Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Lead doctors all struck off

Cancer drugs malpractice 2002

Within the NHS, and presumably all around the world, only lead doctors could  prescribe prescription controlled medication like cancer drugs.  Registered doctors and high up nurses, plus biochemical drug company is all voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.

Which dictates only use of the best medicine!  High up nurses Kim UK to the us to lower down nurses, Paul strained by their nightingale pledge only to help with delivery of the best medication.

Pharmacists are also are constrained by the nightingale pledge, only to dispense best medicine.

2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear prostate cancer and viruses.  ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest totally clearing viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the diseases of age, like cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia ...

Academic medics are registered doctors - so again, strained by the Hippocratic oath.  So they're all validated the effectiveness of HIUS 2002.

This is a near was verified to clear all 200 types of human cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections ever exist.  This made cancer drugs defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

There prescription the most horrendously fatal medicine in recorded history!  Killing the cancer patients in two expensive, agonising years.  Whereas 1 minute of HIUS from the doctors' 8 W three MHZ unit, applied to where it hurt, clears all 200 types of human cancer.

Every leader Dr. Verified the effectiveness of HIUS 2002.  So there first prescription or cancer drugs solemn struck off, losing Dr. Registration and Health Insurance.  Making medical practice doubly criminal.

Using all medical wages and future pension entitlement.  And they had to resign instantly from the NHS.  Who had to elect new health centre lead doctors.  Who again was struck off the first day they prescribed cancer drugs.

Who will have for their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, I applied for 1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all human cancers.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

The practice nurse can use the same ultrasound application, using the 8 W three MHZ unit for potentially shorter times, to clear all cancers.

So cancer drugs became illegal medicine!  Removing 80% of Dr. and drug company income.  A any prescribing Dr. Ejected instantly from medical practice.  So every Lea Dr. Within the NHS struck off 2002.

And their replacements and the struck off the first day they prescribed cancer drugs.

2013 and medics published a 30 patient double blind trial, into a single application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease.

The same idea with an 8 W one MHZ unit, also clearing all heart rhythm problems.  No or heart medication prescription has been legal and ethical medicine since 2002.  There prescription striking off all the practice doctors!  Though I doubt junior doctors were allowed to prescribe heart medication.

Striking doctors and nurses struck off and expelled from medicine totally for ever.  Stripped of Medical Insurance.  So all the junior doctors who took industrial action recently for higher wages, ejected them cells from legal medicine for ever.  The biggest active professional suicide in corporate history!

And every leader Dr. Who has prescribed cancer medication since 2002, Sony struck off and stripped of a six figure medical income, and future pension entitlement.

The assisting nurses also struck off without legal challenge.  2013 and doctors verified my work there ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes.

2016 I verified that 1 minute was required to clear type one diabetes totally and for ever.  So the diabetes cure costing 0.004 UK pounds.  The single session total cure!  The prescription diabetic medication used to make a 5% of medical income.  Cancers 80%, heart disease 15%.

Collectively we have destroyed 100 per cent of Dr. and drug company income.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections; stopping the development of the diseases of age.

Striking off the leader Dr. Says the NHS A6 figure sum for every health centre.  And the Dr. prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off ceasing to be a registered Dr.!  Had roaring no medical wages of pension.

The assisting nurses and pharmacists, along with the manufacturing biochemical drug company, all for ever struck off and remove from medical activity.

Academic medics constrained from researching alternative treatments for cured conditions.  So no cancer research since 2002!  Any university medical school which has researched cancer drugs since 2002, struck off.  And all the staff sacked.  Again beyond legal challenge. 

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Carbon dioxide is static

CO2 at 0.0002% 11.2 thousand years

For the last 11.2 thousand years, global photosynthesis has limited free carbon dioxide around the temperate world since two parts per million.  And a static trace gas affects nothing!  By scientific definition.

Above the polar ice In winter there has been four parts per 1,000,000, so twice the carbon dioxide!  And the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.

Is Scotland today somewhere mysterious he had the temperature 17.9° C.  Tomorrow he'll be 7° C!  Struck me as if somebody was trying to manipulate local weather.  By just for 1 day.

And the climate change people say nothing about the static carbon dioxide!  Only a increasing level of carbon dioxide ...  Which is a scientific impossibility!  And are obviously never happened.

The nuclear boys published data are showing increasing level of carbon dioxide.  Forgetting to mention that nuclear power plant construction, was mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.

