Friday 29 September 2023

flu jab kills 15,000 a year

flu jab = medical murder

Doctors deliberately vaccinate two million physically aged UK residents, against the regular seasonal flu every year.  They are getting increasingly embarrassed about this, so now use the medical name of Covid.

So patient's be vaccinated against flu and Covid, get two doses of the same obsolete medication.  As it was realized 1934 as a flu vaccination was automatically obsolete, only part way through drug testing.

Six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime, the vaccination obsolete and counter productive: so never a licensed human medicine!

Every medical student taught on the first year medical degree, a flu vaccination is unethical illegal medicine.  Yet for the Dr. in GP surgeries within the UK, happily employs hospital locums to vaccinate the aged.

Banking the money, this viral as one in 200 die as as a direct result.  From the obsolete an unlicensed medicine.  A totally predictable death rate!  From any licensed vaccination.  The Covid all flu vaccine never licensed!

But will the comb acts within the health centre grounds, and other drug legal and medical responsibility of the head Dr..  So Malcolm Handley Dr. Both struck off!  Going back to 1934.

By the Dr. has the legal imperative to return or vaccination charges back to 1934.  To the surviving patients or very likely next of kin⁴.

We are now automatically on the year of Covid22.  Renamed as Covid23 and the 31st of September, 2023.  And medics have found the obsolete vaccination actually worsen the severity from the new infection strain.

Making the flu strain more C decade and fatal!  Having a flu jab actually increases our patients risk of death!  5000 people a year in the UK it died from the flu.

To 1,000,000 Covid/flu vaccines given out, a medically predicted death rate from the vaccination of 15,000.  That to 19,000 flu deaths around the world every year.  Which having doubled if a person has had a flu jab

So every year around the UK 25,000 flu deaths.  An additional 15,000 people killed by the Dr. applying the obsolete an unlicensed flu vaccination.  Every year are back to 1934!  We are probably talking about two billion vaccination deaths since 1934.

With the world population today of eight billion.  So a number of Dr. August rated delivered a vaccination killings, responsible for 1/4 people alive today!

So each year the GP is encouraged their patients they have the are automatically obsolete an unlicensed flu jab.  That was never a licensed human medicine!

Killing every year 15,000 people.  For which the Dr. charges 150 UK pounds.  Each predictable death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Striking off the Dr., Nurse, pharmacist and drug company.  Legal fine of 18,000 UK pounds annually.  For each Dr. In the health centre.

The head Dr. also are struck off!  Medically and legally responsible for ensuring the fine is paid, was the doctors Health Insurance is wiped out.  Getting 25 years in high security prison for each patient death.

All so unnecessary!  2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.

The same year clears all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute, the prescription of cancer or infection medication ever since has been criminal medical malpractice.  The standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds for each patient needless death.

Biggest and most horrific medical murderers in history!  The annual flu jab, kills one healthy person in 200.  Totally needless deaths!  All so predictable,

People trust their Dr..  Happily smiling as E applies the fatal vaccination for profit.  Dr. Signing the death certificates for the surrounding medical practices.  Who sat there death certificates - invoking another reason for a patient death, other than the fatal flu vaccination.

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