Saturday, 30 September 2023

EDF underinsured big time

In the Jurassic age there was twice the carbon dioxide in the air.  Four parts per million!  Compared to two PPM around the temperate earth during daylight hours.

That was 85% more active life on earth.  The sea levels were 60 metres lower.  And the stem percent more oxygen in the air.  Dinosaurs could not breathe the present air - just not enough oxygen!

EDF anandoned the advanced cooled nuclear reactors, in favour of the pressurised water reactors use by everyone else.  These are the same design as caused the Chernobyl nuclear incident 1986, and Fukushima in 2010.

The required annual insurance after Chernobyl was set at 40 billion.  There is no available insurance of all one billion!  So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant on earth.  All 422.

The Worl can convert to clean safe and nontoxic plasma power.

1 H₂O+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) my American friend confirmed that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma release a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  That is 80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear power.  And totally nontoxic!

It utilises and produces no hyper toxic radioactive materials.  And he goes off from regular light water!  The plasma enriches its own hydrogen isotopes.

It burns just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water to power 100 MW power plant for a year.  Totally carbon zero!

Building in EDF nuclear plant uses a lot of cement.  Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  To drive of the carbon dioxide!  And he just calcium hydrate - cement.

Making an active nuclear power building programme mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  Releasing the two year so far plant construction, the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant operating or for 25 years.

And after 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant!  As engineers have designed the components of a nuclear power plant to only have a working life of 25 years.  Fukushima a happened when Japan nuclear ran a nuclear power plant beyond that 25 year cut off point.  The power plant bright catastrophically!

Every year operation I nuclear plant knees insurance cover of 100 billion.  Present uranium nuclear power carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.  There is no commercial source of insurance above one billion.

EDF has 200 uranium nuclear plants: fast breeder technology - the most dangerous and usually illegal type of plant.  Other countries will not permit them!

So 100 billion times 200 gives us a total insurance requirement of 20 trillion.  The U.S. or nuclear industry has the same insurance requirement.  And there plants are getting old!

Reaching or exceeding their design life.  Every e.g. ef power plant was a massive carbon source as it was constructed.  Luckily plans take Ian extra carbon dioxide within 5 minutes.  To are the carbohydrates of life.

We still have the same two PPM carbon dioxide in the air, the same level as 1880.  When mankind's industrial revolution kicked off!

The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every under insured engineering plant in the world.  And so all nuclear power plant on earth must perform a crash stop, and never restart!

The Worl convert over to clean safe and nontoxic plasma power.  Our 30cm plasma will happily drive 1/2 MW power plant.  So applying the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses.  Basically for free!

The sort of technology Rishi Sunack was desperate to learn about!  So I have ensured he is very aware of the life saving science I devised at Sheffield University 2000!  Which the nuclear industry has chose to ignore.

As it is safe, clean and nontoxic.  Though obviously no carbon dioxide production!  Nuclear has been all hope for an economic future, on the spurious fiction of manmade global warming.

Remember carbon dioxide has been limited by nature to two PPM since 1880.  It doubles every year above the arctic ice In winter.  Or in the little ice age of the 18th century!

So we also have four PPM carbon dioxide in the Antarctic error in winter, with an air temperature of -80° C.  Carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold.  The natural climate has 28 year periods or natural warming cooling.  Cause five predictable solar emission cycles.

So the global weather has been cooling since 1995.  So manmade climate change is spurious nuclear science fiction, with a static trace level of carbon dioxide in the air.  Just so very much not true!  Doesn't actually predict anything anyway!  But lawyers are all on a rising level of carbon dioxide in the air, which is biologically impossible on the planet with a active photosynthesis. 

Friday, 29 September 2023

flu jab defective medicine

flu jabes kill, and don;t work

The seasonal flu started in 1934, with Covid34.  The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter.  It has been causing human death for ever since.  Crucially killing just 3.5% of infected people, below pandemic levels!

The drug companies are desperate for Covid be given pandemic status.  As a gives exemptions from the Eorpean convention of human rights.  No mask quarantine without conviction!  That is against everyone human rights in Europe.

The world health organisation gave a pandemic alert for Corona virus.  A Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.

No direct relationship with Covid19 the next year's seasonal flu strain.  An unrelated virus.  In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of high intensity ultrasound, as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.

8 W1 MHz ultrasound, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  Every Dr. Already has an 8 W three MHZ unit, they cures all cancers in 1 minute!  Also clearing all viral infections.

Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection.  As vaccinations intentionally kill one person in 200.  Massively fatal medicine!  Which is why vaccinations got such a bad name in the 1950s!

They have not got any most lethal since.

A care of it vaccination would take six months to develop, but then two years to go through the required drug licensing regime.  But the Covid strain will be automatically extinct every 1st of October.

So the Covid19 virus has ceased to exist before the vaccination was put into use January 2020.  Thus no vaccination could ever be legal licensed human medicine.

And the Dr. in any health centre in the world, is required to ban the use of a Covid vaccination.  Which is just the four pointless medicine, for naked profit of the doctors and drug company!

The Covid19 vaccination saved not one life around the earth!  The Covid 19 viral strain being extinct.  The drug company is are still trying to Kiev the obsolete and fatal Covid19 vaccination.  We see no term a Covid vaccination.  Though it is strain specific!  For a flu strain that cease to exist in the universe three years ago.

Any Dr. or locums giving a Covid vaccination, the struck off and remove from medicine for ever.  There is absolutely no need!  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears the foreign inflated cell types common to all viral and bacterial infections.

