Friday, 31 March 2023

German inflation takes off.

Inflation going UP

The Euro was set up as a fine European currency, to either a static inflation rate of 2%,  National bank's produce extra Banknotes in the days of falling inflation rate, to prevent her so developing stagflation like the 1930s.  If she wanted an item, waited 6 hours and he'll be less expensive.  Which killed consumer demand.

But the world economic systems display a massive time lag.  The latest inflation figures for Germany last 7.9%.  Which use; for Spain and Italy!  Who had regular currency devaluations.  Not possible with the Euro.  The Euro as a Nazi idea.

Biden has presided over a massive inflation rate in America.  Just like Jimmy Carter - the peanut Farmer.  Need I say more!

The UK is also are experiencing high inflation.  Value from Last Month 10.10%.  So world bank's a hastily increasing interest rates.  Which will increase the value of their currency.

Except if they are all at it, nothing has changed!  I blocked three years ago air that the advent of digital money, was going to see inflation take off.  Suddenly I was right!

The UK government only elected labour governments, when they are failing a financially secure.  As a cancer the cancer it is better money managers.  But we are living in very fancy dangerous times.

The UK can not afford another labour administration.  As he is the UK inflation rates are rising!


The Euro zone is committed to inflation rates a two per cent.  A distant memory today!  And the only told National Banks houses to raise interest rates.  It looks like Germany will have an interest rate of 20 per cent by the end of the year.

Best alcohol free bear

Alcohol free beverages

We use the basic her level physics.  Just one metre of vacuum will cause alcohol to boil out of bear.  Leaving their peer totally taste identical.  But now we know how for tax is applicable.

Tax on shopping and services: Alcohol and tobacco duties

GOV.UK › Money and tax › VAT

You pay £28.74 of Spirit Duty per litre of pure alcohol. Example. The Spirit Duty you pay on a 1 litre bottle of 40% ABV vodka is 40% of £28.74, or £11.50.

Who bought drink beer, not for the actual fact the taste.  With drink driving laws the way they are at present, people who go to the pub would rather the was no alcohol in the drink.

Heating the beverage to boil off the alcohol, in fact on the flavor.  Using vacuum alcohol extraction, they taste is identical!  I do hope for ever so you this idea - it'll save the drinks industry.

The cancer will not be happy!  But we use all the arsenal to make vodca = to be drunk by those not driving.  So the chancellor still gets his taxes!

The motorist does not get drink drive convictions and fines.  We make a safer world!

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Inflation takes off

Things going to pop

Why is inflation in Germany riding so high?

The inflated and rare in Germany has hit 9.7%.  Remember this country is within the Euro zone, where inflation is empty it no higher than 2%

Journey still remembers the hyper inflation of the 1930s.  And he is committed to strong currency!  The other economies in Europe are being destroyed!  Italy and Spain I use to double digits of inflation.  With regular currency devaluations.

The UK has a double digit inflation.  Which have a killing and is trying to combat by raising the interest rates.

Malcolm fact you had fantastic success in containing Callaghan's high inflation rates.  But that was before the days of to for pay and and digital currency.  Will interest rates have any effect?

It all depends on people being aware there cancer accounts are being drained a full cash.  I am very annoyed that banks are stopped issuing check books.

Will Germany have any success?  Is has linked the German mark, to the Peseta and Lira.  The weakest currencies in the developed world.

The other major EU carry C is experiencing severe problems.

France Inflation Rate is at 7.30%, compared to 7.00% last month and 4.20% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 1.67%.

And the EU economy is are tied together.  So French criminals confirm the French EUs into the bank.  And travel across to Germany to take you the same money as German EUs.

The U.S. economy is moving in the right direction.  Iseasy into the EU economy is similar in the shade.

US Inflation Rate is at 6.04%, compared to 6.41% last month and 7.87% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.

The cast of curtailing inflation by raising interest rates, is so C your currency harden.  Making a good to clear out around the world.  So reducing in a gross domestic product.  I can offer you no solutions!

The EU looks set to die, just as surely as hyper inflation killed off the Republic in Germany.  Biden = Carter2

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Free Home Power

High Temperature full-Metal Stirling Engine Motor Model Physics Power Generator External Educational Science Physics Experiment

1 order

A Stirling engine is basically a forced draught generator.  You feed in a hot air and he turns and a little weaned turbine.  So 12th percent of the heat is converted into electricity.

My friend firm that a 30x1.5cm steam turbine release a constant 1 MW of heat.  Driving a little steam turbine would generate ½ MW of electrical power.  For convenience we rectify into mains linked AC current.  But such a device a cost of 12,000 UK pounds.