Releasing in two years our power plant construction, the equivalent of the carbon emissions from conventional power for 25 years!  Nuclear is so not carbon zero.

But we live in the epoch are static carbon dioxide around the temperate earth.  Just two parts per million!  Which is not being mentioned in any media reports in recorded history.

Only get a payout from nuclear power every time they mention the meaningless climate change.  All based around an enforceable increase of carbon dioxide in the temperate air.

Just total nuclear rubbish 

Friday, 26 January 2024

Life just might exist on Mars after all

The red planet may have once been home to an abundance of microbes. New studies suggest it's possible that some hardy microbes managed to survive underground in a frozen state.

We needed to get away from the notion that life can only be supported by cellar radiation.  Flying around the earth's interior is a river of geothermal water.  Pressurised and heated by physical molecular nuclear fusion.

Water from the Rivers and seas of the earth percolate down to the magma layer, where it is heated to a round of the boiling point for pressurised water.

Magma is extremely hot—between 700° and 1,300° Celsius (1,292° and 2,372° Fahrenheit). This heat makes magma a very fluid and dynamic substance, able to create new landforms and engage physical and chemical transformations in a variety of different environments. Earth is divided into three general layers.19 Oct 2023

Science holes that all that he is the product of radioactive processes in the deep.  But the radioactivity should have run down over last four billion years.


the time as liquid water heats they heated magma layer, it boils!  And doesn't boiling molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+B→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray B= the turbulence of boiling.

So every day the nuclear fusion that there cancer naturally at the magma layer, starts up the radioactive nature of the earth's interior.  And we get the production of helium and free radical oxygen gases.

There is no chemical natural earth source of helium!  So constantly the earth's interior is being heated by nuclear fusion going on in the deep earth.

This is constantly replacing the helium in magma chambers.  As man extracts the gas, 1000 times more is being added by nature!  Constantly turning water into helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat and even X rays.

The most accessible source of molecular nuclear fusion, goes on in lightening strikes.  Plus all heavy rain or snow storms could aides the electrical potential we need for a lightening strike.

2 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→He+O₃+E²+X-ray

This is why heavy storms give out X rays, and produces helium and ozone gases.  The ozone being lost to space within 24 hours, this would make a nice little lecture series four and a graduate engineers and physicists.  Nature is costly doing nuclear fusion on earth.

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and the negative charge falls with electrons to the ground.

When we are charged at a of 5000 volts, 100 amps, a 2 CM wide steam plasma links up the cloud tops and the ground.  1.5 kilometres.

Healthily geography has done the same gas sampling, and power every lightening strike produces five tonnes of helium.  There which is no chemical source!  And there is no source of radioactive decay.

The are doing nuclear fusion from the combination of the exposed hydrogen ions, via the turbulent flow of precipitation.  Exceeding the 1 W four hydrogen us to fuse into helium and heat.

So constantly precipitation is setting off nuclear fusion on earth.  And each lightening strike produces 2.5x10³⁰W of energy.  1.2 MW/m of lightening bolt.

My American friend fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder: firing up user high voltage electronics from old fluorescent light.  Then the plasma itself sustains for the rest of recorded history!

His setup gave him 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Life changing science!  Professor Z at Sheffield University, stroking over his dislike of molecular nuclear fusion, he suddenly developed 2001.  As uranium nuclear power bought him a chair of chemical and process engineering.

This is massive carbon zero heat!  So much better than burning oil and gas.  Which only releases 45 kW/m of burner.  Are producing quantities of carbon dioxide - those are converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes over the temperate land and sea.

B in just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air, over the last 11.2 thousand years.  A static trace gas affects nothing!  Carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth, no weather effect.

3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So photosynthesis does produce the carbohydrates of plant biomass, Cₘ(H₂O), while excreting oxygen gas.  Taking in energy!

Inevitably linked to the massive energy source of biological molecular nuclear fusion - releasing 10ⁱ⁸W of heat, viral using light and X rays from every combination of hydrogen ions to form helium.

You can wander in feels around the temperate earth with a Geiger counter during the day, and measure the X rays produced for the nuclear fusion going on around you.  The oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules, to form ozone layer which smells around green plants, or waterfalls over one metre high he.

Waterfalls do physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Hence the waterfall at the base of the waterfall, is tense C warmer, that off the water fall even though there was has fallen through the air below freezing the Scottish lands in winter.

So 1 MW of carbon zero heat!  Without a flame of gas or oil around.  We employing the 1930s science of the thermoelectric generator.  Which will turn out 1 MW of heat, into 65 kW of DC current.