Just as it cures all 200 types or cancer 2002.  My personal contact in New York verified by standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest cleared AIDs, though most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history, cured in 1 minute!  Using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.

Costing less than 10 UK pounds!  You can use the as home to clear all infections.  The Covid vaccination never legal effective human medicine!  Was actually increasing the severity of seasonal flu.

Increasing the Covid death rate!  And the flu jab is just the Covid jab.  Obsolete and counter productive!  No registered Dr. Allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions.

Or the Dr. and their Dr. Both struck off!  Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists, and biochemical drug company.

So all infection cured in 1 minute.  Including the seasonal flu and the common cold.  My thanks will go to Dr.  zhere, four when he of the ultrasound cause nuclear fusion in liquid water.

And the far level that causes infected cells to boil and rupture, benign to body cells.  So can cure all infections and cause no body cell damage.  Without any drugs or Dr. Intervention!

The Hippocratic N oath prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection.  2002 and all viral and bacterial infections would cured.  Just as all cancers were also cured!

So all the doctors who have given a flu and jan since 1942 guilty of using defective medicine.  When medics realise that the vaccination for flu could never work!  The viral family is four Covid flu and the common cold changing too quickly for medicine to keep up with.

Since 2002 all infections totally cured without drugs.  Yet mysteriously medics have now sought to double the amount of flu jabs are give.  By calling it Covid - the medical name for the seasonal flu.

So the cure two doses of the obsolete an unlicensed flu vaccination.  Which always counter productive medicine anyway.  Increasing the amount of patient deaths from the seasonal flow.

Doctors are the most persuasive people on earth!  So I am waiting to hear her head doctors can talk their way around doctors in the charge giving obsolete an unlicensed medicines.  With a predictable one in 200 patient death rate!

Even if they do not personally give a vaccination, they were in charge of the doctors who intentionally murdered their patients.  Smiling as one in 200 died needlessly!

The most serious or murderous medicine in history.  Going on.  For naked profit of the doctors and drug companies.  Serving absolutely no medical reason.  But 2023 he causing in excess of 15,000 needless patient deaths.  The most disastrous health improvement scheme ever!

Physically as all flu an infective disease is automatically cleared, utilising the ultrasound device in every nursing office in the world.  Applied by the practice nurse!  No Dr. Intervention even legal.

So doctors kill 50,000 patients, otherwise totally healthy people.  Killed for the doctors' amusement and profit.

flu jab kills 15,000 a year

flu jab = medical murder

Doctors deliberately vaccinate two million physically aged UK residents, against the regular seasonal flu every year.  They are getting increasingly embarrassed about this, so now use the medical name of Covid.

So patient's be vaccinated against flu and Covid, get two doses of the same obsolete medication.  As it was realized 1934 as a flu vaccination was automatically obsolete, only part way through drug testing.

Six months into a two year legally required drug testing regime, the vaccination obsolete and counter productive: so never a licensed human medicine!

Every medical student taught on the first year medical degree, a flu vaccination is unethical illegal medicine.  Yet for the Dr. in GP surgeries within the UK, happily employs hospital locums to vaccinate the aged.

Banking the money, this viral as one in 200 die as as a direct result.  From the obsolete an unlicensed medicine.  A totally predictable death rate!  From any licensed vaccination.  The Covid all flu vaccine never licensed!

But will the comb acts within the health centre grounds, and other drug legal and medical responsibility of the head Dr..  So Malcolm Handley Dr. Both struck off!  Going back to 1934.

By the Dr. has the legal imperative to return or vaccination charges back to 1934.  To the surviving patients or very likely next of kin⁴.

We are now automatically on the year of Covid22.  Renamed as Covid23 and the 31st of September, 2023.  And medics have found the obsolete vaccination actually worsen the severity from the new infection strain.

Making the flu strain more C decade and fatal!  Having a flu jab actually increases our patients risk of death!  5000 people a year in the UK it died from the flu.

To 1,000,000 Covid/flu vaccines given out, a medically predicted death rate from the vaccination of 15,000.  That to 19,000 flu deaths around the world every year.  Which having doubled if a person has had a flu jab

So every year around the UK 25,000 flu deaths.  An additional 15,000 people killed by the Dr. applying the obsolete an unlicensed flu vaccination.  Every year are back to 1934!  We are probably talking about two billion vaccination deaths since 1934.

With the world population today of eight billion.  So a number of Dr. August rated delivered a vaccination killings, responsible for 1/4 people alive today!

So each year the GP is encouraged their patients they have the are automatically obsolete an unlicensed flu jab.  That was never a licensed human medicine!

Killing every year 15,000 people.  For which the Dr. charges 150 UK pounds.  Each predictable death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Striking off the Dr., Nurse, pharmacist and drug company.  Legal fine of 18,000 UK pounds annually.  For each Dr. In the health centre.

The head Dr. also are struck off!  Medically and legally responsible for ensuring the fine is paid, was the doctors Health Insurance is wiped out.  Getting 25 years in high security prison for each patient death.

All so unnecessary!  2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.

The same year clears all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute, the prescription of cancer or infection medication ever since has been criminal medical malpractice.  The standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds for each patient needless death.

Biggest and most horrific medical murderers in history!  The annual flu jab, kills one healthy person in 200.  Totally needless deaths!  All so predictable,

People trust their Dr..  Happily smiling as E applies the fatal vaccination for profit.  Dr. Signing the death certificates for the surrounding medical practices.  Who sat there death certificates - invoking another reason for a patient death, other than the fatal flu vaccination.

