And the drug companies don't like cures! In 2002 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, totally clearing all 200 cancers out there without drugs or Dr. Involvement! The three medical professors tried for eight years to get other doctors to take on this life saving new science, and then took early retirement in discust!
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I had suggested the use a higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth 2002 during my PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University. My work was abruptly ended with no award, where my supervisor criticise me for not doing any useful work.
My ideas led to cure all cancers from 2002. But doctors kept prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs for 18 years. Warranting the cancer patient death within two years!
And the Moffitt paper was a hundred patient double blind trial supervised by three medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital. Every registered Dr. On earth was required to validate and then use this new medical science!
They're all validated it, but did not use it.
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Diabetes cured 2013 |
wrote up the idea about clearing cancer 2008, but he is not medically validated until 2013. Then coronary heart disease vanished from the earth! The drug company is a vacancy the coronary heart disease was cured.
2023 he the proposed hearts arhythmia was the new heart disease: after coronary heart disease vanish from the world 2013. We apply HIUS for ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys now more coronary heart disease.
½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest totally clearing all heart arhythmia problems. The drug company is for the first use for medicine! And doctors two or don't do what ever the drug companies tell them.
Even if it involves patient death! Since 2002 doctors have medicated an estimated 200 million cancer patients to an needless death. A legal fine of 2000 trillion.
1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts clearing all 200 types of cancer. Which the drug company is have still not recognised! And they cancer charities are still trying to raise donations.
Though all cancers cease to exist 2020 - according to the doctors. The night nobody can research cancer. As oh no like cancers two research!
Cancer Research was donations to fund biochemical research. Into a nonexistent disease! Save your money. Give it to real charity is! MacMilland nursing is still trying to raise charitable donations for cancer patients support.
When there are no cancer patients in the world! There are very sensitive penny on biochemical treatments, the defective 20 a century idea for cancers, all dead void 2022.
All the people he used an 8 W one MHZ unit at home, totally cure to all cancers! Quite what Beckman actually did nor I do not know. Obviously nothing to do cancers. The nonexistent disease.
2013 I established at my church health group that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest totally cleared type two diabetes. Type one only remitted in three days! 2016 I got to validate 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared even type one diabetes instantly.
For last five years the drug company is have been obsessed about asymptomatic diabetes: in other words patients who did not show any diabetic symptoms. And the drug company is are advertising free leveraged two blood testing equipment.
Intentionally idea that people were blood sugar of normality is are still out there. The the reality non medicated diabetics would eas for the lawyers in accident and emergency. Lapsing into blood sugar induced comas.
But medics are constrained from medicating the well. No blood sugar abnormality, and diabetic medication kills! It is over 10 years since the first cure to type two diabetes totally.
I cleared it for my mother and stepfather: he was fully discharged by Christie cancer hospital. Who have gone to doing diabetic and heart disease medication as cancers were all cured.
They are very annoyed that the diabetes had been cured. They have been assured by the drug company is that diabetes was incurable. And had no explanation as to why it happens.
I worked out that he was caused by an inflated viral also cell type, just like cancers. So used the HIUS device over the pancreas to clear the diabetes. I was amazed that it worked so fantastically well!
The drug companies have red and verified my papers on diabetes. But they make no money from HIUS. Cancers using 80% of the income. And sell cancer cure 2002.
Heart disease representing 15% of the income 2000, and it was totally cleared by medics 2013. Again using HIUS.
Some the diabetes is making a 70% of the income. They have RE use a price on loss making medicines they had. Or have promoted dementia as the new income source.
2013 I also validated ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. So Alzheimer's totally cured eight decade ago.
The drug company is are still medicine and have an economic future on Alzheimer's, a cured form of dementia. They have never accepted diabetes has been cured.
Even though medics plant on written record for every 2023, that diabetes had vanished from the world. Drug company is do not allowed diseases to be cured!
They rationalise the to new strain of the disease will emerge and resume human deaths.
But remember no registered Dr. Can prescribe diabetic medication to the well. As it would have fatal results! A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every resulting medical killing.
The Dr. and involved drug company is struck off without legal argument. Academics are forever taking credit for the work of their students.
An extended Dr Z's ideas on nuclear fusion to use ultrasound to cure cancers, heart disease, HIV, diabetes and dementia. He requested that I gave him no credit! He is never even conceded there is are actually did some useful work at Sheffield University 2001.
We are living in the age of the greatest increase in your populations in history! As a major medical diseases of age are all cured. Without drugs or Dr. involvement.
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