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RIP cancers 2002 |
On entry medical practice every Dr. On earth, promises to be aware off, validate and use best new medicine. There is a massive publishing industry to share new medical science with the world.
I suggested the use of High Power UltraSound to restrict cancer growth 2001 and in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of what it called high intensity ultrasound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer.
Medics were puzzled. The Moffitt Paper in fact the cure of all cancers and viruses, as the HIUS caused the foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture. Only inflated cells can divide and replicate in the humanbody.
Regular body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells. Viruses and cancers are locked out of the system! So cancers divide in the same single cell way he use for all viral infections. Bacterial infections have an inflated cell nature, to induce the human T cells to replicate they genome. And give it a minimal cell wall!
What we are seeing is biological molecular nuclear fusion. Where the ultrasound causes nuclear fusion in pressurise water molecules within the cells.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So when ever and medic doesn't ultrasound scanner of cancer cells, we get the emission of X rays as are doing a little molecular nuclear fusion. That is at 5 W 40 kHz.
If we can fire up to 8 W 1 MHz (I originally suggested 150 W 40 kHz - it is the power and frequency of product which is the important number) in just 1 minute of external ultrasound, the foreign inflated cell types will boil and rupture.

Inducing the secretion an activation of the active human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body. We have made cancers and viruses look dangerous to immune system! And they then clear the foreign cell type.
The Moffitt Paper was published 2002 and verified by every registered Dr. On earth the same year: or they were being struck off at their own hand! That was their Boris an entry to medicine.
To personally validate and then use best new medical science. So HIUS off as as a 1 minute cure to all 200 types or cancer.
So cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine 2002. And Health Services keep records. Every prescribing Dr. and assisting nurse and pharmacist, the struck off and totally removed from medicine.
The biochemical drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath. So are prohibited from manufacture and sale are defective medicine. All biology are being struck off.
Amazing any other biochemical drug patents they possessed! The company is are totally worthless. And can no longer borrow from the banks from 2002, to make payroll every month.
Doctors are the most persuasive people on earth - so the drug company is are still acting as if they are legal businesses. Which they are so not!
Every Dr. On earth has prescribed cancer medication since 2002. If you are the exception, well done! Every other prescribing Dr. Struck off and prosecuted for mortal counts of first degree medical murder. For every cancer patient medicated to death.
2013 other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and kidneys to clear coronary heart disease. Which will stop strokes!
Heart arhythmia including Fibulation compromises the blood pressure as it circulates the body and will thus decrease strokes.
To suggest AF cancer is struck rate HIUS total and utter of biological nonsense. The TV adverts are such obvious drug company fiction! Only he it was fully paid approached the truth.
2013 I confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clears type two diabetes. Which autopsies had demonstrated is caused by pressurised viral altered cell type. Very similar to cancer and totally cleared by local application of HIUS. Using the device owned by every registered Dr. On earth since 2002.
Which made the prescription of metformin or innocent since 213 defective medicine. Type one diabetes remitted in three days. The 2016 I confirmed 1 minute of HIUS would instantly clear even type one diabetes. Three days! That is no time.
And my American contacts were quite fair to wait three days. To see what happened! The ultrasound was non invasive and totally harmless.
½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared all dementia: MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's schizophrenia and other serious mental our problems are all cleared.
All the specialist cancer hospitals have shut down but reopened torso mental health medicine. There may discover that HIUS already cured mental health. And medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured conditions.
So the hospitals shut down again! Then either of third heart medicine, suddenly found that disease was cured a decade ago. Medics stopped prescribing heart medication very speedily.
Yet they were quite prepared to prescribe the defective and criminal cancer drugs for the next 18 years. All cancers had vanished from the earth by 2020.
The drug company is then focused on all viral and bacterial pandemics. Like the black death of the 15th century! But viral and bacterial cell types have the same inflated cell nature to cancers.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will cure all infections as they arise as home. No Dr. or drugs involved.
Cancers, heart disease and diabetes why the big income source of medicine. They try promoting dementia as an income source - which have been killing an research since a 1930s.
The absolute joy on the realise dementia was all cured. Or were they just swearing? Atrial Fibulation is cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest, and presumably does not involve the kidneys! I would tend to do the kidneys just to be safe.
HIUS to the kidneys and liver induces for organ repair. Ending kidney and liver disease totally. I were always advocate abstain from alcohol, rather than repairing your body down the line.
You had neither also 20 sessions of ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead to fix brain damage. Including four illness and trauma like mine. And that high income source for medicine like 20th century. No fixed!
2008 I wrote up the idea about HIUS to the chest clearing viral infections, with reference to AIDs. 2012 somebody who was HIV⁺ in New York picked up my paper. And bought the required device five days delivery from China.