Akzheimwer's cured 2002

That year three medical professors from the Moffitt published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  All dementia is caused by an inflated viral altered cell type!

Mental health all mended 2002

When we apply 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound to each side of the head, the although MS cells give off X rays.  As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Just like all dementia cells!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This type of nuclear fusion was suggested to me by professor Z at Sheffield University, though name apply 2005 by the late Professor Bernard Argent.

2002 and the Moffitt Paper was verified by every registered medic on earth.  The $10,000 8 W three MHZ unit/I utilised an equally effective 8 W one MHZ unit - costing under 10 UK pounds.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager 2012 my personal contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear his AIDs.  He have been HIV⁺.  Fully discharged by his GP the next appointment!  As he no longer had AIDs.

This method will clear all infections strains.  Including this year's Covid22: Covid19 by medical definition ceased to exist 1st of October 2020.  Application of the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination actually worsens the patient Covid death rate.  Making the flu worse!

Any Dr. Applying a flu all Covid vaccinations since 2002, guilty are applying defective an unlicensed medication.  As the care of it has a new version every 1st of October, and the vaccination would take two years to licence.

So never legal human medicine!  The GP and the hospital or health centre struck off. And 2013 medics published 100 patient double blind trial into ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing all heart disease.

2023 he it will clear all types of heart a river near!  No drug research or application medically legal.

2013 I found that the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head will clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.  So all science or dementia cleared in 1 minute.

Use the HIUS unit to verify the total cancer cure.  No kept in the nursing office in every health centre in the world.  ½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections, dating back to 2002.

Any Dr. Has prescribed infection medication in last 21 years, was required to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register the same day.  They lost Health Insurance.  There medical practice then criminal for life!

My patient with MS, stop the ultrasound after 20 sessions.  As he was cured quickly!  The same idea will clear all charter cancer.

Or cancer drugs have been criminal medicine since 2002.  Outside Dr. Prescription or research ever scenes.  As 1 minute clears all adult cancers, and ½ minute applied externally to where it hurts, clearing all charter cancers 2023.

21 years after the drug companies are required to destroy all stocks of cancer drugs.  And doctors had ever prescribe a reception ever again!  Or the usual penalty applies.  The Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument.  Structure Health Insurance &Medical registration.

The doctors' prescriptions all illegal and invalid ever scenes.  For any pharmaceutical drugs!  Medicine has built up dementia to be the new mass killer of humanity.

As 1/3rd of the developed world no longer die from cancers!  Curing viruses will stop all cancers and the other diseases of age anyway.

Hence doctors plus a medical record that all diabetes had vanished from the world by February 2023.  Turn years after I've published the total cure to diabetes on the Internet.

½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas clearing type two diabetes in a single session.  Type one diabetes requires the full minute.  From the HIUS unit already owned by every registered Dr. On earth, and Percy verified it cures all cancers.

½ minute or less each side ahead clearing all dementia.  As my medically published 2013!

The diabetic laundry people are advertising like crazy.  Advocating using the camera on a marble fountain, to detect your blood colour and so gave you the blood sugar level.

All diabetics have been totally cured!  Doctors are not allowed to prescribe diabetic treatments to people three or diabetes.  Who will obviously only have the usual natural blood sugar level.

Thus Free libra 2 now have no legal business.  As healthy people do not need to take the blood sugar readings constantly.  They do not have diabetes!  Nobody in the world has diabetes.

Exit in a few unfortunate people be intentionally medicated to an needless death by their psychopathic doctors.  Who are legally constrained from prescribing diabetic medication ever again!

So Alzheimer's is totally cured.  As MS was totally cured 2013.  And just ceased to exist.  All dementia E is so cured.  There medics issue no proclivity to shift their summer's fiction from our Alzheimer's, to Parkinson's and other mental health problems.

But now all mental health is mended.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

China going down

Going down

China's economy in meltdown as property giant collapses in echoes of 2008 crash

Story by Clive Hammond •

China's economy was always very fragile.  Then things were going well, grew very rapidly!  To become the world's second biggest economy.  But he there is used for the good years and alienated the world.

China was very heavily dependent on exports!  It's only a minute now I am was achieved by economy to do business in.  An massive problems with the UN appreciating!

No stories all surfacing on the Internet, that things are not good in China!  And the thing is do not get just a bit

awkward, they get very disastrous!  Very very quickly. 

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Health strike

Health strikes not legal


The unions have known for centuries that collective action is a most effective.  No in the UK he health strike the years have agreed to more talks.  Except Unison - who were unique they are still wondering strike action.

No health workers are not allowed to strike.  There first day on a strike for financial reasons, is there last day as a registered nurse or Dr..  So all doctors who took reason industrial action in the UK, stripped or wages and pension! › tag › strike

Over 400 health staff at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will take strike action at the end of August in a disputeover back pay 

No longer allowed to pretend to practiced medicine within the NHS.  All the nurses who took part in the recent UK strike actions, the ceased to V registered nurses the same day.

They can not take strike action for back pay.  As they were stripped or wages and pension since the first day on strike action.  The year must act like they can do what the hell they want!

Nurses are constrained by the nightingale pledge.  Which specifically prohibits financial strike action.  The strikers stripped of their Health Insurance and barred from any future medical work.  Stripped or wages and pension!

There is no legal appeal process.  The striking is within Unison, will find on their return to work or they were actually no longer workers!  And would have removed future promotion prospects.

If they're not totally ceased to be registered nurses for ever. 

