W ultrasound device, I cleared my own Covid19.  The world picture of and use this idea, and Covid vanished!

By applying ultrasound ½ minute each side the chest, we set off nuclear fusion within the pressurise foreign viral or bacterial cell.  Which can only replicate if pressurised!  Regular body cells bud off DNA he monitored stem cells.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray the foreign inflated infected cell boils and ruptures.  Inducing a full immune action to clear that dangerous unwanted cell type from the body.

Then there 2012 it eradicated AIDs from the world.  There was no suddenly effective biochemical treatment!  Which would have been developed to contain or not cure HIV.  So continuing the medical income from the treatment!

I was interested in curing disease.  And the Moffitt published the use of HIUS to clear all foreign cell types.  Including cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

The labour leader, Sir Kier Starmer also give more money to the NHS.  He should first insured by every cancer drug prescribing medic struck off along with assisting nurses and pharmacists.

And then all Health Services around the world far from cancer treatments after the Moffitt Paper 2002.  It every Dr. has the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, in every nursing office in every health centre in the world.

That will clear all infections and cancers.  Basically for free!  There no drug application.  Cancer an infection drugs have been intentionally fatal an defective medicine since 2002.

So Sir Kier starmer ones to reward the NHS for are applying defective cancer treatments to the UK population.  Resulting in the expensive, agonising biochemical death of 97,000 cancer patients since 2002.

45,000 of which was the labour voters!  Executed Bio chemically for the good profits of the psychopathic doctors and drug companies.  Sir Kier acting as an unpaid stooge to of a psychopathic murderous corporations in economic history.

You should not reward struck off doctors for the biggest medical killing spree in history.  Purge the NHS of defective doctors and nurses.  All the Dr. wages and pensions are such a massive economic expense.

That will burn to the NHS to do real life saving medicine!  There for the life of me, I cannot think of any useful medicine they could actually do.

Advocating defective and fatal medicine, is inconsistent with being a party leader in the 2024 general election.  Sir Kier is so dismissed as a party leader, facing criminal trial for the murder of that 97,000 cancer patients.

A total legal fine of 970 billion.  The amount of money that the labour party now owns the UK government, is a matter for the lawyers.  Sir Kier totally remove from legal politics for life.

Facing a multi life custodial jail sentence.  Or if he led to the death of one serving or retired member of the armed services, burn off taken to the death penalty to be executed. 

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Flu cured

RIP flu 2002
No Covid vaccination ever.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound as a total cure all cancers and viruses.

Every registered medic had to be aware of and validated this new medical science within five days: the delivery time for an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit from the Moffitt, costing $10,000.

I have validated that an 8 W one MHZ unit costing below a five UK pounds, equally as infective!

2002 20 million cancer patients around the world had died from cancers.  Often being subjected to the expensive and totally ineffective cancer treatments for 2000 dollars!

So the total cancer cure published 2002.  And every registered Dr. On earth has pledged to validate and use best new medical science, or their next day strike themselves off the doctors' medical register for life.

So prescribing the defective cancer treatments four days after the Moffitt Paper published, sore the Dr. and assisting nurses plus pharmacists, the struck off their medical registers for life.  Stripped of medical wages and pension.  There prescriptions invalid and he illegal and!

Biochemical drug companies like a higher up nurses signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  And are committed to using best medicine.  But since 2002 and cancer treatments have been defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

Striking off all involved medics!  Cancers vanish from the world by 2020.  But the drug companies are still intent on financially inducing suppose the registered doctors, to repeat the test global patients for cancers - which have not existed for four years!

The biochemical cancer test were only developed after cancers have ceased to exist.  They are spurious medical rubbish!  Patient's to have paid for or cancer since 2020, entitled to return of their money and the involved Dr. and drug company struck off without argument.

In 1934 the seasonal flu was termed Covid.  Then it giving two digits - their last two digits of that year's winter.  Medicine realise that producing a vaccination would take even today six months.

And then into a two year drug licensing regime.  The or the seasonal flu has a new version every October 1.  So Covid19 only existed for a year until the 31st of September 2020.  We were then on to the year of Covid20.  One of the retired professors of medicine from the Moffitt, reminding the the obsolete vaccinations at Ian the detrimental effect on the new infection strain.

Increasing the severity of the next infection.  My mother found that the Covid19 vaccination actually made Covid20...22 worse.  Also increasing the patient death rate from the usual 3.5% - though the 5% for the seasonal flu to be classified as a pandemic.

So the national locked down is and forced on the global population by financially motivated medics, contravened basic human rights laws.  Care of it not a pandemic ever.

This is 2024, and Astra Zeneca has now ceased production of the defective and counterproductive Covid19 vaccination.  When we are within the year of Covid23.  Be coming Covid24 automatically 1st of October, 2024.

So the Covid vaccination actually made the seasonal flu worse.  My mother was very annoyed that I used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side my chest and cleared all infections including Covid20.

When ever I feel an infection coming on, I walks use the bathroom and use my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  And clear the infection totally within 1 minute.  And totally better within 2 hours.  No visit to the doctors.

My last trip to the doctors he got a hospital locum to vaccinate me against Covid19, when we were already within the year of Covid20.  Which I was still learning about!

Totally cleared in 1 minute.  Which I have repeated this year for Covid23.  An if I catch the seasonal flu and this year, Covid24, I will cure rate in 1 minute with my 8 W ultrasound unit.

Which causes the inflated cell types common to all cancers plus viral infections, to boil and rupture.  At which stage the body's own immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

My personal contact in New York 2012, he use the standard ½ minute of HIUS each service chest to clear his AIDs.  We shared our work with the world and HIV vanished within two weeks around the world.