Rectified into mains linked voltage and phase AC current.  An annual check from the power company for 180,000 UK pounds.  A really massive amount!  We can hire the required thermoelectric unit for 125 UK pounds for a month.

Getting a monthly income of 1500 UK pounds.  So we buy the unit out right month one.  And without generating the carbon zero power for between eight and 20 houses.  Getting up lovely income of 180,000 UK pounds.

We could hire a little steam turbine for 12,000 UK pounds a month.  Getting an annual income of 1.5 million.  So again we can fly the unit air write the first month.

We are now getting ½ MW of carbon zero power.  Any company wants only 20 kW.  So we are freezing a massive amount of excess power and income!  Somewhere around 600,000 UK pounds a month.

For producing all that lovely carbon zero electricity.  Which he sell to the national grid!  Massively undercutting oil and gas burning.  Nuclear power knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion a year, since Fukushima.

So all for 122 nuclear plant so around the world, operating criminally under insured.  Carried just 50 million of annual insurance.  Needing 100 billion a year.  The most criminal under insured industry ever!

And fortunately the most hyper toxic industry ever.  But now people can employ a plasma power plant at home, to try massive carbon zero electricity, and that massive annual income!

Without any oil or gas burner.  And definitely no hyper toxic nuclear power.

On Mars there should be a circulating river of deep water.  Kept liquid by the massive heat production from physical molecular nuclear fusion.  Going on in the deep around Mars, as it does on earth.

Supporting massive vibrant ecosystem is in the Martian interior.  Where the physical molecular nuclear fusion, produces heat, this or light and oxygen.  Energy with no direct sunlight!

The same process goes supports life on Uranus or Neptune.  It also means that there may be a vibrant ecosystems, going on today around the magma layer on earth.  We should go look!

Thursday, 25 January 2024

Clearing premenstrual tension

Like so much in life, this is caused by my viral fragment.  They had left over viral rump.  From all four viral infection.  That does no damage!  So even though it is a foreign cell structure it is tolerated by the human immune system.

It is around a woman's womb.  And it makes up every month around the warmest period.  Making inappropriate biologically active enzymes.

It is thought that hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle (fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels) affect the mood of women and trigger negative emotions such as anger and irritability. But no definitive evidence has yet been obtained on the relationship between PMS symptomatology and anger.

So around the time of the warmest period, as her PMT kicks in it is only necessary for the girl to apply 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from an ultrasound massage device.

This is a medically proven cure to all 200 types of body cancer.  As medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit, and verified the cancer cure.


£3.31 - 4.37/ Pie

Or they were automatically struck off and stripped of medical wages and future pension.  Cancer drugs thus became criminal and defective medicine 2002: giving the cancer patient a two year agonising Bio chemically assisted decline to death within two years.

1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound to where it hurt.  Totally clearing all 200 types of human cancer.  But doctors discovered the same year that ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, as they happened.

The foreign pressurise cell structure common to cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections boiling and rupturing!  The local immune system then secreting an action NG the active human antibody, to clear that distinct foreign cell type throughout the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray this being a form of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Turning regular water into helium and oxygen gases, plus heat and even lower power X rays.

There being no biochemical source of helium or X rays.

So girls can use the same idea to clear their previous role tension.  Which should vanish in that month.  Or certainly in two months!  Applied during the girls..

This idea being dedicated to Vanessa Townsend, who suffered from PMT during my university studies.  Last I heard she was a reporter with Jane's Defence weekly. 

Monday, 22 January 2024

diabetes done

Diabetes drugs defective

2013 an published my work and using 30 seconds of High Intensity UltraSound to have lower right of the chest over the pancreas, to totally clear type two diabetes.

I use an 8 W one MHZ unit, has the validated to clear cancers in 1 minute: I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts!  This was the subject of a 2002 Medical Paper by the Moffitt cancer centre chain.

A 100% cure to all cancers and viruses!  And diabetes is caused by a viral fragment, so is cured by the same medical science.

2016 I validated that 1 minute to the lower right of the chest totally cleared type one diabetes.  Otherwise the condition remitted in three days!

February 2023 and medics family conceded there type one and two diabetes had vanished into nonexistent!  Diabetes drugs or 5% of medical income 2000.

The cure or cancer had removed 80% of drug company and Dr. Income.  Hence their fight not to concede that diabetes had been cured.

By charities like diabetes UK are under the legal imperative to inform the world had type two diabetes has vanished.

