Monday 8 January 2024

diabetes totally cured

Total physical cure of cancer and diabetes

If we gave a diabetic an ultrasound scan over the pancreas, before 2013, the causative viral altered cells give off X rays.  Just like cancers used to.

The pressurised viral altered cell it does biological molecular nuclear fusion, ultrasound scans.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²

So we are doing nuclear fusion within the body!  At 30° C and the cellular of eighties pressure.

2001 I suggested to my medical contacts that high power ultrasound might restrict cancer growth.  And also restrict the development of diabetes.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, supervised by three medical professors, into a High Intensity UltraSound clearing all 200 types or cancer in one session.

As it was medically published every registered Dr. On earth bought the required 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and confirmed the cancer and viral cure.

They were then legally constrained from the prescription or cancer medicine.  Every medicated cancer death since 2002 once a standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the prescribing Dr. Receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the biochemical drug company struck off without legal argument.

It cured the SARs viral outbreak from Asia 2003.  Cause predictably by Covid3.  They can prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.

Just one prescription of infection medication since 2002, striking off the Dr. and support staff!  Most importantly the biochemical drug company struck off, remove from medicine and all its other biochemical drug patents void.

CC no valid share price from 2002, the drug company could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporations in earth history!  So layer the most persuasive people in history.

Last 2024 and the corrupt drug company is are still acting as if they were legal licence biochemical organizations.  They are so not!  Just one prescription or cancer drugs since 2002 and the prescribing doctors the struck off, stripped of medical wages ever since an entitled to no pension.

2013 as walking around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit: they consume HIUS device costing under 45 UK pounds.  So popular have they been they can now be purchased for under five UK pounds.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

I applied for ½ minute to the lower right of the chest of my diabetic patient, you're totally clear type two diabetes.  As I found out with my church diabetic friend!  Who suddenly he was cured.

I also cure that type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Drug company is never accept any disease is cured!  They just look for better detection methods, to detect the diabetes in the cured patients.

Who mysteriously have normal blood sugar levels, and the insulin systems have snapped back to normal.  Once a viral fragment is removed by the HIUS,

My American diabetic friends reported there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I confirmed the 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared even type one diabetes.

For every 2023,.is part on record that there were no no type one or type two diabetics in the world, though strangely registered doctors were still prescribing diabetic medication, we are potentially fatal results!

Prescribing insulin or met 4 minute to the healthy individual, can end up killing them!  As the blood sugar level crashes below hypermycenae levels.  The registered doctors were legally compelled to validate and then use best new medical advances.

Hence the patent for metformin was installed two the Americans.  The UK drug company is developed alternative bills to control type two diabetes.

The Federal Drug Administration recall the informant who was of horrendous side effects.  Including the development of cancers!

So registered medics were compelled to validate nburning use HIUS to clear all diabetes, which I have been blogging about an almost daily basis since 2010.

Doctors family put on record 2023, the diabetes no longer existed!  So no registered Dr. or academic medic, any more allowed to research a nonexistent disease.

The drug company is were furious!  Cancer having 80% other income.  Losing 80% of your core income has been bankruptcy for any company on earth in economic history.

Dr.s also last the same 80%!  Which makes continued medical practice an economic.  Just one prescription of cancer drugs since 2002, and the doctors struck off and given the usual 25 year jail term, for every medicated cancer death.

A legal fine of 10 million, for each cancer patient medicated death.  The Dr. and nurse struck off, stripped or wages and pension entitlement since the first are dealt by cancer drugs after 2002.

The same argument applies for a diabetic medication since 2013: when the total diabetic cure was published freely on the Internet.  Modified 2016 to recommend the fall minute of HIUS for type one diabetes - avoiding a three day delay in there condition remitting.

Any Dr. Prescribing diabetic medication since 2013 guilty of criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Struck off without any legal argument!  Along with the assisting nurses, pharmacists and drug companies.

Yet suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal in a decade, diabetic medication until 2023.  Though all the diabetics being criminally prescribed the defective diabetic medication, were all dead!  Each death warranting the standard legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

The psychopathic Dr. Nurse or again struck off stripped or wages and pension entitlement.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed.  Totally removed from the register of legal by medical drug companies.

This is January 2024.  In the months after doctors conceded there all diabetes,1&2 had vanished from the world.  And the absolute no diabetic prescriptions being written out.

But the drug company is still want to research diabetes!  Intent on producing a pale control for type two diabetes in the UK.  When there are no had type two diabetics in the world!

Legally they should all have vanished 2013.  Each medicated diabetic death warranting the usual 25 years of high security prison time, and a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Money paid automatically to the next of kin - without legal challenge!

The inevitable consequence of the Hippocratic oath taken by every Dr. As they enter Medical Service.  Mining is sent out by the health centre practice nurse, for each medicated diabetic death.

The drug companies are frantically searching for a new cancer detection methods!  Oblivious to the former cancer patients good health and total lack of cancer surgeons.

So only they're looking for a new diabetics direction method!  Though there are actually no diabetics to do research on and medicine prohibits research a extinct conditions. 

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