Monday, 25 September 2023

Letby the most illegal nurse in history

Letby - killing for fun

Lucy Letby's bid to appeal her string of murder convictions is to protect her doting parents, an expert has claimed. It comes as a decision will be made today by the Crown Prosecution Service on whether the prolific baby killer will face a retrial on several outstanding allegations.9 hours ago

Lucy Letby was convicted in the deaths of seven babies, since when another three he have been added.

seven babies

A Manchester Crown Court jury that deliberated 22 days convicted Letby, 33, of murdering the seven babies over a yearlong period that saw her prey on the vulnerabilities of sick newborns and their anxious parents. Eight jurors showed up to watch the sentencing.21 Aug 2023

The total legal fine is a one billion UK pounds!

The asset base of the royal college of nursing is massively insufficient.

The total net assets of the RCN Group decreased from £197.5m to £179.2m. This includes charitable funds of the RCN Foundation of £35.6m (31 December 2021: £41.9m), which are not available for general use. RCN UK total membership numbers have increased by 8% during the year.

So of course again to appeal the Lucy Letby case!  But the grounds for appealing A mass murder conviction are very limited.  And they feel we require the consent of the UK minister of health.

A one billion courtd fine.  While for ever bankrupt the Royal College of Nursing/but only where are they going to appeal the verdict.  The is nothing.  The lawyers get involved.  And they are not susceptible to bribes!  Thee RCN he is about to find that the Crown Prosecution Service is outside financial manipulation.

This eat that the was convicted on the highest level of autopsy evidence.  The presence of helium and organ in the blood stream, the only have come from a hypodermic application by air bubbles to a patient.

Only possible by the attending nurse.  The crown courts the massively reluctant to impose the murder sentence on are practicing nurse.

The whole the nursing profession was off in arms!  She is going down.

How much is the RCN worth?

In 2021, the value of the combined portfolio was £41.1m (2020: £38.6m). In July, the Board of Trustees approved a new Fundraising Strategy.

The royal college of nursing the husband is financial reserves.  Annie is illegal strike action: every striking nurse are stripped of their Health Insurance, and for ever removed totally from medical activity!How much is the RCN worth?

In 2021, the value of the combined portfolio was £41.1m (2020: £38.6m). In July, the Board of Trustees approved a new Fundraising Strategy.How much is the RCN worth?

The poles up money to support their strike action.  And then spent it all!  He is the legal fine for the killing of babies in her charge, has cost Lucy Letby 100 million.  Not the one billion I thought!

We are looking at the nursing organisation having a 40 million in savings.  Hence it was always going to have to appeal the Lucy Letby judgment.  As he was a massively in excess of its financial reasons.

The ground to courtd was very careful with its deliberations.  And there is no fossil legal excuse for a challenge!  Physically as the nightingale pledge is absolute law.  Which like the doctors Hippocratic pledge, does not allowed legal challenge.

And the rcn has alienated all its potential legal saviours.  The world bank and IMF will not bail out a financially illegal institution.

The only possible solution in the financial loan from the General Medical council.  Who were in their own financial times with the UK government.  I will not have the financial reserves!

But without illegal nursesing organisation, but doctors have no jobs!  They may prescribe medication, then the nurses can give it!  And they are legally constrained to only apply best medicine.

And since 2002 cancer drugs have been defective and illegal medicine.  That is resulting in 200 million patient deaths around the world.  A fine of 2000 trillion.  Massively in excess of the worth of the planet!

Nurse or GMC he does not have any money to lend anybody.  The world is only worth 138 trillion.  Medicine is a most bankrupt system ever.

The royal college of nursing has just jumped into a bottomless pit.  From which you will never economically emerge!

Lucy Letby is a most astonishing illegality in medical history, that a single handedly destroyed UK and global nursesing.  Well and the nursesing organisation is bail out the RCN.

Which is acted illegally during all the recent nursing strikes.  Making itself toxic to other organisations!  So Letby fine is in excess of the worth of the RCN, or nursesing insurance void and worthless! 

Letby it has no reason to appeal

Letby did it
Lucy Letby's bid to appeal her string of murder convictions is to protect her doting parents, an expert has claimed. It comes as a decision will be made today by the Crown Prosecution Service on whether the prolific baby killer will face a retrial on several outstanding allegations.9 hours ago

Lucy Letby was convicted in the deaths of seven babies, since when another three he have been added.

seven babies

A Manchester Crown Court jury that deliberated 22 days convicted Letby, 33, of murdering the seven babies over a yearlong period that saw her prey on the vulnerabilities of sick newborns and their anxious parents. Eight jurors showed up to waencing.2tch the sent1 Aug 2023

The total legal fine is a one billion UK pounds!

The asset base of the royal college of nursing is massively insufficient.

The total net assets of the RCN Group decreased from £197.5m to £179.2m. This includes charitable funds of the RCN Foundation of £35.6m (31 December 2021: £41.9m), which are not available for general u
se. RCN UK total membership numbers have increased by 8% during the year.

So of course again to appeal the Lucy Letby case!  But the grounds for appealing A mass murder conviction are very limited.  And they feel we require the consent of the UK minister of health.

A one billion courtd fine.  While for ever bankrupt the Royal College of Nursing/but only where are they going to appeal the verdict.  The is nothing.  The lawyers get involved.  And they are not susceptible to bribes!  Thee RCN he is about to find that the Crown Prosecution Service is outside financial manipulation.

This eat that the was convicted on the highest level of autopsy evidence.  The presence of helium and organ in the blood stream, the only have come from a hypodermic application by air bubbles to a patient.

Only possible by the attending nurse.  The crown courts the massively reluctant to impose the murder sentence on are practicing nurse.