The doctors were still busy prescribing AIDs treatments illegally and till 2018.  Doctors prescribing useless but defective medicine struck off and totally remove from medicine for life.

So Covid24...  Already cured in 1 minute.  Using a medically licensed home beauty device - the ultrasound massage unit.  No Dr. or drugs involved and the cure of infections.

That vaccinations already he kill one person in 200 that we vaccine it.  The medically accepted human death rate.  So medics illegally and counterproductive he give out 2.5 unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccinations by January 2021.  Already within the year of Covid20.

So the vaccination obsolete and unlicensed!  Saving not one life.  Giving out 2.5 million Covid19 vaccinations intentionally killed 50,000 healthy an innocent patients.  Killed by the vaccination.

The Dr. already has the 8 W ultrasound unit, medically proven to clear all cancers on viral infections.  So 50,000 needless human vaccination deaths.  And he carried on until April 2024.

Each vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Sentence seeing the murderous Dr. To 25 years in high security prison for each vaccination murder.

So that is a fine bass of half a billion generate 2021 and he carried on for the next three years!  The biggest deliberate medical murder in history.

An asset any patient vaccination death, the Dr. and nurse required to strike themselves off their respective medical registers and leave medicine for life.  Along with the murderous biochemical drug company!  Usually Astra Zeneca.

There is no two year period from legal arguments!  The medics struck off their next day after the game or helped apply he a care of it vaccination: always defective and prohibited but murderous medicine.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Labour, accept NHS bankrupt

NHS so insolvent

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers.  I wrote a 28,000 word book about this!

Ultrasound—Cancer Cure: Cheap Home Cure to All Cancers

1 minute of the ultrasound for an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, I applied externally to where it hurts, clear all cancers!  These can be purchased for under five UK pounds.

No Dr. or drugs involved!  So people for their own 8 W ultrasound unit, and void 2020 all cancers were extinct in the world!  The drug companies went into a frenzy of paying suppose the registered doctors, to do spurious negative cancer tests!

Looking for cancers.  Are not planning any!  People I cured all around cancers.  And doctors realise 2002 that High Intensity UltraSound clears all cancers an inflated cell structures common to viral and bacterial infections.

Doctors tragically carried on prescribing defective cancer treatments.  Usually killing the cancer patient in two agonising and expensive years.   HIUS clearing all 200 types of human cancer in one session.

So now the drug company is are leaning on Keir Starmer, to give the NHS massive money.  For the defective doctors are now seeking carry on as before!

Doctors who prescribed defective biochemical treatments were required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  They didn't!  There are a legal fine of 10 million for every medicated cancer patient death there prescriptions produced.

The assisting nurses barred from applying defective medicine.  So also struck off.  The struck off medics are stripped of medical wages since their first defective drug application or prescriptions.  Also are stripped of medical wages!

Blogger had just bought my block on curing Covid.  Using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS the server person's chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Causing the foreign pressurise cell structure to boil and rupture!

The immune system then clearing that dangerous cell type totally from the body.  The idea has led to the total elimination of Covid - the medical name for seasonal flu.  Now a totally eliminated from the world!

A family somebody complained this contravenes their health guidelines of Blogger.  So totally curing their infection from the earth using a physical method, obviously upset the drug companies!

The most significant health improvement to secure a cancer 2002.  So 2020 I have published a one session total cure a of flu.  Which apparently upset the drug companies!

This vaccinations to a flu warriors obsolete in counter productive.  The HIUS it even cleared AIDs from the world.  Some being the drug company is do not even discuss!

So 2020 and cancers are totally eliminated from world.  And it was medical malpractice two charged by one's registered medic, for a spurious medical tests to disease which no longer existed.

Quite what the test represented I do not lnow!  As cancer was eliminated before Bio chemistry June drive a test.  And family for nothing, giving the predictably negative results.

So drug companies, doctors and drug company is lost 80% other income 2002.  And the Health Service is have learnt on only due to government intervention!  So keir starmer is asking for the UK population, to throw more money into loss making NHS.

Country the overpriced Charles of the defective medics.  Who should not be in medicine!  The NHS he is losing money.  Which Kier Starmer has never talked about!

No Dr. Is allowed to to prescribe defective medication and continue in medical practice.  And yet they have!  The greatest deliberate flouting of the Hippocratic oath ever.

If your GP has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, they ceased that day he to be a registered legal Dr.!  Kier Starmer should be active in the throwing bad medics out of the NHS.

He should not be rewarded them with government financial handouts!  To apply more defective medicine with fatal results!

Friday, 14 June 2024

cancer research did not develop radio therapy

RIP all cancers by 2020

Cancer Research was funded 1945, after the Second World War.

Radiotherapy can be traced back about 125 years to the discovery of X-rays (1895) by a Germany physicist named W. C. Roentgen. After X-rays were discovered, it did not take long before X-rays were used in cancer treatments. On January 29, 1896, just three days after announcement of the discovery of X-rays, the E. H. 30 Sept 2020 

So radio therapy and is 80 years older than cancer research.  The buzzing cancer research adverts are over 15 years old.  And totally ignore them the total cancer cure published 2002.

1 minute of external high intensity ultrasound, published as a cancer cure 53 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.  Found to clear all cancers!

Making of of chemo and radio therapy is defective medicine!  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research defective medicine.  No cancer treatments, since cancer was totally eliminated from the earth 2020.

Nurse or desperation of Cancer Research to raise charitable firms!  Which can never be spent to play a registered doctors to research non existent diseases!.  Totally prohibited by the doctors Hippocratic oath.

In my personal experience 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all cancers in 1 minute.  In the UK the Advertising Standards Authority, will stamp on any of them and that is not honest, legal or true.

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Any adverse by any cancer charity could not legally be honest, legal or true.