Friday 26 January 2024

Life just might exist on Mars after all

The red planet may have once been home to an abundance of microbes. New studies suggest it's possible that some hardy microbes managed to survive underground in a frozen state.

We needed to get away from the notion that life can only be supported by cellar radiation.  Flying around the earth's interior is a river of geothermal water.  Pressurised and heated by physical molecular nuclear fusion.

Water from the Rivers and seas of the earth percolate down to the magma layer, where it is heated to a round of the boiling point for pressurised water.

Magma is extremely hot—between 700° and 1,300° Celsius (1,292° and 2,372° Fahrenheit). This heat makes magma a very fluid and dynamic substance, able to create new landforms and engage physical and chemical transformations in a variety of different environments. Earth is divided into three general layers.19 Oct 2023

Science holes that all that he is the product of radioactive processes in the deep.  But the radioactivity should have run down over last four billion years.


the time as liquid water heats they heated magma layer, it boils!  And doesn't boiling molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+B→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray B= the turbulence of boiling.

So every day the nuclear fusion that there cancer naturally at the magma layer, starts up the radioactive nature of the earth's interior.  And we get the production of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

There is no chemical natural earth source of helium!  So constantly the earth's interior is being heated by nuclear fusion going on in the deep earth.

This is constantly replacing the helium in magma chambers.  As man extracts the gas, 1000 times more is being added by nature!  Constantly turning water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat and even X rays.

The most accessible source of molecular nuclear fusion, goes on in lightening strikes.  Plus all heavy rain or snow storms could aides the electrical potential we need for a lightening strike.

2 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→He+O₃+E²+X-ray

This is why heavy storms give out X rays, and produces helium and ozone gases.  The ozone being lost to space within 24 hours, this would make a nice little lecture series four and a graduate engineers and physicists.  Nature is costly doing nuclear fusion on earth.

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls with electrons to the ground.

When we are charged at a of 5000 volts, 100 amps, a 2 CM wide steam plasma links up the cloud tops and the ground.  1.5 kilometres.

Healthily geography has done the same gas sampling, and power every lightening strike produces five tonnes of helium.  There which is no chemical source!  And there is no source of radioactive decay.

The are doing nuclear fusion from the combination of the exposed hydrogen ions, via the turbulent flow of precipitation.  Exceeding the 1 W four hydrogen us to fuse into helium and heat.

So constantly precipitation is setting off nuclear fusion on earth.  And each lightening strike produces 2.5x10³⁰W of energy.  1.2 MW/m of lightening bolt.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder: firing up user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  Then the plasma itself sustains for the rest of recorded history!

His setup gave him 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Life changing science!  Professor Z at Sheffield University, stroking over his dislike of molecular nuclear fusion, he suddenly developed 2001.  As uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering.

This is massive carbon zero heat!  So much better than burning oil and gas.  Which only releases 45 kW/m of burner.  Are producing quantities of carbon dioxide - those are converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes over the temperate land and sea.

B in just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air, over the last 11.2 thousand years.  A static trace gas affects nothing!  Carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth, no weather effect.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So photosynthesis does produce the carbohydrates of plant biomass, Cₘ(H₂O), while excreting oxygen gas.  Taking in energy!

Inevitably linked to the massive energy source of biological molecular nuclear fusion - releasing 10ⁱ⁸W of heat, viral using light and X rays from every combination of hydrogen ions to form helium.

You can wander in feels around the temperate earth with a Geiger counter during the day, and measure the X rays produced for the nuclear fusion going on around you.  The oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to form ozone layer which smells around green plants, or waterfalls over one metre high he.

Waterfalls do physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Hence the waterfall at the base of the waterfall, is tense C warmer, that off the water fall even though there was has fallen through the air below freezing the Scottish lands in winter.

So 1 MW of carbon zero heat!  Without a flame of gas or oil around.  We employing the 1930s science of the thermoelectric generator.  Which will turn out 1 MW of heat, into 65 kW of DC current.

Rectified into mains linked voltage and phase AC current.  An annual check from the power company for 180,000 UK pounds.  A really massive amount!  We can hire the required thermoelectric unit for 125 UK pounds for a month.

Getting a monthly income of 1500 UK pounds.  So we buy the unit out right month one.  And without generating the carbon zero power for between eight and 20 houses.  Getting up lovely income of 180,000 UK pounds.

We could hire a little steam turbine for 12,000 UK pounds a month.  Getting an annual income of 1.5 million.  So again we can fly the unit air write the first month.

We are now getting ½ MW of carbon zero power.  Any company wants only 20 kW.  So we are freezing a massive amount of excess power and income!  Somewhere around 600,000 UK pounds a month.

For producing all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  Which he sell to the national grid!  Massively undercutting oil and gas burning.  Nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year, since Fukushima.

So all for 122 nuclear plant so around the world, operating criminally under insured.  Carried just 50 million of annual insurance.  Needing 100 billion a year.  The most criminal under insured industry ever!

And fortunately the most hyper toxic industry ever.  But now people can employ a plasma power plant at home, to try massive carbon zero electricity, and that massive annual income!

Without any oil or gas burner.  And definitely no hyper toxic nuclear power.

On Mars there should be a circulating river of deep water.  Kept liquid by the massive heat production from physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Going on in the deep around Mars, as it does on earth.

Supporting massive vibrant ecosystem is in the Martian interior.  Where the physical molecular nuclear fusion, produces heat, this or light and oxygen.  Energy with no direct sunlight!

The same process goes supports life on Uranus or Neptune.  It also means that there may be a vibrant ecosystems, going on today around the magma layer on earth.  We should go look!

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