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CO2 drives life |
Plant's sucking carbon dioxide from the air, converting additional carbon dioxide into plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day. Leaving just a static two parts per million in the afternoon air around the temperate land and sea.
Above the arctic ice In winter there is four PPM carbon dioxide - as there is no natural photosynthesis on the snow covers land and ice covered oceans. Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.
Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap in the dark winter nights. The carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas! In reacts to the wax and wane of plant growth cycles around the earth.
But the answer was produced by the Ford Motor Company many decades ago. They utilised a heat source and a firmer electric generator to turn heat directly into electricity.
Using the Seaberg effect.
If a current is driven through this gradient, then a continuous version of the Peltier effect will occur. This Thomson effect was predicted and later observed in 1851 by Lord Kelvin (William Thomson). It describes the heating or cooling of a current-carrying conductor with a temperature gradient.
They utilised a a fossil fuel burn and as a heat source. Which he is a minor carbon source. A far better idea is to utilises a steam plasma. Which burns regular water into heat light and X rays. Totally carbon zero.
My friend established that a 15x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma produced plasma kilowatts of carbon zero heat.
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
You're not really interested in how this works! Doesn't the plasma can be set up using the high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light. And we then get a source of 500 kW of carbon zero heat.
The thermoelectric generator will convert a 15 CM steam turbine into a constant 6 to 5 kW of electrical power. If we have such a unit in the cellar, we can produce the carbon zero electricity for eight houses. Without any fossil fuel burn and no radioactive processes involved.
Your regular hatchback needs just 8 kW of electrical power. Even a small helicopter only needs 45 kW of electrical power. So all I electrical power is generated within the engine bay, using a captive strike of lightning!
Lightening turns water into helium and oxygen gas, and neutrons. Confined within a glass cylinder we get just heat light and X rays. So he can produce a charge MS Electric car.
We hockey up to the mains as home, and sell our excess current to national grid. Getting an annual check for 12,000 UK pounds. For all that lovely carbon zero electricity.
Manchester is just considering a congestion charge, to limit carbon emissions! Which is biologically stupid. Green plants' converts extra come dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day.
Motoring free carbon dioxide to a Prix industrial two parts per million around the temperate world. And remember above the arctic ice In winter, we have four PPM carbon dioxide, and the lowest natural temperatures on earth!
So a car would generate all the its own electrical power. They are totally Prix uses a massive excess of electrical current. We could utilised a small our plasma cylinder, by which to build one engage the working, and confirm or my calculations, I am I famous practical confirmation.
So a steam plasma will allow the house owner to generate free carbon zero electrical power. Get an ice check for 12,000 UK pounds every year from the National Power grid.
The family hatchback needs just 8 kW of electrical power. Not a problem! Are captive lightening strike will freeze so much free electrical power. It actually drive eight houses on a street and Christmas day. Off two little water ever to measure in a lifetime.
Around 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. Generating absolutely no carbon emissions. So free electrical car driving. Without any battery charging - which had just transfer the carbon emissions to local air electricity supply station.
Which today he we utilises 23x2cm steam plasma cylinders, to drive 100 MW power station. Totally carbon zero. Without any fossil fuel boiler room. So no carbon emissions or radioactive materials involved.
Uranium nuclear power since Fukushima knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion. No such insurance is available around the world. So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down all 422 nuclear power plant on earth. All running criminally under insured.
And stopped hosting annual fictitious conference is into carbon dioxide and the weather. Carbon dioxide around the temperate earth is at a Prix industrial two parts per million. It's static level since 1880. Carbon emissions boost plant and animal life.
The carbon dioxide has no residency in the air, so no possible climate effect. So now we drive around her electric car, without any fossil fuel burning. Thanks to the engineer papers published by Henry Ford company, concerning the Seaberg effect from 1851.
So turning of regular water into massive heat! ½ MW from our 15x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma. We pass the heat across a thorium salt and get our lovely carbon zero 65 kW of electrical power.
We convert into a speed linked AC, and drive contactless Electric Motors. Never paying a congestion charge. As we generate no carbon dioxide on the car or remotely up the power plant.
To Selby will do not pay a congestion charge anywhere. And the Manchester population voters and 90% majority 2008, never to have a congestion charge.
They were promised no new van for 1/4 century. Yet 15 years later they are talking about a second congestion charge referendum. Another five million UK pounds, for a resounding '**** off' from the Manchester population.
I do not every London, where the unfortunate inhabitants have been conned into paying the London congestion charge. So Boselli to limit the carbon dioxide emitted by a driving cars.
By the car with a little steam plasma linked to a thermoelectric generator, generates all its own carbon zero electricity for free. So 1930s science gives us an emission free electric car.
Where we need no even top up the water level! It is all down to Einstein's E=mc². So we utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water for a heavy motorists, on the road for half the day! During the working week.
A totally carbon zero electric car. That requires no over expensive electrical recharging. In fact parked up at home, this applies a carbon zero electricity for eight houses.
Just the sort of development my local MP, Rebecca long Bailey to get raised in the houses of commons. Free carbon zero electricity! Utilising and producing no radioactive compounds. Just burning regular water.
A science or which said at Sheffield University department of engine materials, 2001. As my PH Stewart was inexplicably ended: as manmade climate change was the big cash cow of academia.
Though the natural terrestrial climate had been cooling since 1995. Hence the change in nuclear fiction to the meaningless manmade climate change. Man does not have any climatic effect!
Is carbon dioxide emissions increased plant and so animal life. Becing man is ever done for the environment.
So a blunder and fatal power via a steam plasma cylinder, linked to a thermoelectric generator circumvent the London congestion charge. Carbon zero electricity.
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