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All infections cured 2002 |
These are rare diseases which or drug industry is do not wish to study! But in 2002 the one session total cure to all cancers also cures all viral and bacterial infections.
The drug companies hate the cancer cure, as they are not involved in it! By any person can cure all cancers, all 200 types or at home!
The Moffitt cancer centre discover that 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound (e.g. 8 W three MHZ) I applied externally cause the inflated cells common to all cancers. All viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture.
This causes the body's immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type totally from the body. The total 1 minute cure to all cancers.
I wrote this idea up about AIDs in 2008, and 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side use chest to clear his HIV⁺ status. Such units can be purchased for under five UK pounds over the Internet today.
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That virus and bacteria share the same foreign inflated cell nature with all cancers/so 1 minute to an infected organ. Or ½ minute each side of the chest will cause the infected cells to boil and rupture. And induce a body wide immune action to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.
After my friends cure of AIDs infection had vanished from the world within two weeks. But suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments until 2018.
Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well! As it cancer result in the deliberate and callous death of the patient. AIDs treatments being delivery the fatal within the decade. HIUS clearing all viral infections in 1 minute!
And it does not matter how minor the infection years. It works for all viral and bacterial infections, and all registered medics were required to purchase an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound the 2002, and verify the total cancer and viral cure.
Now all off and infections are cured! All manner infections cured in Africa: so no suddenly emergence of the new deadly 'incurable' virus. As all viruses are totally cured.
Losing AIDs has caused some medical or $648,000,000 in drug treatments every year. They have never celebrated the cure are the most pernicious viral infection in history.
That killed five million individuals around the planet.
The RE as five billion in donations to fund a biochemical cure. The residue that money must be returned to the donors. Now that AIDs has ceased tonnes.
Medics are desperately looking for AIDs₂ from 2012. But the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections. Just as the extinguish all 200 cancers from the world 2002.
Registered doctors no longer allowed to prescribe the now defective an intentionally fatal cancer treatments. Since 2002. Without being required the same day to strike themselves off the medical register for life! Ceasing all medical practice/
There medics proclaimed there was a noble prize waiting for the person who cured AIDs. No there wasn't! I found the cure with the assistance of professor Z. He never E burn awarded me A PH D my work at Sheffield University 2000! Which lead on doubt the to the cure of all cancers.
Which cast medicine 20 billion a year. But doctors confirmed the heart disease cure 2013: ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the vacuum the kidneys. Which will also clear all heart rhythm problems.
½ minute over the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas clears type two diabetes, supposedly incurable since the 1950s! Type one requires the fall minute, or only remits in three days as immune system gets busy.
My American contact Mrs Woods or ask any potential cured three day trial. And it worked on day three! I later found out the full minute gave the instant cure I had discovered we had type two diabetes.
The usual ½ minute of HIUS cleared Corona virus in Wuhan Province China. And there was firstly found to clear my own Covid19. There detecting medics from the or prescription pad is almost impossible!
They applied the obsolete, unlicensed and counter productive Covid19 vaccination from January 2021: even though it was obsolete only six months into a drug testing regime.
3.5 billion people were given the unlicensed vaccination illegally from January 2021 and 17 million and ended up dead. The total legal fine is 170 trillion. In excess of the worth of the planet!
Every Covid vaccinating Dr. and nurse struck off without argument! The the cells totally and utterly from legal medicine for ever.
So 2024 and week in no cure all infections! ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest. No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal! Remember it annihilated AIDs from the universe 2012.
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