A cheaper alternative is a commercially sourced Stirling engine.  Which we feed the air heated by the little plasma cylinder.

We start the plasma using the high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light, and he runs and power for the rest are history.  Using two little water ever to measure!

And we get out 120 kW of electrical power.  Each house needs just 8 kW of electrical power on Christmas day.  The national grid will happily pay us 112 UK pounds for our excess current.  Remember we use a lot less power normally!

And these devices will happily sit in the air as house in the garden, or in the cellar it generated free electrical power.  We then try and generate power for the local area.  We are concerned with the excess electricity for a house.

And this is our 1980s engineering!

Free heat and light for Paris

Zut alore!

        Paris streets ablaze as protesters across France vent fury over pensions reform

The French are always revolting!  But this is not even a 1968.  It may he bring down the present French Republic, they are on Republic 5 I think.  Macron has seriously buzzed off the French public.

Pension reform was always going to be contentious.  Here in the UK the male retirement age is 65.  So I do not really see the problem!

It was crucial that the whole of the French parliament was involved in pensions reform.  That is what democracy demands!  Viva la revolution.

So the French protesters are setting fire to rubbish bins, plus a small unattended dioxide and children.  Personally I like dogs!

It is not too late for Macron to cure freely vote to parliament.  Any problem, and the Germans will make up for any financial loss.  The EU is a great vehicle four for a country is to access German wealth.

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Scotland bankrupt

Scotland so broke

The SNP in Scotland, act as if they owned the north sea oil.  It is owned by the UK!  With the English money, they could never afforded to extract it!  And Scotland is massively in debt to the rest or the UK.

Block Grant funding for the Scottish Government is the highest since devolution began at around £41 billion a year for 2022-2025. This means that for every £100 per person the UK Government spends in England on matters devolved to Scotland, the Scottish Government will receive around £126 per person in Scotland.

Is cellar and did break away from the UK, so it could fly a to the 41 billion a year.  Worse still in under starvation customers lines on entry to Scotland.  So all the English goods which troubled over the border, will be liable for customs.  And the barrier would be made secure - to stop people dodging the customs.

By burning oil and other fossil fuels, is there a week way he to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Nuclear fusion from the hydrogen ions in compounds.

1 C₁₆H₃₄+(33+r)O₂+spark→16CO₂+17H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) Enet= 45kW of burners

It is much more efficient to use a high voltage electronics from a all fluorescent light, just a fire up a steam plasma - the r(...)

2 H₂O+de/dT→(H₂O+PL)→He+O+E²+X-ray E²=1MW our carbon zero heat from a 30x1.5cm steam plasma cylinder.  So much better than burning over priced oil!

If we feared this into a 12,000 pound steam turbine.  We get out a constant 500 kW of carbon zero electricity.  An annual income from the national grid of 1.5 billion a year.

If we spend $650 a thermoelectric generator we get a constant her 30 kW of carbon zero electricity.  An annual income of 390,000 UK pounds annually.  So much better than burning oil and gas!  And totally carbon zero.

The garage harvest can easily set up the plasma power units in the garden shed.  In get a constant 390,000 UK pounds every year.  It is almost embarrassingly easy to place a fossil fuel burning.

And Scotland is a less to the money from selling whisky.  Holidays and racism.  And we yank the 41 billion a year away from Scotland.  There is some he is massively uneconomic.

The 70,000 SNP members, are acting like the represent the interests of five billion Scottish people.  Who voted no to independence recently.  In defence is a very last thing Scotland months.

The north sea oil is owned by the UK, and extracted using UK money and experience.  Mostly English!  Is, and did become independent, they would be entitled to a minuscule fraction of the north sea oil.

And it has seen a plasma burn the water is so much better energy solution.  Utilising just 8x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular I am a year.  Utilising and producing no radioactive waste.

Scholars and the have are a economic future, this is taking all these migrants fleeing from continental Europe.  Which Scotland kid use to repopulate the northern regions of the UK.

This is why nuclear sturgeon suddenly resigned!  As you realise another in defence for it was never going to happen.  And will conclude 'hell No' to Scottish independence.

Monday, 27 March 2023

SNP vote for self annihilation


The Scottish feeble have voted, that Scottish independence is not a good idea!

Humza Yousaf defeated Kate Forbes and Ash Regan.

Humza Yousaf has been elected the new leader of the SNP.

He narrowly defeated Kate Forbes in a ballot of the party’s members and will now succeed Nicola Sturgeon as Scotland’s first minister.

Yousaf also becomes the first Muslim to be elected leader of one of the devolved nations.

Him and has decided that it should give Scotland Financial aid.  Which had obviously stop if Scotland ever left the United Kingdom.

