Thursday 30 March 2023

Inflation takes off

Things going to pop

Why is inflation in Germany riding so high?

The inflated and rare in Germany has hit 9.7%.  Remember this country is within the Euro zone, where inflation is empty it no higher than 2%

Journey still remembers the hyper inflation of the 1930s.  And he is committed to strong currency!  The other economies in Europe are being destroyed!  Italy and Spain I use to double digits of inflation.  With regular currency devaluations.

The UK has a double digit inflation.  Which have a killing and is trying to combat by raising the interest rates.

Malcolm fact you had fantastic success in containing Callaghan's high inflation rates.  But that was before the days of to for pay and and digital currency.  Will interest rates have any effect?

It all depends on people being aware there cancer accounts are being drained a full cash.  I am very annoyed that banks are stopped issuing check books.

Will Germany have any success?  Is has linked the German mark, to the Peseta and Lira.  The weakest currencies in the developed world.

The other major EU carry C is experiencing severe problems.

France Inflation Rate is at 7.30%, compared to 7.00% last month and 4.20% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 1.67%.

And the EU economy is are tied together.  So French criminals confirm the French EUs into the bank.  And travel across to Germany to take you the same money as German EUs.

The U.S. economy is moving in the right direction.  Iseasy into the EU economy is similar in the shade.

US Inflation Rate is at 6.04%, compared to 6.41% last month and 7.87% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.

The cast of curtailing inflation by raising interest rates, is so C your currency harden.  Making a good to clear out around the world.  So reducing in a gross domestic product.  I can offer you no solutions!

The EU looks set to die, just as surely as hyper inflation killed off the Republic in Germany.  Biden = Carter2

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