Tuesday 2 January 2024

clear motor neurone disease

Heal the mind

We are back to my practically confirmed work from 2013, that use ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound, e.g. from an ultrasound massage device, applied for ½ minute each side of the head to clear the pressurise viral structure left behind from all four viral infection, causing all dementia!  All dementia is caused by a variety of viral rumps.


£3.34 - 4.41/ Piece

2013 I cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Drug company is were particularly concerned about the Alzheimer's cure.  But they are voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.

Which meant that they had to validate new medical science, or they were struck off as a licence biochemical drug company.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents, they then had no share price.  So could not legally borrow from the banks to make payroll.  They were bankrupt!

All registered doctors including all academic medics, were prohibited from researching alternative treatments to already cured conditions.  So no Alzheimer's biochemical research was legal since 2013.  11 years ago!

The doctors be legally required to strike themselves off, there were staying they knowingly contravened the Hippocratic oath.  So all our Alzheimer's research are struck off without any legal argument.

So I freely published the total cure to all mental health problems 2013.  It should also clear Huntington's Korea - such a rare infection I have no practical confirmation here.

Are applying ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead of a patient the mental health problems, show clear the problems!  Is has no interaction with any other biochemical treatment.

Totally harmless he should just clear all mental health problems totally.  Today the motor neurone disease has no biochemical treatment or cure.  It should be cured totally by one session of HIUS.

Being the disease then falls outside legal biochemical research.  Tragically my girlfriend with MS, died a month before I found the standard cancer cure would also cure all dementia.

1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts clears all 200 types or cancer.  ½ minute each side the chest for lung cancer - which make up 80% other cancers out there.

As practically confirmed 2002 by every registered biochemical drug company on earth.  Who is then prohibited from manufacture and sale or cancer drugs!  Mysteriously since 2002 an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world have experienced an agonising expensive Bio chemically assisted, two year decline to certain death!

The involved doctors, drug companies, nurses and pharmacists all struck off without legal argument.  In every nursing office should have the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit at hand.

Which can be used to cure the motor neurone disease all patients in hospital!  Any Health Service nurse has the required unit to clear all patients of motor neurone disease.

My thanks here go to Dr Z, for confirming the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  A process that skills exponential he with liquid pressure!  And there disease of age are all caused by pressurised viral or bacterial fragments.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The source of the X rays cancers give off in ultrasound scans.  The reason cancer biopsies in the laboratory cause cancer cells to fill up with micro bubbles of single cell oxygen and helium gases.

As they boil and rupture!  Within the body this causes a full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.  All cancers cured!

As medically published 2002.  Since when there prescription of cancer drugs has been defective and fatal medicine!  Killing the cancer patient in two agonising years.

Striking off the Dr., Nurse and drug company.  So all cancers cures for under five UK pounds.  Which finally led to the elimination of cancers from the world by 2020.  By which time financially motivated struck off doctors have killed an estimated 200 million cancer patients.

A total legal fine of 2000 trillion!  Which is in excess of the financial reserves of the IMF and World Bank - lenders of last resort.

A totally measure cancers from the world 2020, has saved the lives 1/3 of the developed world.  The most important scientific advance ever!  Strangely enough Sheffield University get my PH D work from under my feet, before my accountant could pay for my PH D studies!

And allow those medics to go on prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs.  Killing an estimated 200 million patients.  For which reason and the now a professor Z has nursery given no credit for his ideas on the turbulent flow of water or steam doing nuclear fusion.

Actually the idea of his uncle at Columbia University.  Who published the work on cold fusion all those years ago air!  A total 100%, side effect free 1 minute cancer cure.

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