Block Grant funding for the Scottish Government is the highest since devolution began at around £41 billion a year for 2022-2025. This means that for every £100 per person the UK Government spends in England on matters devolved to Scotland, the Scottish Government will receive around £126 per person in Scotland.

If Scotland or less the UK the UK kiss goodbye to that money.  And might even then be forced to eat vegetables.  Apparently the HIUS sure there induction into the Scottish diet is from fruit.  Not Mars bars.  School and has stopped eating deep fried Mars bars, as he is a great contribution to world cuisine.

So the Scottish National party is for ever wanting independence!  Which is financial suicide.  The Scottish people do not want it.  I will have to stop voting for the SNP.  As a one to keep on the go side of England.

Continually telling me to pay self he is not a good move.  For god's sake give the emission a vote on Scottish independence.  We really do not need or want them.

We can do without eating Haggis.  And the Irish taught the Scots had to make whisky anyway!  There are just 70,000 SNP members - as a shed 30,000 as nuclear cleared off.

The Scottish population is a little bit larger!  5.454 Scots million (2019)

I would favourites any immigrants to Scotland.  As the Scots one more of our population!  And we want neither the immigrants or the Scottish.  Give them a real problem to worry about!

Friday, 24 March 2023

French revolution 2023

France will fall -zut

The French like the revolutions!  And this one has been building for a while.  In the 1980s life expectancy was high.

73.7 years

Life expectancy at birth for 1980 for the total population was 73.7 years, which represents the aver- age number of years that the members of the life table cohort may expect to live at the time of birth (table 6-A). Survivors to specified ages.

And medical science has advanced.  2023 and we all living longer.

Medium life expectancy(M)

Men Women

2021 81.2 84.7

2022 81.4 84.8

2023 81.6 85.0

The medium life expectancy, is the statistical word meaning average.  To you begin to see the problem?  Emmanuel Macron has ceased the bullet in France.  Seeking to increase the front retirement age from 62 to 64.

In the UK and they're not already retire at 65!  The women only 60.

The whole of the developed world is ageing.  And pension schemes are in crisis!  They were developed when you are the key to see in your 70th birthday.  In the UK Rishi Sunak is trying to encourage the retired to reenter the workplace.

I got a phone call in two days ago air, as he if I knew that the training.  I a pointed out that I now have three books in print.  And my time is taken of researching and writing.  Books did not just come out of the ether.  Not round my neck of the world's anyway.

So were looking at Maine in the UK getting 20 years of retirement.  From a working life of 49 years.  Now the UK government wants us to go back to work.  The summer's just do not add up.

Macron made their horrendous mistake of using his presidential authority, to force through an increase of the print retirement age.  In a minority government!  And the French have had an appetite for revolution since the overthrew the French King.

King Charles, who has returned to me personally over their share ecological interests, has bought off the French trip.  The French public were much keener on Queen Elizabeth.  I urge them to give the King give the chance, as he is genuinely trying to listen to an act for the people.

Macron do not consider that he had to listen to any body!  An hour French cities are on fire.  And for last period of French are most of the 19 sixty's.  So I checked!

Beginning in May 1968, a period of civil unrest occurred throughout France, lasting some seven weeks and punctuated by demonstrations, general strikes, and the occupation of universities and factories.

This fact of civil unrest is going to be larger and more dangerous!  I am expecting the French Republic to fall.  And drag down the EU with it!  But the retirement age problem is carbon around all the developed world.

I think the French and rarest is far more serious than the world realises.

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Inflation has jumped

Remenber hyperinflation and the German state

I wonder this two or three years ago.  Inflation is linked to the use of military availability.  So Margaret Thatcher restricted the UK pound, an inflation was curtailed.  Kill them presided over massive inflation!

Bank of England poised to raise interest rates to 4.25% amid inflation surprise jump

Nothing remotely surprising the vote in the interest rate rise across Europe or the U.S..  Rather it is inevitable!  Swiping that chip and Pin is just too easy.  I retaining the pin for a couple of years.

The age of cheap money is over.  We have entered an age where money is digital.  Is it not attached to the gold standard, or even national monatary supply.

I would recommend digging Margaret up asking her advise: I never voted for her: 

my father was a labour Mayor.

The next big problem is increase in retirement age, the ranch are already in revolt against Macron, trying to raise the French retirement age.  The number of being quoted in the UK is 68.

I am not worried!  I was reached after a car accident in 1988, so retired at the age of 28.  Of the we are colossal pension from my job in IT in London.

If we do raise the retirement age, he'll have to be in agreement with orall the political parties.  And love it just so unpopular!

Putin's arrest?