The whole the nursing profession was off in arms!  She is going down. 

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Worst intentional medical murders

Shngles vacc 800 x worse than disease

Any shingles vaccination will be 800 times worse than the infection itself!

Shingles causes fewer than 100 deaths in the United States each year. Among people who are hospitalized for herpes zoster, about one-third are immunocompromised or elderly.17 Oct 2022

The medics would intend to Kiev there shinles vaccination to 25,000,000 Americans.  An intentionally cause the deaths of 75,000 Americans.  The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one in 200.

In the UK 50 people die every year from shingles.  They shingls vaccination would intentionally kill 10,000 healthy an innocent patients.

The doctors Hippocratic oath bars any Dr. From giving a medical intervention more fatal than the disease.

The Covid vaccination was always obsolete, so increasing the Covid death rate from the new infection strain.  Additionally killing one person in 200 needlessly!  Resulting me every Dr. Who is given a code vaccination struck off and prosecuted for mortal counts of first degree medical murder.

A shinles vaccination is 800 times more fatal than the infection itself.  It might be cast free to the aged person, but he is without doubt one of the most lethal medical intervention in history!

Medics must accept that vaccinations are horrendously fatal!  And OAP's clears series there had for severe disease outbreaks.

Since the cancer cure was published 2002, medics have found that 1 minute of external 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all 200 cancers that exist, and all cancers are will ever exist.

80% of Dr. and drug company income vanished instantly!  Medical schools are no longer allowed to research cancer Bio chemistry.  Now defective and fatal medicine!

Medicine has never pretended he could vaccinate against shingles.  As a vaccination V800 times more fatal than the disease itself.

Since 2002 automatically cleared by the usual ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest.  The standard cancer cure was found to cure even AIDs 2012.

When the most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history, totally extinguished from existence in two months.  Is first and cured in just 1 minute! 

cancers, shingles all cured

Shingles cured 2002

Three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre were awarded the 1915 noble prize in medicine, for curing all cancers.

They applied 1 minute of external high intensity ultrasound - e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  From an ultrasound massage device costing under 10 UK pounds.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

And it works for all cancers!  ½ minute each side the chest clears lung cancer.  80% other cancers out there!  A also cures all viral and bacterial infections without any Dr. Intervention or drugs prescription.

Who so drug companies are desperately trying to find other sources of income!  And a fallen on vaccinations.  1950s Medical Technology, which kills one in 200 of those we vaccinate.

Vaccinations take six months to produce, and two years to licence.  So there is obsolete and counterproductive for fast changing viral lines like the common cold all Covid flu.

Any GP has applied the obsolete Covid19 smiling a sore one in 200 patients die needlessly!  The biggest medical murder in history!  That served absolutely no buffers against Covid20 or later strains.  They started giving the Covid 19 vaccination generate 2021, already within the year of Covid20.

I predicted that next attack shingles!  Which in the UK actually kills 50 of the people.  They want this year to give a vaccination to 2 million UK OAP's.

Which will intentionally kill 10,000 people!  To hopefully prevent 50 UK citizens dying.  The most fatal medicine ever proposed!

The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral infections.  Just as he eradicated AIDs from the world 2012.  There was no biochemical advance!

My contact in New York I applied the standard the ultrasound massage device, ½ minute each side use chest: he was HIV⁺.  His next GP a appointment he is fully discharged from all eight Medical Care!

As he no longer had the disease.  Every health centre in the world has the validated HIUS unit, so the practice nurse can clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Irrespective of type!

Medicine prohibits registered doctors working on all applying a vaccination to already cured infection.  So each Dr. Involved in producing one by a massively fatal and pointless vaccination, are struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever!

The doctors' are trusted to strike themselves off!

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Climate change - just nuclear lies

CO2 supports life.  Nuclear power kills it

During a nuclear power plant construction programme, they use a massive fossil fuel burn on limestone to make all the cement.  Used for the reinforced concrete to construct the power plant.

In in two years of plant construction, nuclear power releases the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired plant for 25 years.  After 25 years we demolish the nuclear plant!

Which makes uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest carbon source.  And very much not carbon zero!  Equivalent to the carbon emissions from conventional power!

1986 Ukrainian nucle
ar experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Which sprayed radioactive waste over Europe.  The the we could not eat Scottish lamb for 20 years.  Can clear soup prove that nuclear power was the hyper toxic undesirable the industry a man's devising.

Thus nuclear power concentrated its vitriol on carbon dioxide: Joseph are getting they were mankind's fourth largest carbon emitter.

Physics and engineering chose to ignore the biology departments the world universities, trying to man and about the carbon cycle!  This means that plants eat carbon dioxide down to the present limit of just two parts per 1,000,000.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So plants used infrared light from sunlight to link up carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrates - plant biomass.  The biomass, which falls to the food supplies all animals on earth.  The oxygen gas is the worst pollutant in earth history!  Oxidising everything that it could.

Causing 90% of life today at the end of the cretaceous - a bigger mass extinction and the death of the dinosaurs.  When I drew out this equation, I was staggered!

I have rare that photosynthesis emitted a faint blue light and X rays, and the plant's air it is helium.  The free radical oxygen bonds with oxygen molecules form ozone, which fills the protective ozone layer that's circles the earth.  That facilitates multi cellular life on earth.

The plant's eating carbon dioxide was pointed out to me by professor and radius of metallurgy.  Who spent the years from 2005 until he died 2015, trying to convince other academics that plants limited carbon dioxide.

