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Alzheimer's totally fixed 2013 |
All dementia causing cells in the brain area give off X rays in ultrasound scans. There is no chemical source of X rays! Incredibly enough we are doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.
The ultrasound turns the water molecules into helium and oxygen gases. With massive heat and X rays. This idea crosses the academic disciplines are biology and physics.
So we are doing nuclear fusion from molecular hydrogen - regular water cells in the cells interior. We are familiar with the emission of X rays from cancer cells in ultrasound scans.
This only works as there cells are foreign pressurise cell structures. To allow body cell replication. Regular body cells never replicate! Cancer and dementia cells have a pressurise cell nature to induce a single cell type, viral replication.
Body cells experience ultrasound pounds above 20 W. But foreign cell types experience nuclear fusion above 5 W. Henson week in use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device externally, and clear the foreign cell types!
Setting up an immune action to clear that distinct foreign cell type throughout the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound externally for 1 minute or less, to clear all prostate cancers and viruses. Viruses share the same foreign inflated cell structure with all cancers.
Thus medics discovers HIUS was a one session total cure to all cancers. 1 minute of external 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, clearing all cancers: stop the ultrasound if a patient reports warming!
This was my experience 2013, as I cleared three strangers of their dementia in my church health group. They had MS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Summer the head of fiercely been reading my recent blogs, and once he had directed verification of my ideas.
I used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: there can be purchased for under five UK pounds.
Ultrasonic Facial Skin Tightening And Lifting Beauty Device, Including Neck, Eye And Face Massager, Without Battery
B dementia causing cells all the emit X rays in ultrasound scans of the head. So we know we're dealing with foreign viral altered cells. Not as fast growing is the limit dividing cancers, but still using single cell type division.
Which makes them susceptible to a high intensity ultrasound. 2002 and the Moffitt demonstrated that 1 minute of HIUS externally cleared prostate cancer. And the doctors confirmed he works for all of the 200 types or cancer.
The professors at the Moffitt will family awarded the noble prize for curing cancer 2015. Despite this other medics would never adopt the life saving medicine. Preferring to prescribe the defective an intentionally fatal, but financially lucrative cancer drugs.
On entry to Medical Service all registered doctors promised never to apply defective medicine! From 2002 all the doctors who prescribed cancer drugs were struck off the same day, at their own hand!
And talking with the human rights lawyers, who have legal supremacy to medical regulators. They can force the retirement of cancer drug prescribing medics.
A fine of 10 million UK pounds applies for every medicated cancer death since 2002. They cancer drugs became unethical and criminal medicine. Each medical murder warrants 25 years in high security prison. No legal argument! Struck off 2002.
There insurers must return or all medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients, or more likely next of kin. The national regulators are doubly registered lawyers and doctors. Who believed they could safely prescribe cancer drugs, intentionally killing cancer patients, but making loads of money!
Thinking justice the work so with them in 25 years. They had 22! But we live in the age of the Internet. So I have been allowed to view the ultrasound scans of the Alzheimer's patients.
2000 and I was doing a PH D into nuclear fusion on earth. And figured out ultrasound do nuclear fusion on liquid water. There first of those skills exponential he with liquid pressure.
Cancer and Alzheimer's causing cells pressurised! Just like all dementia cells. MS, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and even depression.
My practical experience 2013 wasn't ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared all dementia, including our Alzheimer's! Caused by a viral also cell devising a single cell fashion.
And such cells start boiling and rupturing, the immune system secrete and actions the human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body. Just as 2002 it was found to clear all cancers.
2012 my personal contact in New York, use ½ minute of HIUS to totally clear his AIDs. There was no sudden biochemical development. The drug industry is have fought very hard to ensure that the fatal AIDs treatments were the state of biochemical are at four HIV.
A1 minute total cure of all dementia role to the drug industry of the hope for an economic future. The cure of AIDs totally cures the most heinous viral infection in history. That had killed five million people around the world.
In 2000 cancers cures 20 million people! The cancer drugs for applied to 40 million people. With fatal results in usually only two years.
A high level nurses share the doctors Hippocratic oath, so they can share in the best medicine and lower down nurses must apply, to conform to the nightingale pledge.