The ICC want Putin - nobody else does

Putin: ICC issues war crimes arrest warrant for Russian ... - CNN › icc-russia-war-crimes-charges-intl

5 days ago — “Russia is not a member of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and bears no obligations under it. Russia does not cooperate ...

Don't really interesting legal point, is how can any individual subject of an international criminal arrest restaurant, so as the head of state of a major nation.

Russia has been stripped of its permanent seat on the security council, but is still a member of the security council.  There is no reason at the UN they cannot decide to decide to impose the arrest warrant.

If it cordoned off the Kremlin, the Kremlin were then be subject to international law.  It will be temporarily remove from Russian control.

At this stage UN police officers could freee the enter and the rest the worst Russian leader in recorded history.

Xi Jinping has gone off to see Putin, as churn out do not sign up to the International Criminal Courts.  Neither do the U.S. - as it wouldbe inconstitutional.

But if we look at the history and the ICC, war criminals have Monterrey had a them cells over to the Hague.  Or just died!

The magnitude of the defe losses caused by the unwarranted Ukraine they are or may not warrant UN intervention.  That is a matter for a high level lawyers.

I think in all likelihood Putin will die in office as the Russian president.  So in the last 20 years of his administration, basically under house arrest in the Kremlin.

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Inflation taking off across Europe

Where's all the money gone

The annual inflation rate in France rose to 6.3% in February of 2023, the highest rate since May of 1985, from 6% in January, and slightly above a preliminary reading of 6.2%.

The bigger argument about the EU, was a similar currenc would depress the inflation rate.  By linking the European currencies with the deutschmark.  This is the French inflation rate is as does the EU inflation rate.

I thought the idea strong currency, was to raise interest rate to clear the inflated nature of two per cent.  The ECB has other ideas.

Key ECB interest rates › stats › html › index.en.html

Date (with effect from) Date (with effect from) Deposit facility Main refinancing operations

Fixed rate tenders Fixed rate

2023 22 Mar. 3.00 3.50

2023 8 Feb. 2.50 3.00

I read Mar 3 that they had raised interest rates by ½%.  Given the size of the economy this is a huge rise.  The latest data is part February.  An inflation rate of 6.3%.  So by now it must be pushing 6.9%.

Here in the UK, things are not a lot different.

What is current UK interest rate?


That includes the lending and savings rates offered by high street banks and building societies. Bank Rate is currently 4%.2 Feb 2023

The cost of living crisis last affects the whole of Europe.  And these inflation numbers are way beyond 2%!  The UK interest rate is not that different from the ECB rate.  The inflation rateps 8.8%.

B age of cheap money is over.  And the Euro zone has shown itself to know more resilient than the UK economy.

Germany Inflation Rate - February 2023 Data

Trading Economics › Germany

German inflation rate graph from

Inflation Rate in Germany is expected to be 8.40% by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts ...

‎Core Inflation Rate · ‎Food Inflation · ‎Consumer Price Index CPI

The German economy is based around tight control of money.  So is don't hyper inflation in 1929.  There had 88 and inflation rate of just two per cent.  The skyscrapers in Germany must reform executives taking the quick route to the ground floor - jumping out of the nearest window.

An inflation rate of 8.4 per cent is Wall Street crash levels.  We are back into hyper inflation days.  Which will signal the end of the European Union.  And kill so many bankers!

Inflation Rate in Germany is expected to be 8.40 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts ...

What is the US inflation rate now?


Basic Info. US Inflation Rate is at 6.04%, compared to 6.41% last month and 7.87% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.

Do this as burn were killed by inflation rate of just 6.04% and falling.  I am sorry that I did not paying attention to the money markets recently.  There is a big crisis happening!

In my defence, the newspapers have written little copy about this.  I will have to buy a copy of the Economist tomorrow.

The sovereign debt crisis that rocked the euro zone beginning in 2009 was the biggest challenge yet faced by the members of the EU and, in particular, ...

French Republic about to fall

Don't holiday in France

Protests resume in France amid anger at Macron's pension age reform

The French have A quaint habbit as changing the republic's often.  With the present economic problems of the Euro zone, the players in Republic was always on thin ice.

France Pension Bill: Macron to Force Through Reform Without ...

Bloomberg › news › articles › macro...

2 days ago — President Emmanuel Macron will use executive fiat to push through his unpopular pension reform that will raise the French retirement age to 64, ...

In the UK he the man is used an eight he's already 65.  60 for women.  The French have that trait as protesting on the streets at the slightest excuse.  Messing with a stammer of age is not trivial!

It is the problem faced by all the developed world as we all live longer, so Macron is leading the way to the patient reports a whole world faces.