Other santis have their noses invest in the feeding trough of global warming climate change, are not interested that biology trashed global warming!

If we go back in time to the Jurassic age, the age of the dinosaurs there was four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Twice the level we have around the temperate earth today!

There was 85% more active biological life.  Sea levels were 60 metres lower.  In the one periods!  There were three natural ice ages.  Where the men record tells is there was eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

The carbon dioxide so obviously not a warming gas!  All the santis who ever a papers on manmade global warming or climate change, were lying intentionally.  Carbon dioxide from the temperate earth being limited to just two PPM by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.

The seaside to being better than plants on land, and sinking carbon dioxide.  Above the polar ice In winter, we have a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the local air.

Just as be experienced the lowest natural temperatures on earth.  Down to -80° C above the Antarctic ice cap.  Army the UK prime minister aware of this basic science, and he is trapped all interest in carbon!  Realizing it is limited to just two PPM by natural plant life.

The biggest pollutant in earth history years oxygen!  We ignore this fact as animals involved to breathe in the gas excreted by plants, and eat plant biomass.

As you drive a petrol or diesel car around the countryside, you are actually stimulating plant growth locally.  And they ensure the carbon dioxide never reaches the stratosphere.  Where our weather is made.

In the highly atmosphere there is just 2.5 parts per million/m³ carbon dioxide in the air.  Which actually means parts per billion!  The carbon dioxide ejected there by explosive volcanoes in prehistory.

Man carriers carbon emissions are metabolise five plant's at ground level within 5 minutes.  The carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, and does not naturally rise to the stratosphere!

So every physics or engineering student was fully aware, the carbon dioxide or stake in by plants to do photosynthesis.  Biology departments have legal them down to the present limit of just two PPM.

My old PH D supervisor has no conceded the climate change can have nothing to do with a static trace gas like carbon dioxide.  The very idea that carbon dioxide has any weather effect, this year's nuclear funded science fiction!

But there is a far better carbon zero Energy System.  Confirmed by my American friend 2020.  Which I have been blogging about ever since!  From being the defining science or any student from Sheffield University in last 20 years.  Previously Sheffield professors one noble prizes.

My friend had fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma and got out a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁸cc of regular water a year.  We will struggle to measure it in a lifetime!

The cheapest way to turn light heat into electricity, is to pass air over the plasma cylinder.  Where he is centre 800° C.  We pass it through a commercially sourced thermoelectric generator, and produce mains AC current.

The 65 kW of AC electricity for each plasma cylinder.  That is a power for eight houses on Christmas day.  Usually 30 houses.  And the national grid will happily pay us 180,000 UK pounds annually, for all our excess carbon zero power.

We free use a whiff of helium and oxygen.  Just like the deep sea currents do.  Where the turbulence in the seawater again does physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray

Plus the deep sea currents produce X rays and helium gas.  Of issues no chemical source!  Also are producing the free radical oxygen, which forms ozone.  Just like we get from plants doing photosynthesis.  Here TU is turbulence in the seawater.  As the cold water from the poles flows back to the equator, flushing the warm sea currents back towards the poles!

The falls limit the seabed temperature to 3° C.  The maximum density of water!  And water freezes it expands - which is why ice floats.  Since 1995 cause climate has been cooling.

The seascale N heat from direct sunlight four also molecular nuclear fusion.  The latter had to concentrate throughout history!  So a cooling means the seas have been cooling.

We can distribute the steam plasma cylinders along the north west passage.  My calculations indicate that a 1m x2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, should release a constant 8.6 MW of heat.  Which would also suggest that my friends non pressurise 309x1.5cm steam plasma would release 1 MW of heat.  Practically confirmed!

So we went down and the steam plasma is a long the north west passage pinch points, and the extra carbon zero heat melts the arctic ice, and quays so seaways open all year.

Which has a massive a effect on our sick trade routes!  They ships can easily travel around the globe all year we are no fear of ice.

So carbon dioxide is totally limited by nature.  Since 1880 he to the present limit of just two PPM.  Any rational scientist will agree static trace gases affects nothing.

So all the academics writing papers on manmade global warming or climate change, are being paid liers.  There was no chance of carbon dioxide having any effect on the weather!

Nature Carbon dioxide at the present at just two PPM.  Nuclear power day wait, to increase carbon dioxide, but within 5 minutes it was converted into additional plant biomass.

All over seniors nuclear power has ever done for life on earth, totally accidental!  Nuclear power is very adept at killing life on earth.

Since Chernobyl in 1986 nuclear power has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion, for each operating pressurised water reactor.

Today there are 422 operating uranium nuclear power plants.  Each one as planning consent conditional on there being available storage space for the used nuclear materials.  Since once girl stopped reprocessing nuclear waste, the world is running out all available storage for used nuclear fission rods.

So every nuclear power plant is operating outside their planning consent.  The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth instantly.

The worl can convert over to plasma power generation.  Which is really carbon zero as uranium nuclear power is mankind's fourth largest carbon source.

Is very much not carbon neutral!  Hyper toxic and under insured.  There is criminal industry that will ever exist.

Using their money to vent the minds of scientists and politicians.  But that money is a vanishing!  Sizewell B was built in the UK as an illegal extension to Sizewell A.

King Charles III has E mailed me personally, to say how opposed he is to nuclear power.  The most toxic and illegal industry ever.  That has the capability to extinct much more life on earth.

Plus Sizewell B illegally Dr. UK planning process.  Building or nuclear plant is an extension to an e.g. the UK made clear plant, is just so illegal!  Their money demolished Sizewill A in 1974, its planning consent was void!  The new nuclear plant never had planning.