Defective medicine striking off both the prescribing Dr. and assisting nurses and pharmacists. The Hippocratic oath also binds the biochemical drug industry no time your own factory and sell defective medicines like cancer drugs since 2002.
We have just lived through those horrendous medical murderers in history! Every registered Dr. Validated that HIUS cured all cancers 2002. Yet continued with cancer drug prescriptions as he was so financially lucrative! Though intentionally fatal to the patients.
Resulting me every Dr. Who has prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off without legal challenge: the European courts have ensured me that the Hippocratic oath is absolute more beyond legal contention. As he is the nightingale pledge!
So every Dr. or nurse involved or cancer drugs since 2002 struck off. Stripped of medical wages since their first use of cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper, and denied a medical pension.
And 2012 my New York contact used HIUS to cure his AIDs, and share the idea with the world. HIV vanished in two weeks! The most serious viral infection in history totally and utterly cured. Using the HIUS device which in 2012 cause 45 UK pounds.
The prices crashed to under three UK pounds. As four billion units have been sold around the world. And doctors noted 2020, cancers had stopped forming.
As people wore are applying ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Which stops the development of cancers and other diseases of age.
Every health centre has the Dr. validated 8 W three MHZ unit, to clear all cancers and Alzheimer's. ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clear type two diabetes 2013.
2016 I validated my American diabetic friends experience, that the full minute to the bottom right of the chest was required to totally clear type one diabetes. Doctors put on record for every 2023 there all diabetes had vanished from the world.
The a shares from two the drug company is to go into an orgy of testing everywhere use blood sugar levels! Looking for the missing diabetics. Though all diabetes was totally and utterly cured.
This year the drug companies are promoting that there are 55 million Alzheimer's cases in the world. Though there is no effective drug treatment! And then are the physical cure to Alzheimer's is 100% effective, no registered Dr. Is allowed to research alternative biochemical treatments.
So there never will be a biochemical treatment for Alzheimer's. As it is a cured disease! I am rather skeptical about the 55 million figure. As people have bought an 8 W 1 MHz device, ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Hence the total extinction of cancers from the world! Medics are taking divide in medicating the last few cancer patients to an needless death. Already earning the ultrasound device which will clear all cancers in 1 minute. Just as the Hippocratic N oath dictates!
For earlier to clear cancers strikes off the Dr. and assisting nurses etc.. Today he ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all dementia.
Pills and the viral altered pressurise cell types to boil and rupture. Setting up the immune action to clear that distinct dangerous cell type from the body.
Hence the extermination of MS. There the drug companies insist or 130,000 UK MS cases. The standard ½ minute of HIUS in their local health centre clearing all dementia. And doctors are compelled to use there no drug physical cure.
The prescription of biochemical him as treatments has been illegal medicine for seven years! 11 years? The drug companies house is quite having are doing what the hell they want! Even if you results in the patient's death.
So today are registered doctors can clear all our Alzheimer's in 1 minute. Using the device it cures all cancers 2002. And the so steadfastly refused to use! Even though he was a total 100% cure to most heinous infection in history.
Cancer drugs been illegal medicine from 2002. Health Services keep prescription records, every cancer drug prescribing Dr. Since the Moffitt Paper, the struck off totally from legal medicine without legal argument.
Tragically since 2002 an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world, have been needlessly and so psychopathic Lee medicated to a pointless death. All Kevin cured by 1 minute of HIUS, to where the cancer hurt.
The drug company is stream the Alzheimer's will make a fully in can last from the total cured 200 types of cancer. But 2013 I demonstrated by the same device it cured cancers, also cures Alzheimer's.
Freely share on the Internet, no prescription mental health medication has been legal since 2013. Striking off the prescribing Dr., Assisting nurse and pharmacist, and manufacturing biochemical drug company.
Newspapers could save so many lives! Five publicising the 1 minute total Alzheimer's cure, using herself £5.00 medically licensed home beauty device. The drug company advertising budgets have bought off the media!
So much for editorial independence. This would make a fantastic article for the New England Medical journal. Who I am being a frequent contact with! Though they don't seem to reply very often.
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