At the same term the year ozone is experiencing a massive economic shock.  As he no other European countries seek monetary union with the southern European states.  So I used to running high inflation rates and regular devaluations.

A total horror story to Germany as the currency devaluations Germany survived.

In 1923, at the most fevered moment of the German hyperinflation, the exchange rate between the dollar and the Mark was one trillion Marks to one dollar, and a wheelbarrow full of money would not even buy a newspaper. Most Germans were taken by surprise by the financial tornado.

Which is why Germany is addicted to a strong currency.  Whatever the economic costs.  What will happen to the fifth French Republic.  Death notices already served!

Friday, 17 March 2023

Putin up for war crimes trial

War criminal?

International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin over alleged Ukraine war crimes

Evening Standard


Updated 17 March 2023, 5:44 pm

I make no comment!  The International Criminal Courts have a highly paid lawyers to pursue of the court action.  As far as I know and the Russian president has ever previously been arrested on war crimes.

You can accuse the law of money things, but being quick is not one of them!  And use or a former lawyer with the ICC, that pointed out acting within 13 months of the Ukraine invasion, was remarkably quick.

They finally got Al Capone on tax avoidance.  They have got Putin and his colleague and charges of child forced abduction.  Repatriating Ukrainian children into Russia.

As any fair and would agree, these are the most heinous charges!  Forced removal of children from their family.  It is just incredibly evil.

Russia does not sign up to the International Criminal Courts.  So Putin is forever banned from countries that do.  But Putin does not travel a lot.  It is unprecedented that the ruler of the country is up for international court trial.

Is has been reserved for despots in the Balkans or Africa.  An rasher was making such a big play of re-entering the democratic world.

It is lost its seat on the UN security council.  I was an sure about how rasher would cope with this.  It is just ignored it!  How long can Putin avoid justice?

That is up to the Russian people.  He could are dying still president of Russia.  How will China react to the arrest warrant with the ICC.  They were just about to sign a major arms treaty.

Aimed at stopping the of aunts of nature into Eastern Europe.  Vladimir Putin now has the same international reputation of Idi Amin.  I do not know how this will play out

RUSSIA has responded after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin over war crimes.

Putin is suspected of the unlawful deportation of children and unlawful transfer of people from the territory of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

In a statement the ICC said Putin “is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation”.

Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed Moscow does not recognise the jurisdiction of the ICC.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Somebody tell Cambridge diabetes 1&2 are cured


RIP Diabetes

Two months ago doctors were upsets the diabetes had vanished from the earth!  Just as Cambridge University who were organizing the annual commerce's on diabetes treatments.

The big insight came 2002, when the Moffitt cancer centre confirm that high intensity ultrasound cured all cancers.  Professor Z has suggested that ultrasound caused nuclear fusion in liquid water.

A Moffitt used e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ, to cause the inflated cell types common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.  I used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Which you can buy for under 20 UK pounds usually, rather than the $10,000 the Moffitt wanted for their unit.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Cancer plus the other diseases of age have a non native pressurise cell structure.  To induce cell replication.  The more flaccid regular body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells.  And never replicate.

So 2002 and the Moffitt found 1 minute of external HIUS cause the total cure of all 200 types or cancer.  As the inflated cells boil had and ruptured!  Inducing a body wide action to clear that dangerous foreign exploding cell type from the body.

The only body cells damaged were immediate bystander as to the exploding cells.  Which caused the immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous cell type from the body.

2013 as walking around with my 8 W one MHZ unit, which I used to clear lung, breast and colon cancer.  My diabetic friend in church had type two diabetes.

So I applied ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right use rib cage over the pancreas, to clear is diabetic discomfort: I assured him he would do no harm!  As I was using a medically licensed beauty device.

He could not be over six for metal rod.  He got totally better!  I was expecting to relieve his discomfort, this totally I cured him of diabetes.

My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I confirmed that 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared even type one diabetes.

All the soap freely published on the Internet!  At which stage the doctors Hippocratic oath cuts In.  Any interest in Dr. house the personally validate, and then use the new medical science.

Doctors do not get out easier by saying they do not understand the science.  They have promised to use best medical science - not to understand it!  And a 1 minute total cure of diabetes is as a Bio chemically assisted inconvenient life for a decade.

Followed by inevitably death from diabetic complications.  As I mentioned above the units are cheap!  And just one application is required.  No repeat prescription is necessary.

So a Cambridge University are invited me to the annual Trust, a conference on diabetes.  Suddenly not in exotic areas of the world.  As two months ago all diabetes had vanished from the world!

So really nobody is interested am a conference on diabetic treatments.  As Hippocratic ath prohibits treatments for cured diseases.  And all disease was cured 2013.  Even type one diabetes remitted in three days.