The prescription of metformin medicine is now a potentially fatal defective medicine.  There is no diabetes in the world!  Now that is a headline.

Saturday, 20 January 2024

Low radiation steel

There be a fortune

The world war one and the German grand fleet, was built using steel produced before the high radiation years of the 1950s.  Which surgery to this world with low level radiation!

In the 1920s still merchants are a used some of the ships from the seabed, and sold on the steal.  Millions of tonnes of high grade steel.  Worth billions today!

Ironically enough Adolf Hitler bought it, to construct his heat generation of U boats.  To fight the Second World War!

But there are still seven ships at scapa flow.  Constructed using low radiation steel.  That he can not produce today!  We can melt down existing steel, using electric arc furnaces.

As burning fossil fuels actually releases radiation!

1 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+flame→mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So the turbulence of oil flame during steelmaking, it does my old friend molecular nuclear fusion.  You can measure the radiation using a standard Geiger counter!  So conventional still making these are radio-active trace behind.

Electric still making doesn't.  The problem he is turbine and the millions of tonnes of low radiation steel we can utilise.  Enter the German grand fleet from world war one.  Preserved in the waters of scapa flow.

So that steel has a unique value.  Where we need a low radiation steel for medical and other uses.  Four in excess of the scrap value for steel.

And he using flotation bags and tugboats, they can easily cell read the last wreaks from the bottom of the deep sea port in Scotland.

The cell which companies will make hundreds of millions of pounds.  As I was taught specifically at Sheffield University in the 1980s.  Why he has no body done it?

Problem because the only metallurgy students heard the idea.  So today he are publishing the idea freely on the Internet for the world!

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Do breast implants stop bullets?

Not perfectly!  The implant makes the bullet fragment, but still punches a hole through material behind the bulett shot.

We should do tests with a body tissue, then an implant.  The void passing through the breast tissue, sets off molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

So as the planet passes through the breasts, it is already fragmenting.  And are entering the saline implant (silicone gel implants do not work) the bullet fragments sets off nuclear fusion, and the release of massive heat!

So we get a blast of steam opposing the passage of the planet fragments.  If we rerun the bulett chest will focus Geiger counter, will find the passage of the lead collect through the silicone implant, releases massive X rays.

The release of heat or blast the breast implants away.  But save body organs at the heart and lungs.  The angle of impact determine somewhere that the board fragments will penetrate the hearts, or by

harmlessly deflected away!

Causing massive trauma or damage to the skin.  Which has an implication for for the proof vests.

We want a thin pressurise saline implant, the and the care of life present bomb proof material.  When the lower and more C4 light hits the saline, it would again set off nuclear fusion.

So yes to blast of X rays and steam repelling the bullet.  There is much work to be done on this area!

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Free carbon zero heat

Give the equator arctic cold

At the north and south pole, there are massive ice caps.  Which time arctic cold at the extremes of the planet.

We would prefer that that cold blood back to the equator, where it sucks in the cellar heat, and transforms the hot lands into lush arable areas.

Where the growing plants will sucking carbon dioxide air to the air.  Transform you into plant biomass.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(E²+L+X-ray)

The first thing to note is a plants'sucking carbon dioxide as the temperate air land and seas.  Leaving just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  That night's natural carbon dioxide production, all convert into carbohydrates by 10.00am.

By burning the fossil fuels, mankind is releasing your cannot carbon tied up by the mass extinctions of prehistory, into carbohydrates.  Week in use this system to produce endless volumes of free natural gas.

2 CO₂+2(H₂O)+P+T+spark→CH₄+2O₂+L+X-rat T> 400° C

The Sebatier equation, was the subject of the 1918 noble prize in chemistry.

3 CO₂ + 4H₂ = CH₄ + 2H₂O-E E=-380 W

What Sebatier missed out on, is the linked molecular nuclear fusion - r(E²+L+X-ray).  Which my American friend validated for a 30x1,5cm steam plasma liberated a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

If you add that he in to the Sebatier equation, the whole production of methane at a releases a constant 800 Watts of heat.  Massively exothermic!

Usually driven by the pressure and heat in deep earth mantle pockets.  Where we use a high temperatures way above the required 400° C, where carbon dioxide and steam unburn to form methane and oxygen gases.

Suddenly chemical engineers can have a little Chemical Engineering plant to make natural gas.  We start off with a little steam plasma, to produce carbon free electricity.

