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Diabetes fixed 2010 |
I cured my friends had type two diabetes in my church health group 2010: ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the bottom right of the chest. This was the published cure to prostate cancer 2002. 8 W 1 MHz = High Intensity UltraSound.
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And it cause the pressurise viral altered cell causing cancers, to boil and fragment. As the ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Cancers are forced to divide in the same single cell viral fashion, use light viral diseases. Resulting me it was found that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Regular body cells are more flaccid, and experience ultrasound burns at higher power levels. It turns out there diabetes is caused by an inflated viral altered cell which gives off X rays in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans: just like all cancers do!
I was trying to ease my friends diabetic discomfort, and was is only uses any body that I actually cured him! I freely published my work on the Internet, which had to personally verified by every Dr. or interest in diabetes in the world.
My American diabetic contacts told me that type one diabetes only remitted in three days, and that he the full minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest. Which I verified 2016 - the 1 minute cure to type one diabetes.
I lost three non blood relatives to type two diabetes. When I was actually working in metallurgical ultrasound!
2000 and I was back at Sheffield University working and nuclear fusion. And we were intrigued that cancers give off X rays in ultrasound scans. As is no chemical source of X rays!
We were doing 1. Nuclear fusion in the human body at body temperature, and only four atmospheres cell pressure.
My ideas went by the national institute of health, to the Moffitt cancer centre hospital chain in America. Who published the 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound clear prostate cancer in one session.
They wanted $10,000 for the ultrasound unit, and a every registered Dr. On earth had to buy he the 8 W ultrasound, and verify the total cancer cure!
They discovers that 1 minute of HIUS cleared all 200 types or cancer in one session. Making subsequent prescription of the defective cancer treatments, or defective an intentionally fatal medicine. Killing the cancer patient in two years usually!
Doctors are so addicted to the finance the got from cancer treatments, it talk until 2020 for all cancers to vanish from the world. Every Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002 struck off. A fine of 10 million for every medicated cancer patient death. And 25 years in high security prison for each deliberate medical murder.
At this stage Sheffield had release me from my PH D work, thinking at Cambridge University would offer me a medical Ph.D. into cancer. Cage verified that HIUS cured all cancers so never offered.
½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. As the inflated infected cell boil had and ruptured! And the immune system then clears the foreign exploding cell type totally from the body.
A total cure to infective disease! Just as all cancers had been cured 2002. Othe doctors verified that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease 2013.
2024 and ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys, but totally clearing all heart rhythm problems!
2010 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead was a total non drug cure to all dementia: MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia all cured. But again the financial attractiveness of mental health drugs, caused suppose the registered doctors to prescribe useless an defective mental health medicines.
The all dementia was cured 22 and each dementia death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the doctors struck off to receive the standard quarter of a century in high security jail for each dimentia medicated killing.
By in 2013 I've published a lot of papers about HIUS for ½ minute of minute to the lower right of the chest clearing all diabetes. Again doctors very reluctant to embrace this life saving non drug medicine.
But by March 2024 medics conceded all diabetes was cured. Yet yesterday and my local restaurant or a waiter was doing a PH D into diabetes. And fell silent as I a pointed out there all diabetes had vanished from the world.
Nobody can study diabetes, as diabetes type one and two no longer exists. And metformin prescriptions for those that defective medicine! Medical students looking for better diabetic drug delivery systems. When there are no diabetics!
He looked very upset as he learned I did not have diabetes. But had Bailey and crucial part in its total cure. I wrote a 28,000 word book on this subject.
Which he promised to buy a an read. No doubt as an E book, costing under five UK pounds. 5% of medically induced fatalities resulting from diabetes.
Which by February 2023, had just vanished! As surely as all cancers should have vanished 2002, and coronary heart disease so did vanished 2013.
Medical students could not study and extinct disease! It is just not possible. The disease no longer exists.
Which means that supermarket diabetic isles, now totally superfluous! There are no diabetics in the world. Included Asia, that has such a diabetic problem. A mixture of type one and type two.
Due to my car accident my finances are managed by an accountant lawyer. And burn centre Lee B a ritual lawyer had type one diabetes! When this ancer of power to my work at salford quays, I sent the idea to him! And the semi back in message of thanks.
Though that could have been there was a cent in the idea of a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, starting up by the high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light pours local secondhand shop, release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.
So a 15cm steam plasma should release plasma kilowatts of heat. They commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, will turn into 65 kW of carbon zero mains electricity.
Every lightening strike around the world releases five tonnes of helium - as it does physical molecular nuclear fusion threw a three steam plasma. An enclosed steam plasma is twice as dynamic, and turns regular water into just heat light and X rays. No carbon dioxide!
2 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so the carbon zero heat, and then electricity for eight houses. Or a medium sized business - like my law firm!
Who sell the excess carbon zero electricity at night to national grid, and get an annual check from the national grid for over 90,000 UK pounds. My PH D area from Sheffield!
Go so densely my all professor at Sheffield had type one diabetes. There we have retired and died before I found the cure! But now all the diabetics is around the world have cured them cells.
Using a five UK pound 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit. The total diabetic cure no drugs or Dr. Involved!
No continues diabetic use, leading to a diabetic death within 10 years. A 1 minute total cure. This idea was my own. Neither the national institute of health or Moffitt contributed towards my work.
Which I have found out in my church health group, by happenstance! So I cured the previously incurable diabetes. For which there was meant to be noble prize!
Over at the than the applied if you were or where a Dr.! So the global newspapers should spur had news of diabetic cure around the world. The water can bet your bottom dollar, there will still be party logical individuals prescribing the defective and fatal diabetic drugs.
Who was so struck off, their first diabetic drug prescription after 2013. But doctors reserve the right to do what the hell they want! Even if your results in a patient death. These are not nice people.
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