Mean that no Dr. Could ethically prescribe diabetic medications for the last decade.  Or they are struck off and remove from legal medical practice.

So the academic medics are not allowed to study cured conditions.  As nobody now has the disease, they can't study it!  And remember her no Dr. Could ethically and legally prescribe insulin or metformin for last decade.

And doctors are complying there is no no diabetes in the world!  Precisely water or Cambridge don't talk about at the conference?  There itinerary includes sessions on menopause and diabetes.  There is no diabetes!

Or there sessions revolve around a non existent disease.  I could not legally a study.  As it does not exist I can't stand it.  During my studies is generally accepted that the cure to aids or diabetes warranting a double price.

2012 my contact in New York I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest, and cured his AIDs.  We freely share this work with the world.  And this week viral infection vanished.

It actually did not provoke an immune response - he just less to the immune system!  Which had ended up killing you.

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest cause the inflated viral cells causing AIDs to boil and rupture.  The medics all over the world as grid we don't understand A level physics!  Go back to school.

Nuclear fusion is a source of the X rays cancers give off in ultrasound scans.  There is no chemical source of X rays!  Turn up the ultrasound power, and the cancer cells boil and are removed from the body.

The same idea works for all viral and bacterial infections.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all infections.  As covered in the 2002 Moffitt Paper.

It transpires that diabetes is caused by an inflated viral cells to life in the pancreas.  Left behind by a fall viral infection.  That messes with a body is insukin system.  The causes the cells to boil and rupture on application of HIUS.

And the body totally clears the diabetes for ever!  It is not exactly rocket science!  There interestingly enough, rockets also do molecular nuclear fusion.

2 CₙHₙ+(m+n/2)O₂+P+TU→CO₂+(n/2-r)H₂O+r(He+O+X²+X-ray) so rockets also two the molecular nuclear fusion, ultrasound in the pressurise cells the cancer of viruses also do.

So 1 minute of HIUS, and no diabetes.  All present diabetes has being cured.  Viral infections will cause more diabetes in the future, but if we apply ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear the infection and stop the diabetes.

So there is really nothing for the academic medics or Cambridge University to study.  All cancers and diabetes are cured.  They want to study better treatments.  To a non existent disease, they can no longer study!

And again remember the Hippocratic oath prohibits treatments to already cured diseases.  The diabetic conference has nothing to say about nothing!

Tragically they will still be people around the world being prescribed the defective insulin or metformin.  Every registered Dr. In the world already owns the 8 W three MHZ unit, which clears all cancers in 1 minute.

1 minute or less to the bottom right of the chest also clears all diabetes.  No compounds or academic study required!

diabetes cured 2013

Diabetes CURE published 2013

To those ice also are professor Z from Sheffield University, that the ultrasound NG of liquid water did nuclear fusion.  In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre confirmed that high intensity ultrasound will cause the inflated viral structure common to cancers, viral infections and diabetes, to boil and rupture.

That PC was mysteriously ended 2001.  No reason ever given!  2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of one session of e.g. 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound, to clear all 200 types or cancer - plus other inflated viral structures.

In 2010 and I discover that 8 W 1 MHz applied externally will clear breast, lung and colon cancers.  From a commercially sourced ultrasound massage device.

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2013 in my church health group I applied ½ minute of HIUS to the chest and my diabetic friend.  Who had type two diabetes.  Not any more!  The type two diabetes clears instantly.

My American friends reported there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I have practically found that the full minute of HIUS cause even type one to remit instantly.

All this freely published on the Internet as I discovered it!  So I've published the total diabetic cure 2013: with their notes that type one diabetes would remits in three days.

The doctors Hippocratic oath, prohibits research or application of biochemical treatments to already cured diseases.  And all diabetes was cured a decade ago.

Since then no academic medic has been legally a medically allowed to research biochemical treatments for diabetes.  As HIUS is a one session total cure.

Now I have been invited yet again by Cambridge University, to the national conference on diabetes.  Every year over last four years they have invited me to an international conference.

Two months ago other medics published and all diabetes had vanished from the world.  My blocking of the Internet, has been fixed up and read by medics.  As is legally required by the Hippocratic oath.

Doctors who continued researching biochemistry and diabetes, ceased to be registered doctors 2013.  Are not entitled to wages of pension since.  They have lost their Dr. Registration.  Now a totally removed from legal medicine.

How can academic medics study diabetes, when the condition can be totally cured!  It would be over last year when it are people are being illegally medicated by their struck off doctors.

All diabetes has vanished from the wild!  And the or prescription of insulin or metformin have been legal for a decade.