4 H₂O+P+T+PL→2(L+E²+X-ray)

We chill carbon dioxide as the air, heated with steam and and a spark we fire up A steam plasma.  And the plasma burns a fantastically tiny volume of regular water, into heat light and X rays.

This is surprising that simple engineering.  Converting just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water into massive heat the motor light and lower power X rays.  This is so much better than burning fossil fuels!

Burning oil or gas releases a 45 kW/m of burner into heat,11 releasing massive amounts of carbon dioxide!  That it stimulates local plant life within a km, to grow.  Converting the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.

So within 5 minutes man carriers carbon emissions, abusive biological life in the immediate area on land and over the seas.  Biology it dictates that there is no buildup of carbon dioxide possible in the global air.

Fixed at just two parts per million, for the last 11.2 1000 years.  Since before mankind even evolved!  We are talking before homohabilis.  The fire was invented!  Natural lightening strike was the only possible source of ignition of hydrocarbons, he was own back into carbon dioxide and steam.

Since the first thrashed out these equations 2008, man kind has not needed to burn or oil and gas.  He just fires up a steam plasma, emotional massive carbon free heat system.

5 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+(m+r/2)O₂+PL→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

My concept found that a 30x1.5cm non pressurise steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Going off from two little water ever to measure in a lifetime!

The lightening strike captured in a glass cylinder, giving a massive heat the light and lower power X rays.  So actually doing the heat generation system from burning fossil fuels.

For we use a high voltage electronics from a fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma in a glass cylinder.  So you get out 1 MW of carbon zero heat, or oil and gas burning only releases 45 kW/m of burner.  They keep stressing is because it is so important!

We have no burner, but released heat light and X rays.  There's a light and X rays can only be produced by nuclear actions.  Here the plasma burns regular steam molecules, into our heat light and X rays.

A Antarctic leak tiny volume of regular water.  Will maintain a lightening strike for the rest of recorded history!  Without any fuel burn.  Hence the crashing of the our price!

As a company is maintenance engineers, can regain her plasma power plant, where the heat is supplied by a a steam plasma.  Once fired up, it will self sustain!

Turning regular water into massive carbon zero heat.  We do not need to import or oil or gas from politically unstable countries.  Which an increased the fuel prices to an sustainable levels!

The oil crisis of 1976 injected a massive debts of inflation into world economies.  And given Saudi Arabia are one trillion dollar economy annually.  But now the world knows how to produce carbon zero free electricity and heat.

A small steam turbine will convert 1 MW of carbon zero heat, into ½ MW of mains linked AC power.  A commercially sourced 65 kW thermoelectric generator will turn out 1 MW of heat into 65 kW of mains linked AC current.

The garage harvest can easily build A plasma power plant.  So for 1500 UK pounds, get an annual income of 180,000 UK pounds.  A millionaires income!  Our plasma power plant in a garden shed, or cellar and/or attic.

It transpires the carbon zero electricity is fantastically simple to produce.  As the world is realizing this, the tonnage of oil being shipped years in freefall!  And so do Arabia Oil industry will be in loss by 2026.

And the plasma burns such a fantastically miniscule volume of water, if ICC water reservoir or give her us as 65 kW of mains linked AC current, for free for ever!

Immediately around the Duval world, chemical engineers can build a little natural gas production facilities.  And make free natural gas!  Which there will sell to the National Gas main, for 20 per cent of the costs of British Gas natural gas.

A totally carbon neutral energy source.  We only get back the carbon dioxide use to form the natural gas, as we burn natural gas under pressure at low temperature.  Where the thermodynamics reverses!

6 CH₄+P+(3+r)O+spark→(PL→CO₂+2H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

Natural gas and oxygen will only burn them pressurised, and given a spark.  A natural gas flame produces helium, with light and X rays.  The free radical oxygen forms ozone with oxygen molecules from the air.

I was puzzled about the X-ray and light production of gas burning, when I first learned about it on my master's degree in to engineering 1983.

So a burning gas and oil actually does nuclear fusion.  But most of the energy is taken in by oxidising the carbon.  So burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion.

The carbon dioxide released is converted into plant biomass on land and seas, within 5 minutes!  The temperate earth carbon dioxide is limited by photosynthesis, to a static trace level of two parts per million.

Above the arctic ice In winter, snow covers the land and sea ice covers the seas.  Photosynthesis shuts down.  Carbon dioxide levels rise to four PPM.  Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.

The Antarctic winter air temperature is -80° C over the Antarctic ice sheet.  All that lovely cold, tied up in the arctic ice.