No nuclear plant would ever get planning consent in the UK!  Nuclear power exploited Margaret Thatcher, to allow the plant!  Even though she did not have the legal authority to authorise a nuclear power plant.

And she is never as popular again as the UK public hate nuclear power.  Who are leaning on the new UK prime minister, who has become aware that plants eat carbon dioxide.

OK I told him!  As with every high school biology teacher on earth.  And are static trace gas affects nothing. 

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Inflation on the rise again

Inflation rising

It is a common problem affecting the whole of the world!

The rate of inflation is expected to tick back up after months of slowing, in what could be a pivotal reading as the Bank of England considers whether to hike interest rates to the highest level since 2008 or pause them for the first time in 15 meetings.

It is really an massive problems in Russia, where the course of sanctions are bankrupting the Russian State.  But the inflation rate is seeping out into the rest of the world!

Economics only has one answer.  Make money more expensive!  Increase interest rates.  But the world has just given world economy is the biggest injection of cheap money over.

The introduction of the chest full payment system!  I am about to go off for my morning coffee, not paid four the cash for three months!  I used to work in IT, and I am very worried about the security of this digital currency.

I have just been sent my job andpin for my new VISA card.  Which aAll keep different!  Just another string of four digits remember.

Will the UK bank of England work.  Not evolve banks around the world are adopting higher interest rates.  The rush own inflation rate is eye popping.

Inflation rate in August 2023: (month over month, MOM) 0.28%

Inflation rate in August 2022, YTD: 10.39%

Inflation rate in 2022: 11.92%

Last 12 months inflation rate: (year over year, YOY)   5.13%

Last 60 months inflation rate (5 years): 38.53%

The sanctions are having an effect, just very slowly!  An inflation rate of 38 per cent over five years, is staggering.  That is 7% a year.

World economy is are tuned to have an inflation rate of around two per cent.

Basic Info. UK Inflation Rate is at 6.80%, compared to 7.90% last month and 10.10% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 2.80%.  The rush own an inflation rate is over term percent.  If the official figures are to be believed!

This inflation numbers are comparable with the Weiner Republic in Germany in the 1930s.

Which led to the rise of the Nazis.  And Putin is very scared by the rise of paramilitary outfits, Allied to arrive in politics!

Shows the UK he be scared of inflation?  The whole world is.  The aged to the money is over!  Rasher has the least popular president since two as if Stalin.  And the worst inflation rate since inter war Germany.

Monday, 18 September 2023

doctors are struck off without argument


Any Dr. triking for financial reasons, automatically lose Dr. medical registration and, sand Health Insurance.

Here in the UK struck off doctors are automatically expelled for any tears are private medical premises.  They ceased get a medical wage and never entitled to a medical avepension.

And this applies retrospectively and to any Dr. Who has prescribed the defective and fatal cancer drugs since 2002.  Every Dr. having personally validated that high intensity ultrasound clears all cancers in 1 minute.  e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally clears all 200 types of human cancer.


£3.41 - 4.49/ Piece
  • 1Review

First of all types or cancer will ever developed!  Or forced to divide in a single cell fashion used five viruses.  Infective bacteria share the foreign inflated structure, to induce infected cell replication.

So ½ minute of HIUS each server person's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As it causes the foreign cell structure to boil and rupture.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell structure totally from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

Hence the Moffitt Paper 2002 instructed the world had to clear all cancers at home in 1 minute.  Using external application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.  My 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound he had he is as effective, and 1000 times less expensive!

On the road to Christmas and in the UK, pill can buying the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit over the Internet for under 10 UK pounds, and be ready to clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Without seeing a Dr. or getting drugs!  Basically everything cured.  Since 2002 medicine has learnt along, having lost 80% of its income.

Who was UK doctors have been induced to go on strike!  The greatest actor professional suicide in economic history.  Every Dr. Is struck off losing Dr. Registration and Health Insurance.

There prescriptions then invalid and illegal!  They can no longer work in the UK for the MHS of private medicine.  As they are so not doctors anymore!  Usually for 20 when years.

Alzheimer's cured 2013

Dementia cured 2013

The inflated viral structure causing cancers, is cured by 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound.  E.g.  1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  All Medical Centres own an 8 W three MHZ unit, Dr. validated to clear all cancers.

So void 2020 doctors family conceded there all cancers were cures.  80% of drug company and Dr. income vanished!  He is 2023 he the PR firms to drug company is ancer warm 0.6 million Americans had developed cancer in last year.

Not a problem!  1 minute of HIUS in the nursing office in any health centre in the world, and or nurses can clear all cancers that will ever exist.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

Dementia is also caused by an inflated viral altered cell type, in the brain area.  2013 I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side of the head of three patients who came into my church health group with our Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and MS.  I had done the schizophrenia the previous year.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager

And I freely published my work on the Internet!  81 minute total cure to all dementia.  But the PR firms TO the drug industry had decided that dementia was the economic replacement, as all 200 cancers would cured.  1/3 Duval world now would not had die in expensive, agonising cancer treatments.

The drug industry is were required 2002 to destroy all cancer drugs and cease manufacture.  They continued with the manufacture for 18 years!  Result in an needless deaths of 200 million cancer patients around the world.

Then the cancer hostels are shut down!  To reopen as mental health processes.  Yet I had published on the Internet 2013 the one session total cure to Alzheimer's.

A lie at the same hius donorsso it cleared all cancers.  So the health centre practice nurse can clear all dementia - there no Dr. or drugs involvement.

