Saturday 17 June 2023

MMR vaccine - massively fatal medicine

NHS England › 2022/09 › nhs-urges-pa...

26 Sept 2022 — Both doses are needed to ensure full and lasting protection against measles, mumps and rubella. The NHS has also sent out over 1.5 million ...

My friend he was a registered nurse, time with the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination was one in 200.  People we have access to the NHS deaths records, should be our to get the real number.

At least for the westerners as he is 7,500 innocent and healthy children intentionally vaccinated to death for drug company profits.  Medics became horrified at the death rate, so now a separate out the measles mumps and rubella vaccinations.

Am not sure that will ever actually reduced the patient death rate!  It is essential to ensure that the child is fit and well there and all running a temperature.  Otherwise the vaccination will kill!

The involved doctors were all struck off.  The each Charles earth should I wanted a 10,000,000 UK pound fine.  So that is the total fine bass of 75 billion.

I realise this is not as significant as the Covid19 vaccination murders.  3.5 billion vaccinations given, 17 million healthy an innocent individuals vaccinated to death.

A total legal fine of 170 trillion.  The most fatal medicine in history!  All so unnecessary.

½ or less minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of Charles chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including Covid - the regular seasonal flu that sweeps around the planet tracking winter, killing 3.5% of infected people.  Below pandemic levels!

The drug company is are frantic for a pandemic label, as this came exemption from the European charter on human rights.  The pandemic virus was Corona virus - apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  We had no relationship with her next year's Covid19.  Which is never declared a pandemic!  There was it wasn't.

So measles mumps and rubella all cured in 1 minute using the High Intensity UltraSound in every nursing office in the world.

I used to do engineering contracts for many millions of pounds, in the 1980s!  He is my familiarity with corporate law.

High us will cure all infections including the common cold.  It seems so the doctors who gave the fatal MMR jabs were struck off.  The involved drug company is also it should have been!

An legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each patient fatality applies.  There is no legal argument!  The Hippocratic oath is absolute law.

The MMR vaccination deaths ocurred from 1993.  As far as I know there is no statute of limitations of first degree medical murder.

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