CO2 supports life. Nuclear power kills it |
During a nuclear power plant construction programme, they use a massive fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement. Used for the reinforced concrete to construct the power plant.
In in two years of plant construction, nuclear power releases the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired plant for 25 years. After 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant!
Which makes uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source. And very much not carbon zero! Equivalent to the carbon emissions from conventional power!
1986 Ukrainian nucle
ar experienced the Chernobyl incident. Which sprayed radioactive waste over Europe. The the we could not eat Scottish lamb for 20 years. Can clear soup prove that nuclear power was the hyper toxic undesirable the industry a man's devising.
Thus nuclear power concentrated its vitriol on carbon dioxide: Joseph are getting they were mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.
Physics and engineering chose to ignore the biology departments the world universities, trying to man and about the carbon cycle! This means that plants eat carbon dioxide down to the present limit of just two parts per 1,000,000.
1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
So plants used infrared light from sunlight to link up carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrates - plant biomass. The biomass, which falls to the food supplies all animals on earth. The oxygen gas is the worst pollutant in earth history! Oxidising everything that it could.
Causing 90% of life today at the end of the cretaceous - a bigger mass extinction and the death of the dinosaurs. When I drew out this equation, I was staggered!
I have rare that photosynthesis emitted a faint blue light and X rays, and the plant's air it is helium. The free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules form ozone, which fills the protective ozone layer that's circles the earth. That facilitates multi cellular life on earth.
The plant's eating carbon dioxide was pointed out to me by professor and radius of metallurgy. Who spent the years from 2005 until he died 2015, trying to convince other academics that plants limited carbon dioxide.
Other santis have their noses invest in the feeding trough of global warming climate change, are not interested that biology trashed global warming!
If we go back in time to the Jurassic age, the age of the dinosaurs there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Twice the level we have around the temperate earth today!
There was 85% more active biological life. Sea levels were 60 metres lower. In the one periods! There were three natural ice ages. Where the men record tells is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.
The carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas! All the santis who ever a papers on manmade global warming or climate change, were lying intentionally. Carbon dioxide from the temperate earth being limited to just two PPM by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.
The seaside to being better than plants on land, and sinking carbon dioxide. Above the polar ice In winter, we have a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the local air.
Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth. Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap. Army the UK prime minister aware of this basic science, and he is trapped all interest in carbon! Realizing it is limited to just two PPM by natural plant life.
The biggest pollutant in earth history years oxygen! We ignore this fact as animals involved to breathe in the gas excreted by plants, and eat plant biomass.
As you drive a petrol or diesel car around the countryside, you are actually stimulating plant growth locally. And they ensure the carbon dioxide never reaches the stratosphere. Where our weather is made.
In the highly atmosphere there is just 2.5 parts per million/m³ carbon dioxide in the air. Which actually means parts per billion! The carbon dioxide ejected there by explosive volcanoes in prehistory.
Man carriers carbon emissions are metabolise five plant's at ground level within 5 minutes. The carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, and does not naturally rise to the stratosphere!
So every physics or engineering student was fully aware, the carbon dioxide or stake in by plants to do photosynthesis. Biology departments have legal them down to the present limit of just two PPM.
My old PH D supervisor has no conceded the climate change can have nothing to do with a static trace gas like carbon dioxide. The very idea that carbon dioxide has any weather effect, this year's nuclear funded science fiction!
But there is a far better carbon zero Energy System. Confirmed by my American friend 2020. Which I have been blogging about ever since! From being the defining science or any student from Sheffield University in last 20 years. Previously Sheffield professors one noble prizes.
My friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat. Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year. We will struggle to measure it in a lifetime!
The cheapest way to turn light heat into electricity, is to pass air over the plasma cylinder. Where he is centre 800° C. We pass it through a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, and produce mains AC current.
The 65 kW of AC electricity for each plasma cylinder. That is a power for eight houses on Christmas day. Usually 30 houses. And the national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds annually, for all our excess carbon zero power.
We free use a whiff of helium and oxygen. Just like the deep sea currents do. Where the turbulence in the seawater again does physical molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray
Plus the deep sea currents produce X rays and helium gas. Of issues no chemical source! Also are producing the free radical oxygen, which forms ozone. Just like we get from plants doing photosynthesis. Here TU is turbulence in the seawater. As the cold water from the poles flows back to the equator, flushing the warm sea currents back towards the poles!
The falls limit the seabed temperature to 3° C. The maximum density of water! And water freezes it expands - which is why ice floats. Since 1995 cause climate has been cooling.
The seascale N heat from direct sunlight four also molecular nuclear fusion. The latter had to concentrate throughout history! So a cooling means the seas have been cooling.
We can distribute the steam plasma cylinders along the north west passage. My calculations indicate that a 1m x2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, should release a constant 8.6 MW of heat. Which would also suggest that my friends non pressurise 309x1.5cm steam plasma would release 1 MW of heat. Practically confirmed!
So we went down and the steam plasma is a long the north west passage pinch points, and the extra carbon zero heat melts the arctic ice, and quays so seaways open all year.
Which has a massive a effect on our sick trade routes! They ships can easily travel around the globe all year we are no fear of ice.
So carbon dioxide is totally limited by nature. Since 1880 he to the present limit of just two PPM. Any rational scientist will agree static trace gases affects nothing.
So all the academics writing papers on manmade global warming or climate change, are being paid liers. There was no chance of carbon dioxide having any effect on the weather!
Nature Carbon dioxide at the present at just two PPM. Nuclear power day wait, to increase carbon dioxide, but within 5 minutes it was converted into additional plant biomass.
All over seniors nuclear power has ever done for life on earth, totally accidental! Nuclear power is very adept at killing life on earth.
Since Chernobyl in 1986 nuclear power has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion, for each operating pressurised water reactor.
Today there are 422 operating uranium nuclear power plants. Each one as planning consent conditional on there being available storage space for the used nuclear materials. Since once girl stopped reprocessing nuclear waste, the world is running out all available storage for used nuclear fission rods.
So every nuclear power plant is operating outside their planning consent. The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth instantly.
The worl can convert over to plasma power generation. Which is really carbon zero as uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest carbon source.
Is very much not carbon neutral! Hyper toxic and under insured. There is criminal industry that will ever exist.
Using their money to vent the minds of scientists and politicians. But that money is a vanishing! Sizewell B was built in the UK as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.
King Charles III has E mailed me personally, to say how opposed he is to nuclear power. The most toxic and illegal industry ever. That has the capability to extinct much more life on earth.
Plus Sizewell B illegally Dr. UK planning process. Building or nuclear plant is an extension to an e.g. the UK made clear plant, is just so illegal! Their money demolished Sizewill A in 1974, its planning consent was void! The new nuclear plant never had planning.
No nuclear plant would ever get planning consent in the UK! Nuclear power exploited Margaret Thatcher, to allow the plant! Even though she did not have the legal authority to authorise a nuclear power plant.
And she is never as popular again as the UK public hate nuclear power. Who are leaning on the new UK prime minister, who has become aware that plants eat carbon dioxide.
OK I told him! As with every high school biology teacher on earth. And are static trace gas affects nothing.