It talk until February 2023, the doctors' can C the Alzheimer's had a warming cured!  Registered doctors are not permitted to research cured diseases.  It is not possible to study extinct diseases!

No academic medic sure there so every session Alzheimer's since 2013.  And no registered Dr. Prescribed mental health medication for the conditions sense us same year!  Or both struck off and for ever remove from legal medicine.

2012 ½ minute of HIUS to the top left of the chest was medically proven to clear coronary heart disease.  Also are totally curing all heart a river near.  So the cure to Atrial fibulation have been in the public domain for Xi years!

When the PR firms to the drug industry is heat up of a class about AF.  Already cured, and outside legal medical drug investigation for Xi years.

2019 the Cpvid to of a big fuss about seasonal flu - causing him and death since 1934.  Though medicine realized that a vaccination to a flu, medical name Covid, was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.

So a vaccination to Covid always illegal medicine!  In the pay of the Corona virus was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  This ballet is over to the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The standard viral and bacterial cure, that even cured AIDs were Mr. A personal friend in New York, 2012.  All infections sharing the same foreign inflated cell type which cancers.  HIUS causing inflated cells to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The local immune system then secrete in actioned the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body.  A 1 minute total cure to all cancers are will ever exist!

Curing all infective disease also in 1 minute.  Stopping it dementia forming!  Which explains why all the mental health hospitals have shut down again two years ago.

So mental health disease obviously not a big global killer the drug company is wanted!  This year we're on Covid22, automatically cleared by the standards ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.  No Dr. or drugs involvement even legal!

So the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all mental health problems, including our Alzheimer's.

External application 20 times of HIUS externally to a head injury and off after the accident, or the area of a stroke are also are a month after the incident, will fix the human brain.

Without a Dr. or drugs involvement!  Doctors part on legal record February 2023, aAll diabetes had vanished from the world.  ½ minute of HIUS bottom right of the chest over the pancreas.  Cleared type two diabetes.

Type one requires the full minute.  Hence people are curing their own diabetes totally at home.  Which does not stop the cancer and diabetic charities are still advertising for charitable donations for biochemical research work which is medically prohibited.

Our Alzheimer's totally cures 2013.  Without any drugs! 

Friday, 15 September 2023

Best alcohol free beer

Heating clear to drive of the alcohol, infringes on the flavor!  As it damages the organic compounds in the beer that give its flavour.

The way he to retain the flavor but remove the alcohol, is to reduce the pressure!  We put the beer in a large vat, and reduce the pressure!

We obviously wants a source of free carbon zero electricity.  I have written extensively about this before.  A 30x1.5cm steam plasma freeze a constant 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

If we pass air across the plasma cylinder, and through a thermoelectric generator we get out a carbon 0 65 kilowatts of electricity.  We rectify into mains AC current!

So can drive a little vacuum pumps, water boils at one metre of vacuum pressure.  The have are or coal boils and 88 centimetres of vacuum pressure.  So really we only need to have it are 0.12 atmospheres!  This is not a lot!

Where we condense the alcohol it forms the purest Vodka on the planet.  And you are left with our core free bear.  It is totally owl cool zero!  A banana contains 0.5% alcohol.  Products below this trace alcohol level, are zero alcohol rated.

So you can take any fear, and produce an apple free version!  No pasteurization flavour imairment amount involved.

And remember we have a plasma power unit-free electricity!  Ambrose are high power users.  They can have a little plasma power plant in a back room, the to totally carbon zero!

Iceberg beer tragically has an impaired flavour.  Now we can process any craft beer to produce an alcohol free versions, for the designated driver!

We need to dispense it in designated zero alcohol glasses.  As it will be taste identical with regular beer.

The Dragon's Den investors, should really link up with brewing companies to utilise this important idea.

Irrigate Death Valley

Wet the world

I have been to the driest place in California and the heat is punishing!  But there is an answer.  Which I have been blogging about for three years!

We cheat here, and take water from the Amargosa River .  We use a little solar powered vacuum pumps, which during the day provides learners are free electricity!  With no maintenance of fossil fuel burn.

30 Sept 2022 — A cover of a newspaper featuring an image of salt flats. Death Valley National Park Visitor Guide available for download. Death Valley Visito

Then we used an of high school physics.  We apply just 1m of vacuum to the river water.  And he bought away into fuel water vapour!  We lose all contaminants and heavy metals.  We pump the water vapour 10 metres into the valley, an explicit two metres above the ground!

As we release a vacuum the water condenses into a cold mist.  And forms water droplets, which raining down on the dry desert floor.

And we can repeatedly do me as all the river course.  The water will condense and fakk to the ground, and lower back into the river.  Ready for us to suck he's had again!

It will stimulate plant growth!  Which will sucking carbon dioxide, and form carbohydrates - plant biomass.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+L→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+Lb+X-ray)

Thus plants eat carbon dioxide, falling carbohydrates and doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Thus green plants' form helium and give out visible light blue light and X rays.  Quite how obvious to is nature and need to be!

Photosynthesis is nuclear fusion.

So we irrigate and call on the driest places in California.  And life will take it from there!  Weather is water and light, fans grow like crazy!

And we do not use dangerous higher pressure desalination.  We use a little vacuum pump to suck water vapour out of the river water.

Which cleans it up.  So we massively increase life on earth.  Professor Z use an American.  So you might expect him to polish HIUS on May Sheffield university where page.

I have just published it on the blogger!  What a huge difference high school physics can make!

Physics: "O" Level Passbook (Key Facts) - Key Facts