We anchor steam plasma centres around the arctic ice sheet.  I calculated that a 1m x2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 8.6 MW of carbon zero heat.

So we increase the warm water lapping over the ice sheets.  Which will then melt!  And the cold water flowing back to the equator at 3° C: water expands as it freezes!  The a vaccine and density of water under pressure is 3° C.

So we melt the lifeless ice sheets.  The animals can relocate to those of Ireland's beneath the ice.  We may also wish to cite polyurethane panels around the land masses, to increase their nesting area for penguins.  At the north pole, the polar bears look distinctly brown, when there is natural life and rain around the lifeless north pole.

The polar bears can swim!  As can the penguins.  Who will now be staggered at the warm environment ever north and south extremities on the planet.

If we cite steam plasma is in a grade above the polar land masses, we will support plant growth all year.  The north pole we can't more productive than Texas!  The air void 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

And the ships can use the transverse Watts they are the ice covers north and self C passages.  Which never come ice free all year!  By warming or the north and self poles, we actually increase the volumes of coal water flowing back to the equator.

Which will be Callum cooler and wetter!  So go massive increase in plant life over what is now a lifeless hot deserts.

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

diabetes is all cured

½ minute of the high intensity ultrasound that cures all cancers, I applied to the lower right of the rib cage over the pancreas clears type two diabetes.  Type one requires the full minute.

The Hippocratic oath prohibits research into alternative treatments for cured conditions.  As there are no diabetics in the world since February 2023, it is not possible to study the disease!

Any Dr. Attending to study an extinct pathogen, the struck off without legal appeal.  

Monday, 8 January 2024

diabetes totally cured

Total physical cure of cancer and diabetes

If we gave a diabetic an ultrasound scan over the pancreas, before 2013, the causative viral altered cells give off X rays.  Just like cancers used to.

The pressurised viral altered cell it does biological molecular nuclear fusion, ultrasound scans.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²

So we are doing nuclear fusion within the body!  At 30° C and the cellular of eighties pressure.

2001 I suggested to my medical contacts that high power ultrasound might restrict cancer growth.  And also restrict the development of diabetes.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, supervised by three medical professors, into a High Intensity UltraSound clearing all 200 types or cancer in one session.

As it was medically published every registered Dr. On earth bought the required 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and confirmed the cancer and viral cure.

They were then legally constrained from the prescription or cancer medicine.  Every medicated cancer death since 2002 once a standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the prescribing Dr. Receiving 25 year jail term in high security prison.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the biochemical drug company struck off without legal argument.

It cured the SARs viral outbreak from Asia 2003.  Cause predictably by Covid3.  They can prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.

Just one prescription of infection medication since 2002, striking off the Dr. and support staff!  Most importantly the biochemical drug company struck off, remove from medicine and all its other biochemical drug patents void.

CC no valid share price from 2002, the drug company could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporations in earth history!  So layer the most persuasive people in history.

Last 2024 and the corrupt drug company is are still acting as if they were legal licence biochemical organizations.  They are so not!  Just one prescription or cancer drugs since 2002 and the prescribing doctors the struck off, stripped of medical wages ever since an entitled to no pension.

2013 as walking around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit: they consume HIUS device costing under 45 UK pounds.  So popular have they been they can now be purchased for under five UK pounds.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

I applied for ½ minute to the lower right of the chest of my diabetic patient, you're totally clear type two diabetes.  As I found out with my church diabetic friend!  Who suddenly he was cured.

I also cure that type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Drug company is never accept any disease is cured!  They just look for better detection methods, to detect the diabetes in the cured patients.

Who mysteriously have normal blood sugar levels, and the insulin systems have snapped back to normal.  Once a viral fragment is removed by the HIUS,

My American diabetic friends reported there was a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I confirmed the 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared even type one diabetes.

For every 2023,.is part on record that there were no no type one or type two diabetics in the world, though strangely registered doctors were still prescribing diabetic medication, we are potentially fatal results!

Prescribing insulin or met 4 minute to the healthy individual, can end up killing them!  As the blood sugar level crashes below hypermycenae levels.  The registered doctors were legally compelled to validate and then use best new medical advances.

Hence the patent for metformin was installed two the Americans.  The UK drug company is developed alternative bills to control type two diabetes.

The Federal Drug Administration recall the informant who was of horrendous side effects.  Including the development of cancers!

So registered medics were compelled to validate nburning use HIUS to clear all diabetes, which I have been blogging about an almost daily basis since 2010.

