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Through my work with Inco alloy products, I realise that 150 Watts 40 kHz ultrasound was a benign to body cells, but fatal to the inflated cell structures that there is a cause cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
I've published my first paper on High Power UltraSound clearing cancers 2001. And the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, or high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers and viruses in 1 minute, 2002.
I have sorted out there professor Z 2001, that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray
1 minute or 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound causing metre flask of water to boil intense seconds. If we then drive a steam turbine, we generate 40 kW of electrical power.
This is not perpetual motion - as return or mine you to volume of regular water into helium and oxygen gas. Plus a massive heat and X rays.
I wrote my first paper on this 2001, and have my PH D yanked from under my feet! Uranium nuclear power so did not want clean safe non toxic nuclear fission from water devising. So I went off writing songs and singing! As you do. Sheffield release me after I spend a week sing on stage at the Lowry theatre in salford.
Hence I now live in salford quays! The Moffitt cancer centre red my a paper and published the use of 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses. We apply the ultrasound each side the chest for ½ minute.
Today and of e.g. people advocate using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. As safe to body tissues! The clearing away scar is and foreign cell types. So or against even use 20 W 1 MHz.
24 W 1 MHz is from the NT dangerous to body tissues. So even 20 W is a minute two risky! I utilised an 8 W 1 MHz. From an ultrasound massage device.
All diabetes is caused by a pressurise viral structure left behind in the pancreas from all viral infection. Not looking immediately dangerous to the human body. So tolerated by the immune system. Even though it is a foreign cell type.
If we apply ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas, we clear type two diabetes instantly. As practically confirmed by my diabetic friend 2013. Also for my mother and stepfather!
They were discharged from all diabetes Medical Care by the Christie cancer hospital. Who may have passed why the has suddenly got better from type two diabetes. It would have taken three years to diet away.
At the altar then cure was instantaneous. My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting. Type one diabetes makes the antisense enzyme to insulin. Type two messes around with a Bio feedback systems of insulin secretion.
Inappropriately restricting the body is insulin production. 2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest instantly clears type one diabetes. My friend had contracted the condition while in America.
2012 I was contacted by somebody who was HIV⁺ in New York. As published by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest should clear AIDs totally. Written up 2008. But I did not have any gave rounds with HIV.
He bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device. Which arrived in five days from China. It cleared his AIDs totally.
So his GP discharged him from all HIV Medical Care the next appointment: as a Dr. Is legally required two. So all the haemophiliacs the were injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, contracted Dr. Injected HIV.
Is responsible Dr. Struck off! For criminal lack of Medical Care. Now all doctors have an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, to clear all cancers in 1 minute of external application. I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.
This will clear all 200 types of human cancer. Medically proved an published 2002: saint so the drug companies have use of financial muscle to prevent registered doctors from applying HIUS and clearing all cancers.
Best possible cancer medicine. Applying cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy became defective and fatal medicine 2002. Any suppose the Dr. prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, or struck off that day.
Subsequent prescriptions all invalid and illegal. There medical practice criminal.
I have just been invited to attend a national conference on diabetes, hosted by Cambridge University. Sheffield I thought they were releasing me from my engineering PH D, to a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.
I have not exactly broken any speed records. As I have a master's degree in engineering. I go study from the MA he in medicine, but not initially a Ph.D..
So I have ensured the world there is so all diabetes is cured. Two months ago medics were complain that diabetes had vanished from world. The diabetics were ecstatic! They are all cleared diabetes or home using an ultrasound massage device.
There is a conference by Diabetes UK in noble full in April. Quite like introduce gas I do not know. As a should be no diabetics in the world. But doctors are still prescribing the defective insulin an metformin biochemical treatments, will offer penetrated the condition.
I am a little concerned about the Cambridge conference. As it seems to be female orientated. Having cleared my mother of type two diabetes, as personal direct experience of ladies and diabetes.
My mother is obviously well beyond the menopause. That experience is directly applicable to women of all ages. A total diabetic cure lasting just 30 sections. From a medically licensed ultrasound massage unit, costing under 10 UK pounds,
Today I have just been invited to a local writing conference. On women's fiction! I just had my third book published. Not bad for a hobby is it. But what is it about the name 'Jonathan' that makes conference organized think I am a woman. Accept that lovely can be applied to either sex.
I have never met one warming cause Jonathan. Though the lesbian community probably has thousands of Jonathans.
Through my work at Sheffield University I have helped with the cure of all cancers. Though a lot of credit is also are moved to the Moffitt cancer centre, for medically proving the idea.
Other medics published a 30 per cent double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing heart disease. Including coronary heart disease, and today's Atrial Fibulation.
I will have to see which of the diabetic conference is still wants me. Cambridge is often the international conferences for six years, which I have turn down - as too expensive. And the medics might not even talk to me!
I can afford a train ticket to Liverpool or Birmingham. After my car accident the Aintree hospital in Liverpool saved my life after 30% brain damage. But the drug company for the subsidises the Liverpool conference, I will be so uninterested in the total non drug diabetes cure.