He used it as recommended an as his next GP a appointment was fully discharged from all AIDs Medical Care. Medicine is so puzzled, the most pernicious viral infection in history suddenly vanished from the earth.
It was not due to avert a biochemical treatment. But the physical cure provided by HIUS. Which or drug company is and doctors are not involved in.
It is so beautifully simple. We gave each the liable for the ultrasound power and frequency, which is harmless to regular body cells. But totally fatal to the foreign cells of cancers and viruses plus other diseases of age.
The units cost under 10 UK pounds. They are not very robust! But they do not have to be. In New York by every three years, there are no medical bills! There are massive drug company expenses.
I was staggered that it was that simple. So from 2012 no registered Dr. On earth was allowed to prescribe AIDs treatments. Which cause $5000 to kill the patient within a decade.
HIUS have forwarded a massively cheap and stoke an effective instant cure. 1 minute of HIUS to the chest and no viral infections including AIDs.
The Chinese medics used it from December 2019 to clear Corona virus from the Wuhan quarantine in China. Declared totally extinct by the world health organisation by February 2020.
No direct relationship with Covid19 that freely circulated the world as the seasonal flu. Causing human death at below pandemic levels since 1934. With Covid34.
This year by medical off naming convention, we're on Covid22. And the Covid19 vaccination was only six months through a 2 year drug testing regime, when obsolete.
And I am indebted again to the professors from the Moffitt, for pointing out the obsolete infections increase of patient death rate from the new pathogen strain. So when doctors started giving people the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination from January 2021, we were already within the year of Covid 20.
I noted a carbon paper to stay on the Internet. That the Covid19 vaccination was statistically dollar two years to recover from Covid20. So the worst medical intervention in history! Totally obsolete and never licensed.
Vaccinations have a medically accepted death rate of one in 200. So mystically 3.5 billion global citizens were somehow vaccinated with the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
And no registered Dr. Is allowed to Kiev obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions. And only doctors could prescribe them! Pharmacist are constrained by their legal register, not to dispense unlicensed medications.
Nurses are constrained by the same nightingale pledge, from assisting with an unlicensed medications. So nobody on earth could prescribe or give any Covid vaccination.
Without the same day strike in themselves off their parliament medical registers. They certainly could never give a second Covid vaccination ever. As he is ceased to be registered doctors!
And there medical practice is then an insured and he illegal. Any Dr. Giving just one prescription for cancer drugs after they verified the Moffitt Paper 2002, the struck off for life!
They retired only in 2018: though they have ceased to be registered legal doctors 20o2. So their patients are are entitled to return or all medical fees since 2002.
There will be so interesting arguments been the insurance company is and the doctors. As a insurance companies will argue the doctors were stripped of insurance cover. And the doctors all retorts that nobody told them!
There were required to strike themselves off at their own hand. There is solemn pledge on taking up medical practice.
New York was the world centre for AIDs, as witnessed at first and last seven vanishing of this condition from 2012. Not due to any great medical advance! Just applying the standard cancer cure, to cure viral infections.
Which made the prescription of infection medication including the fatal vaccinations, criminal and defective medicine. Striking off the doctors' yet again! Just how many times to doctors need to be struck off totally!
NYS Annual HIV/AIDS Surveillance Annual Report 2010
New York (.gov)
https://www.health.ny.gov › general › statistics
Cumulative AIDS cases are shown next to new AIDS diagnoses. Observations from the Current Report. As of December 2010 nearly 129,000 New Yorkers were living ...
All were unfortunately killed by AIDs treatments, in social defiance of the doctors Hippocratic N oath. Or they all got better with HIUS.
I have been in Europe or three times since 2012. But did not talk AIDs to any body.
Every registered Dr. In New York well have prescribed AIDs medication. Since the total cure was widely known 2012.
New York Dr.s 19,214
So each and every prescribing AIDs treatment Dr. Since 2012 all struck off, but in all likelihood every Dr. In the world has been continuing to prescribe the defective and fatal cancer drugs since 2002. So struck off at their own hand 20 when years ago.
In the UK he the situation is equally sad.
How many independent prescribers are there in the UK?
It is estimated that there are currently 53,572 registered nurse and midwife, 3845 pharmacist and 689 allied healthcare professional (e.g. optometrists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and radiographers) supplementary and independent prescribers in England [i5 Health, 2015]. In total, this is approximately 58,000 NMPs.29 Apr 2016
Each and every one of those Health Care workers struck off 2012. Four since and stripped or wages and pension. So the nurses and doctors! This is the greatest haemorrhage of health workers in history,
And do not forget that every Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off and stripped or wages and pension. And removed totally from legal medicine.
The drug companies are desperately tried to fabricate new reasons to exist. Though all the prescribing doctors and nurses removed from medicine.
Nurses can only prescribe compatible drugs..Is prescribe the expensive prescription medication.
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