Doctors family put on record 2023, the diabetes no longer existed!  So no registered Dr. or academic medic, any more allowed to research a nonexistent disease.

The drug company is were furious!  Cancer having 80% other income.  Losing 80% of your core income has been bankruptcy for any company on earth in economic history.

Dr.s also last the same 80%!  Which makes continued medical practice an economic.  Just one prescription of cancer drugs since 2002, and the doctors struck off and given the usual 25 year jail term, for every medicated cancer death.

A legal fine of 10 million, for each cancer patient medicated death.  The Dr. and nurse struck off, stripped or wages and pension entitlement since the first are dealt by cancer drugs after 2002.

The same argument applies for a diabetic medication since 2013: when the total diabetic cure was published freely on the Internet.  Modified 2016 to recommend the fall minute of HIUS for type one diabetes - avoiding a three day delay in there condition remitting.

Any Dr. Prescribing diabetic medication since 2013 guilty of criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice.  Struck off without any legal argument!  Along with the assisting nurses, pharmacists and drug companies.

Yet suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal in a decade, diabetic medication until 2023.  Though all the diabetics being criminally prescribed the defective diabetic medication, were all dead!  Each death warranting the standard legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

The psychopathic Dr. Nurse or again struck off stripped or wages and pension entitlement.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents they once possessed.  Totally removed from the register of legal by medical drug companies.

This is January 2024.  In the months after doctors conceded there all diabetes,1&2 had vanished from the world.  And the absolute no diabetic prescriptions being written out.

But the drug company is still want to research diabetes!  Intent on producing a pale control for type two diabetes in the UK.  When there are no had type two diabetics in the world!

Legally they should all have vanished 2013.  Each medicated diabetic death warranting the usual 25 years of high security prison time, and a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Money paid automatically to the next of kin - without legal challenge!

The inevitable consequence of the Hippocratic oath taken by every Dr. As they enter Medical Service.  Mining is sent out by the health centre practice nurse, for each medicated diabetic death.

The drug companies are frantically searching for a new cancer detection methods!  Oblivious to the former cancer patients good health and total lack of cancer surgeons.

So only they're looking for a new diabetics direction method!  Though there are actually no diabetics to do research on and medicine prohibits research a extinct conditions. 

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

striking doctors struck off

On entry to medical practice every graduating medical student, takes the Hippocratic oath.  For letting the first say that the knowingly withdraw their labour for financial reasons, is there last day as a registered Dr.!

Totally struck off - ineligible for Dr. Service anywhere around the world for life.  So the striking junior doctors, iving to cure school I instantly, to their medical career!

Since 2002 High Intensity UltraSound has been medically demonstrated as a 1 minute total cure to all 200 types or cancer.  So people are applying 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, as home and clearing all 200 cancers out there!  Apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.


£3.34 - 4.41

Drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  And so are totally aware of the 100% medically published cancer cure.  So they have gone into overdrive, trying to find cancers that do not emit X rays in ultrasound scans, or shelf and X rays!

Cancers like viruses require A foreign inflated cell structure, to induce infected cell replication.  Body cells are more flaccid, and bud off DNA intact stem cells.  Obviously cancers are locked out of this system!

For 100% of cancer cells are cleared by external application of 1 minute of HIUS.  Last I heard drug companies are financing a Cambridge university PH D, to studying nine technology detecting cancers.

Nano technology is the study of small the Engineering Machines.  Obviously no relationship with cancers!  So 80% of drug company and Dr. Income vanished 2002.

Hence all their leader doctors in medical practice is have taken early retirement!  Though if they have prescribed cancer drugs just ones since 2002, they have done fatal medical malpractice.

And are stripped of medical wages and any future pension entitlement!  The energy as doctors strike 2018 there was an attempt by doctors to get a final income income pension.  But stroke off doctors get no pension or medical salary!

They must repay all the paid to them since their first contrary into the Hippocratic N oath.  There first cancer drug prescription!

Allying a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every cancer patient medicated death.  And or the UK he G P's are responsible for the 2.5 thousand patient deaths is 2002.

A legal fine of 25 billion!  There Health Insurance is only good for the first 100 million.  Then totally prohibited from medical activity for life!  Denied a medical wage of pension.

The junior doctors have stepped up a massive loans for their medical degree.  So much so that he will consent the vast majority of the income for life!  But junior doctors are not allowed to prescribe dangerous medication like cancer drugs.

