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ice floats |
Them or to freeze into ice, it forms a an encapsulated block of cold. But a fresh ice floats on the seawater. As seawater melts, we get get rivers of brine to carry the salt away.
Then the iceberg floats on the seas. The maximum density of water under pressure is at 3° C. Where the water flows back to the equator, to pick up equatorial heat. And the warm sea water is pushed out away by the calld water flying in from the arctic and Antarctic.
In this way a the oath shuttles so all the heat aware from the equator back towards the poles. Crucially warming the temperate earth. So life on earth extends right of to the arctic circle.
Without the seas cellar heat around the globe, diabetes the 20 a collaborator zero and each side the equator we have a life. So sea waters carry the cellar heat to melts the blocks of ice at the poles.
In the arctic winter there C water freezes at -22° C. Forming a large block of sea ice. But then spring returns, and sea ice melts.
And the warm sea currents carry heat towards the poles. By the system is far from perfect! So yet static books are fresh water ice at the north and south poles. Which we prefer did not exist!
We can employ a a little thermodynamic trick. And melt the ice, so releasing that cold to flow back through the seas the equator. Which have really welcome extra cold! We use the 18th century idea of the Carnot heat pump.
I use an eight assistance and six document I have written on this subject. Actually had the Dr. From there national institute of health, who verified that when ice melted into water, the book water level would drop. See melt the ice, and it shrinks!
The clever idea was devised by the Rev. Sterling in the 18th century. He firm that pressurise the gas made it mad hot. The temperature and pressure multiplied together give the gas constant.
So if you increase the pressure to increase the temperature. And the scales according to the absolute temperature, Celsius plus 273
1 (T₁+273)/P₁=(273+T₂)/P₂
So P₂ is twice P₁
So we pump the air at it is collected low temperature thermal energy from the seas, 100 metres in shore. We then double the pressure. And gas heats up by 270° C. So take Ian the thermal energy between -20 and 0° C. So a losing it to the arctic air at over 700° C. We have converted the absolute temperature back to degrees Celsius.
As you draw in cold arctic air before we heat it, we drive a small turbine which generates all the electrical power we need to run the system.
The air there he is an aluminium helix, fills with the hot Carnot gas. An issue so into the art ago air. We couldn't drive a firmer electric generator, to get a more electrical power. Where our Carnot gas is over 700° C.
But really the turbine will supply all the electricity we could ever want! So now the ice pack melts. I was back into seas as water 0° C. And there any I's less up from the seas,
So the water contracts as it melts, so will forcing the sea levels lower! We are increasing the flow of coal water at 3° C, back to the equator. Our melted ice X is with a warm sea currents and that condense the water is at 3° C.
So we have increased the flow of cold back towards the equator. And obviously decreased the deep sea bed temperature. So we have used 18th century thermodynamics to melt the polar ice.
We have not added to any heat into the environment. We have suck the heat after the seas, concentrated it into a higher temperature, which we have lost to the arctic air.
So we melt the polar ice, an return the cold to the equator - where it is so welcome. Rather than 45° C, the equatorial air will now be at a much more agreeable 32° C.
We have concentrated the thermal energy at the poles, to melt the ice. Which all increased that are cold flowing into the seas, and this phone back naturally to the equator.
We have augmented the natural cooling system of the earth. Which shuttles the equatorial extreme heat, via the DC currents, to be cold lands at the extremes of the earth.
In Siberia we can melt the permafrost blocking the Siberian Rivers. We then erect a network of little steam plasmas, which turn regular water into just heat light and X rays. Acting as littl unpowered suns. Started off by using a blast of high voltage electricity from a fluorescent light starter.
They then self sustain. So in the water molecules into just heat light and X rays.
2 H₂O+PL→He+O+E²
So we eliminate the polar dark months. And the arctic so now warned by every generating so all the heat from the equator. So plant's will grow like mad! 247 and. 365.25 days a year.
So the arctic will become more productive than Texas. Growing massive amounts of animal food. To feed penned animals. To feed in ever increasing global population.
We will end the dark arctic winters. Turning down the plasma is during the arctic summers. Or maybe not! The sun even in summer is not very strong,
And all the extra plant growth will suck Ian carbon dioxide. To bill carbohydrates. Plant biomass.
In the summer Vikings Greenland was green and not home to form an ice cap. So he can return green and to first cell productive and all year around. Carbon dioxide is going to be in real short supply in the future!
Even today plasma temperate earth take the carbon dioxide level to just two parts per million. It is at four PPM in the arctic winters! Natural temperatures down to -80° C. We had twice the carbon dioxide!
Was has 98% carbon dioxide in the air. Air average Martian Air temperature -112° C. Carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas.
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