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diabetes all cured at home |
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right of the chest clears type two diabetes instantly. My American friends reported the full minute was required for type one diabetes. Which I have personally confirmed 2016. I cleared type two diabetes 2013.
And I freely published my work on the Internet. At which stage he had to V a red and confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth, to comply with their Hippocratic oath. So continued to prescribe metformin or insulin was no defective and criminal medicine.
The makers all metformin were Bristol Squires - following medicine published in the 1930s. When the engineering world was first using ultrasound, and medics started using ultrasound scans in the 1950s.
2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses on earth. ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections from 2002.
So the prescription of cancer medication since 2002, was fatal medical malpractice - killing cancer patients within two years. Each death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the prescribing Dr. Getting 25 years in custodial prison.
Drug company is are voluntary signatures to the Hippocratic oath. They are prohibited from the manufacture and sale or walled defective medications. And all cancer drugs became defective and criminal medication when the Moffitt Paper 2002.
Just one prescription or cancer drugs since struck off any registered Dr. and involved drug company. B assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever.
The pharmacist store also are struck off! Nurses or walls for their nightingale pledge 1988, at the end of last UK nursing strike. So you only to assist with best medicines and to never strike.
Or be struck off from medical practice around the world for ever! So know how many cancer drugs has been medically ethical since 2002.
Any prescription of alternative infection medication including vaccinations, criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice. The vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.
Each death warranting the usual legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, the prescribing Dr. and drug company struck off, this in a 25 year jail term for each patient death.
The Covid vaccination was obsolete only 1/4 way into medical testing - which to why medicine always prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold. Those viral lines change too quickly.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Without any Dr. Off or drugs intervention. The Covid19 vaccination was never legal licensed human medicine.
For an generate 2021 it was given to 3.5 billion global citizens. Even though he was obsolete and never licensed! So no registered Dr. Could ever prescribe it. No licensed drug company ever make and sell a vaccination.
After Zeneca Air was thus struck off again! But he was struck off and lost all biochemical drug patents 2002, the virus continued manufacture and sale of cancer drugs.
The penalty for a drug company being struck off, this lose all other biochemical drug patents he wants possessed. Then totally bankrupt - and can no longer borrow from banks to make payroll for last 21 years.
After Zeneca Air acts as if he was still a legal drug company. Though he was struck off totally from medicine by the Moffitt Paper 2002. Every day I saw patients since the Moffitt Paper has been criminal medicine.
And no registered Dr. On earth is allowed to prescribe criminal medicine. So all the drug from the Astra Zeneca are thus illegal medical prescriptions. Any Dr. Prescribing after Zeneca drugs in last 21 years, the struck off without legal challenge.
A a viral or bacterial infection cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. A1 minute total infection cure involving no Dr. or drugs.
Be on the lookout for a Bio chemically altered, so if a person forms of the regular seasonal flu to appear. A type of Covid22. The Covid19 vaccination are actually worsens the death rate from menu flu strain.
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