Even before 2002 and cancer drugs became defective and fatal medicine.  The junior doctors Corona strike 2024, instantly kiss goodbye to a medical career!  They are required to strike themselves off the medical register at their own hand.

No lawyer intervention required!  Then he striking Dr. realises, there cease to be registered medics.  There insurance is carried in the UK by the General Medical council.  Who have legal duty to inform striking medics they had just been struck off!

And stripped of Medical Insurance.  They can never practiced medicine ever again anywhere in the world.  They have committed professional suicide!

So each and every junior Dr. going on financial strike, C C.s instantly to be registered insured Dr..  And the GMC have the legal imperative to inform every junior Dr., If they went on strike they loose Dr. Medical registration, and Health Insurance.

They can never poor form medical practice ever again!  It is cell for them absolute law.  Doctors cannot strike!  Nurses are constrained by the nightingale pledge, also to apply best medicine and never strike.

clear motor neurone disease

Heal the mind

We are back to my practically confirmed work from 2013, that use ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound, e.g. from an ultrasound massage device, applied for ½ minute each side of the head to clear the pressurise viral structure left behind from all four viral infection, causing all dementia!  All dementia is caused by a variety of viral rumps.


£3.34 - 4.41/ Piece

2013 I cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  Drug company is were particularly concerned about the Alzheimer's cure.  But they are voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.

Which meant that they had to validate new medical science, or they were struck off as a licence biochemical drug company.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents, they then had no share price.  So could not legally borrow from the banks to make payroll.  They were bankrupt!

All registered doctors including all academic medics, were prohibited from researching alternative treatments to already cured conditions.  So no Alzheimer's biochemical research was legal since 2013.  11 years ago!

The doctors be legally required to strike themselves off, there were staying they knowingly contravened the Hippocratic oath.  So all our Alzheimer's research are struck off without any legal argument.

So I freely published the total cure to all mental health problems 2013.  It should also clear Huntington's Korea - such a rare infection I have no practical confirmation here.

Are applying ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead of a patient the mental health problems, show clear the problems!  Is has no interaction with any other biochemical treatment.

Totally harmless he should just clear all mental health problems totally.  Today the motor neurone disease has no biochemical treatment or cure.  It should be cured totally by one session of HIUS.

Being the disease then falls outside legal biochemical research.  Tragically my girlfriend with MS, died a month before I found the standard cancer cure would also cure all dementia.

1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts clears all 200 types or cancer.  ½ minute each side the chest for lung cancer - which make up 80% other cancers out there.

As practically confirmed 2002 by every registered biochemical drug company on earth.  Who is then prohibited from manufacture and sale or cancer drugs!  Mysteriously since 2002 an estimated 200 million cancer patients around the world have experienced an agonising expensive Bio chemically assisted, two year decline to certain death!

The involved doctors, drug companies, nurses and pharmacists all struck off without legal argument.  In every nursing office should have the validated 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit at hand.

Which can be used to cure the motor neurone disease all patients in hospital!  Any Health Service nurse has the required unit to clear all patients of motor neurone disease.

My thanks here go to Dr Z, for confirming the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  A process that skills exponential he with liquid pressure!  And there disease of age are all caused by pressurised viral or bacterial fragments.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The source of the X rays cancers give off in ultrasound scans.  The reason cancer biopsies in the laboratory cause cancer cells to fill up with micro bubbles of single cell oxygen and helium gases.

As they boil and rupture!  Within the body this causes a full immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body.  All cancers cured!

As medically published 2002.  Since when there prescription of cancer drugs has been defective and fatal medicine!  Killing the cancer patient in two agonising years.

Striking off the Dr., Nurse and drug company.  So all cancers cures for under five UK pounds.  Which finally led to the elimination of cancers from the world by 2020.  By which time financially motivated struck off doctors have killed an estimated 200 million cancer patients.

A total legal fine of 2000 trillion!  Which is in excess of the financial reserves of the IMF and World Bank - lenders of last resort.

A totally measure cancers from the world 2020, has saved the lives 1/3 of the developed world.  The most important scientific advance ever!  Strangely enough Sheffield University get my PH D work from under my feet, before my accountant could pay for my PH D studies!

And allow those medics to go on prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs.  Killing an estimated 200 million patients.  For which reason and the now a professor Z has nursery given no credit for his ideas on the turbulent flow of water or steam doing nuclear fusion.

Actually the idea of his uncle at Columbia University.  Who published the work on cold fusion all those years ago air!  A total 100%, side effect free 1 minute cancer cure.