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Cancers etc totally cured |
That year three medical professors from the world renown Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of one session of High Intensity UltraSound to clear prostate cancer and viruses. Doctors all bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit.
Which would have cost $10,000. I have found that an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, is as rffective, costing under five UK pounds.
What is actually going on, is that the ultrasound reacts with the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections, to initiate biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, do a little nuclear fusion. Causing the cancer cells to emit X rays. Are which is no chemical source!
Regular body cells only experience ultrasound pounds above 20 W. So our HIS passes straight through regular body cells without any effect!
If we apply 1 minute of HIUS externally to any other 200 types of body cancer. The cancer cells boil and rupture! Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action to clear that foreign dangerous cell type totally from the body and brain.
So all 200 types or cancer totally cured 2002! And a every registered Dr. On earth had to buy the required HIUS unit and verify the total non drug cancer cure. The or prescription of cancer treatments became defective an intentionally fatal medicine.
Killing the patient at great expense in two agonising years! Each drugs induce cancer death since 2002, warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. There prescribing doctors struck off to receive a 25 year jail term for each cancer patient fatality.
The a assisting nurses, pharmacists and drug company is all struck off without legal argument. In this case the immediate ramifications of the nurses nightingale pledge. Absolute law.
As the doctors Hippocratic N prevented all registered doctors, high up nurses, plus biochemical drug companies from applying the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs since 2002.
Any Dr. Not having validated the HIUS work struck off 2002: although subsequent medical prescriptions invalid and illegal! The Dr. J is no longer registered! There medical practice doubly criminal.
Registered doctors verified that HIUS cleared all 200 types of human cancer - which share the same foreign inflated cell structure we're prostate cancer. The biochemical drug companies, bless their little defective hearts, even tried to develop a new less fatal biochemical treatments.
Intentionally fatal an defective medicine! Outside legal Dr. Prescription for 22 years. I wrote a book on this subject! Available on Amazon on or Lulu. Which chills the total cure of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and mental health problems.
Yesterday my evening meal waiter friend he told me that he is doing a PH D into type two diabetes. I pointed out to them that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, was firstly validated to clear type two diabetes 2010.
So swear metformin prescription has been defective and illegal medicine! All the prescription charges returned to the patient or their family. With an additional 10 million for each diabetic death.
The prescription of insane or metformin the stones diabetic death within a decade. One session of HIUS clears all diabetes.
Type one diabetes requires the full minute! As I have personally validated 2016: after the experience of my American diabetic contacts. But doctors reported March 2024, there all diabetes had vanished from the world.
HIUS by wheat is desperation to learn if I had diabetes! Nobody in the world now has diabetes. Totally impossible to study! As the condition no longer exists.
Like cancer cure idea and when and by the national institute of health, harbours and Moffitt cancer centre. Hence 2002 they published a paper on HIUS totally and utterly clearing the foreign cell types of cancer.
Other registered doctors verified he works for all 200 types or cancer. But still the drug company is are obsessed we generating income from cancer.
So they have introduced the idea I repeat tests for cancer out to the general population. At 150 UK pounds for the test, without their negative result! There are no cancers in the world.
Since 2020 cancers have ceased to exist: each Dr. Prescribing the defective cancer treatments since 2002, the struck off without argument. The usual fine of 10 million for each medicated cancer death since 2002.
The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison! The a assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off. Along with the psychopathic biochemical drug company: who have verified the total cure of cancers using HIUS 2002, and constrained from manufacture and sale of cancer drugs.
Just one day's cancer drugs manufacture, striking off the drug company and stripping them of all biochemical drug patents. They could no longer the bridge that borrowing from the banks to make payroll. As they no longer had a valid share price: the athletics some other outstanding biochemical drug patents. They no longer possessed!
So house is owned medical students study diabetes! When there is no diabetes in the world. Both type one and two having cease to exist totally by February 2023: it should have been 2013, but the drug company is demand the right to do what the hell they want!
Even if the results in the patient's needless death! The usual fine of 10 million applying for every needless death since 2002.
2013 and doctors published a 30 patient double blind trial, om HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease: which vanished from the world in just two weeks! No drug company hysteresis involved.
2023 the drug company is started promoting an idea of heart arhythmia being the new fatal heart condition. The leading to a patient's compromise blood pressure! Reducing the rate of strikes.
The opposite of the inappropriately raised blood pressure or cause five coronary heart disease. The usual ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest clearing all heart rhythm problems.
Clearing diabetes is such a massive health improvement from Asia. A total drug free cure. Which was due to be awarded the noble prize! Right until then on medic cured it!
The ozone to noble prize for curing cancers. Now medics to do just not talk about cancer. The the cancer charities are still desperately raising funds for illegal and unethical biochemical research.
No registered Dr. Is allowed to research alternative treatments and cures to cured diseases. And cancers totally cured 2002! I lost three non blood relatives to diabetes, but now I have freely given the diabetes cure a way to the world. Enjoy!
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