Academic medics are not permitted to research better biochemical treatments, as all biochemical treatments for cancer and diabetes are now or criminal medicine!  Any Dr. Still researching cancer Bio chemistry after 2002, are struck off and removed totally from legal medicine.

I sat in Ordsall cafe, in salford and applied 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the bottom right of the person had type one diabetes.  And 50 seconds I was getting concerned!

And 58 seconds the colour return to his face.  As he is in saint system snaps back in as normal!  I have lost four non blood relatives to diabetes.  I cured it for my mother and stepfather.

My mother still cannot believe my little ultrasound device could do anything: as he as close friends who are registered doctors.  But I cleared her type two diabetes!  She was ghostly white like a ghost, the next minute the colour return to her face.

My stepfather had type two diabetes and colon cancer.  Both cleared!  ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of his ribcage, clears diabetes.

He applied 1 minute of HIUS to use lower tour sir and cleared his colon cancer.  Which my mother did not know heat ever had!

So my course of study at Sheffield University has led to some amazing benefits.  43,000,000 people a year are cured of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

Dementia is cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.  In my first son experienced this works for MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Plus depression!  Depression causes U.S. individuals to run amok with a semi appeared in rifle in a shopping mall.  Causing massive human death!

Before they shoot themselves.  And now within the world without diabetes.  Quite what the conference is hosted by cancer university identities gas I do not know.  As now nobody on earth should have diabetes.

Monday, 6 March 2023

Double petrol car performance

Nickle doubles car performance

Taking the cost of travelling a mile Bio petrol car down from 8 UK P/mile to 4 P.  The same price as for an electric car.  Where the electricity is generated at a remote power station.

Fossil fuel power stations release carbon dioxide into the air.  But nuclear power plants in the two years so far plant construction, use loads of reinforced concrete.  This works for which he is free used viral fossil fuel burn on limestone - to form cement.

Making nuclear power the fourth largest carbon source of man's industries.  A very much not carbon zero - releasing the same carbon dioxide as commercially fired power plants.

But nuclear power is uniquely toxic.  And needs annual insurance cover today of 100 billion - since Fukushima in 2010.  But all 422 nuclear power plant on earth, carry a criminally insufficient 50 million, perhaps upgraded to them and 50,000,000 after Chernobyl in 1986.

But we can double the power generated by a petrol engine.  As burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion.

1 C₁₆H₃₄+33O₂+spark→16CO₂+((17-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

So fantastically miniscule volume of water eastern duty helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat light and X rays.  Which is why a car engine gives off X rays as it runs.

We are then interested in nitrous oxide and unburnt fuel.  Which is why we use a face centre cubic metal as a catalyst in the exhaust.

Engineers as a joke use platinum!  Massively expensive.  Aluminium is a FCC metal but melts it to lower temperature.  Titanium or so all possibilities, their prices are very high! For cheekily for silver.

The best metal to use is nickel, which will also 1500° C but he's very inexpensive.  If electroplate the working surfaces of the engine, we double the amount of molecular nuclear fusion going on in the Indian - r(...).

If we nickel plate the inside surfaces of the car engine, they are in contact with an FCC metal.  Which will ensure that the nitrous oxides are oxidised into harmless nitrous dioxide.

And also improve the conversion efficiency of the car engine.  So a $200 nickle plate of the car engine and we no longer need a catalytic converter.  Or the full oxidation of the nickle oxide, is taken care of within the engine body.

And we double the matter, showing going on - no unburnt fuel leaves the exhaust.  And the nickle plate is going to cost $20.00, rather than $2000.  And end users can not nick the nickle played from the car engine.

The car, by high stood up and the electroplate cancer off.  Like with the plasma catalytic converters.  It would require a serious engine and disassembly, and chemistry.

And nickle is very nearly worthless!  And remember we double the power output from the engine, for the fuel burnt,

Which effectively half the cost of the petrol or diesel!  Diesel is carbon 12.  Where is the petrol is carbon 16. 

Friday, 3 March 2023

Diabetes and the menopause

Love U mom

Through my work with Inco alloy products, I realise that 150 Watts 40 kHz ultrasound was a benign to body cells, but fatal to the inflated cell structures that there is a cause cancers, heart disease and diabetes.

I've published my first paper on High Power UltraSound clearing cancers 2001.  And the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, or high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers and viruses in 1 minute, 2002.

I have sorted out there professor Z 2001, that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

1 minute or 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound causing metre flask of water to boil intense seconds.  If we then drive a steam turbine, we generate 40 kW of electrical power.

This is not perpetual motion - as return or mine you to volume of regular water into helium and oxygen gas.  Plus a massive heat and X rays.

