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The arctics 2x CO2 |
The maximum density of water at pressure, is 3° C. So constantly the coal water flows back to the equator at this temperature. It picks up solar heat and carries that heat back towards the poles!
So the ice caps at a static reservoirs of cold at the north and south pole. The climate change idiots are proposing that as the earth's atmosphere has been cooling since 1995, magically the earth's oceans have been as all been more heat.
The oceans are in contact with the air! So as the air is cool the oceans cool! Only a scientific idiot would maintain that cooling air is warm the seas. An oxymoronic!
I have been going on for last four years about using a Carnot heat pump, to suck heat out of the seas and paddy into the air. We use a regular air - which we suck through assaults to remove the moisture.
We have to change the drying flowers frequently, to use a small heat source to drive of the moisture. And most suck the air through the dry salt.
We reduce the pressure on the dry air - five passing through advent health into a larger diameter cylinder. The air it gets very very cold! If we half the pressure on the gas, we call the air down by about 270° C. Which is really too much!
So we had to reduce the pressure via 1/4 atmosphere. Cooling air down by 40° C and passing through a stainless steel helix immersed in the seas, to suck Ian low temperature heat from the seas.
So we are calling down and directly or sea water! Which rises, makes is a the natural warm sea currents, HIUS a magic 3° C and false back into the currents flow back to was the equator.
So already the polar ice There limit the temperature of the oceans. To 3° C! There physically controlled low temperature of deep sea water.
Now we diesel thermodynamic magic! We need a source of free electricity. So as ever we fire up a little steam plasma. My friend has validated that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma they've rates a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. As it burns the matter into heat light and X rays.
1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray)
So just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc1 ends up as a constant 1 MW of heat for a year! We invest 1500 dollars into a 65 kilowatts thermoelectric generator, that produces 65 kW of carbon zero electricity.
For convenience we rectify into the local mains AC phase and voltage. So not crucial as we are miles away from any National Power grid. But we get to power little vacuum pumps for free.
Pressurising hundreds of liters of air a minute, to suck heat out of the seas. So we are converting all at low temperature thermal energy into our dry gas. Which we then pressurise! Use in some are free electricity again. Doubling the pressure gives us an air temperature of over 250° C.
Which placed on the ice. Down to -80° C in the Antarctic winter. Melting the ice, which runs back into cease at 0° C and mixes with the arctic C water at minus 20° C.
So we get more water and magic 3° C! In the cellar the melted ice to 0° C almost instantly at 3° C and flows back naturally to the equator. The most massive wants of I's on the earth's poles, though it sea temperatures around the earth.
Increasing the volume of sea water at 3° C and flows back to the equator. Caretaker more sollar heat. They strolled back to the poles as the warm sea currents.
So ironically enough melting the north and self poll, actually ends up cooling the equator! An increasing the amount of life at the extremes.
As the north and south have a warm earth periods during the light months. There is no way that man has affected the C temperature.
The strictly limited by the blocks of ice and south pole. Plant so around the world sucking carbon dioxide during the light, turn the carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates of life. Which obviously have no climatic effect!
2 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L+chlorophyll→Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+Lb+X-ray+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)
So photosynthesis emits a faint blue light and X rays during daylight hours. Showing us definitively that photosynthesis is a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion. You can measure the X rays in a field of growing green crops during the day. And
Which is why the X rays are rate the carbon isotopes are the carbohydrates, when carbon tour to carbon 14. Two since when the plant was last growing! Fires also releases X rays as they do physical molecular nuclear fusion. Which complicates stuff!
The so temperatures are the world's deep oceans years outside mankind's control and carbon dioxide has absolutely no warming effect! Which is why there was climate has been cooling naturally since 1995.
The leaving just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the temperate air planevery afternoon. Above the arctic ice In winter there is four parts per million carbon dioxide in the dark arctic air air in winter. Twice the carbon dioxide level.
As be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth - down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice In winter. Whoever devised manmade global warming was A mentally deficient science idiot!
As it totally contradicts even basic her level physics and biology. The seas are not warming. Due to the north and south pole. Mostly lifeless chunks of ice with. Floating on the seas.
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