I wrote my first paper on this 2001, and have my PH D yanked from under my feet!  Uranium nuclear power so did not want clean safe non toxic nuclear fission from water devising.  So I went off writing songs and singing!  As you do.  Sheffield release me after I spend a week sing on stage at the Lowry theatre in salford.

Hence I now live in salford quays!  The Moffitt cancer centre red my a paper and published the use of 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to clear all cancers and viruses.  We apply the ultrasound each side the chest for ½ minute.

Today and of e.g. people advocate using 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  As safe to body tissues!  The clearing away scar is and foreign cell types.  So or against even use 20 W 1 MHz.

24 W 1 MHz is from the NT dangerous to body tissues.  So even 20 W is a minute two risky!  I utilised an 8 W 1 MHz.  From an ultrasound massage device.

All diabetes is caused by a pressurise viral structure left behind in the pancreas from all viral infection.  Not looking immediately dangerous to the human body.  So tolerated by the immune system.  Even though it is a foreign cell type.

If we apply ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas, we clear type two diabetes instantly.  As practically confirmed by my diabetic friend 2013.  Also for my mother and stepfather!

They were discharged from all diabetes Medical Care by the Christie cancer hospital.  Who may have passed why the has suddenly got better from type two diabetes.  It would have taken three years to diet away.

At the altar then cure was instantaneous.  My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  Type one diabetes makes the antisense enzyme to insulin.  Type two messes around with a Bio feedback systems of insulin secretion.

Inappropriately restricting the body is insulin production.  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest instantly clears type one diabetes.  My friend had contracted the condition while in America.

2012 I was contacted by somebody who was HIV⁺ in New York.  As published by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest should clear AIDs totally.  Written up 2008.  But I did not have any gave rounds with HIV.

He bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Which arrived in five days from China.  It cleared his AIDs totally.

So his GP discharged him from all HIV Medical Care the next appointment: as a Dr. Is legally required two.  So all the haemophiliacs the were injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, contracted Dr. Injected HIV.

Is responsible Dr. Struck off!  For criminal lack of Medical Care.  Now all doctors have an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, to clear all cancers in 1 minute of external application.  I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.

This will clear all 200 types of human cancer.  Medically proved an published 2002: saint so the drug companies have use of financial muscle to prevent registered doctors from applying HIUS and clearing all cancers.

Best possible cancer medicine.  Applying cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy became defective and fatal medicine 2002.  Any suppose the Dr. prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, or struck off that day.

Subsequent prescriptions all invalid and illegal.  There medical practice criminal.

I have just been invited to attend a national conference on diabetes, hosted by Cambridge University.  Sheffield I thought they were releasing me from my engineering PH D, to a medical Ph.D. at Cambridge.

I have not exactly broken any speed records.  As I have a master's degree in engineering.  I go study from the MA he in medicine, but not initially a Ph.D..

So I have ensured the world there is so all diabetes is cured.  Two months ago medics were complain that diabetes had vanished from world.  The diabetics were ecstatic!  They are all cleared diabetes or home using an ultrasound massage device.

There is a conference by Diabetes UK in noble full in April.  Quite like introduce gas I do not know.  As a should be no diabetics in the world.  But doctors are still prescribing the defective insulin an metformin biochemical treatments, will offer penetrated the condition.

I am a little concerned about the Cambridge conference.  As it seems to be female orientated.  Having cleared my mother of type two diabetes, as personal direct experience of ladies and diabetes.

My mother is obviously well beyond the menopause.  That experience is directly applicable to women of all ages.  A total diabetic cure lasting just 30 sections.  From a medically licensed ultrasound massage unit, costing under 10 UK pounds,

Today I have just been invited to a local writing conference.  On women's fiction!  I just had my third book published.  Not bad for a hobby is it.  But what is it about the name 'Jonathan' that makes conference organized think I am a woman.  Accept that lovely can be applied to either sex.

I have never met one warming cause Jonathan.  Though the lesbian community probably has thousands of Jonathans.

Through my work at Sheffield University I have helped with the cure of all cancers.  Though a lot of credit is also are moved to the Moffitt cancer centre, for medically proving the idea.

Other medics published a 30 per cent double blind trial, into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing heart disease.  Including coronary heart disease, and today's Atrial Fibulation.

I will have to see which of the diabetic conference is still wants me.  Cambridge is often the international conferences for six years, which I have turn down - as too expensive.  And the medics might not even talk to me!

I can afford a train ticket to Liverpool or Birmingham.  After my car accident the Aintree hospital in Liverpool saved my life after 30% brain damage.  But the drug company for the subsidises the Liverpool conference, I will be so uninterested in the total non drug diabetes cure.